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Everything posted by SavageNymph

  1. I don't particularly like Clans.. I couldn't say why but anyway ~ I don't think clan's would be a good idea, it could make problems between groups etc etc o-o -- I've seen it happen on a forum I used to use, they brought in guilds and it was their downfall, I left. owo so no, i don't think so
  2. Yeah, I liked the whole "informative" part .. Learning about Roxas's/the Organisations past and more about nobodies it's just that it was too long and i didn't like the storyline with Xion at all or how you had to go through all these Days to get to the end. I like it better e.g with KH2 how it isn't Day1, Day72 etc it's all .. one day? Minus Roxas's part. /shot
  3. .. New Divide owo i love the song but don't know how it's gunna end up o-o it'll be fail but oh well -- Good Luck Cricket <33 ;D
  4. But yknow what story's BETTER? BSS <3 @Cella -- I haven't played it but pfft mission mode can't be better than BBS owo
  5. What if I shoot YOU Larxene and grab the key?
  6. D'ya think Aqua will get her ass outta the Realm of Darkness and be in KH3? she could like .. be Sora's master ILAQUA <3
  7. Yeah - but most people just don't have prizes, it's all about the fun of making the videos. 8D are you gonna make one? 8D
  8. i sppose ill join then. owo IFEMMEEPANCAKEIS. /lol i said pancake 8D OMG LOLOLOLOL o-o waitwait if Emmee Pancake is ? IMMA PANNYYCAKE? does that mean i can EAT MYSELF *bites arm* YUCK BLOOD SYRUP. /shot 8D
  9. SMALL amount of talent? o-o well; if you have a SMALL amount of talent then i would be a rodent trying to operate Photoshop and failing miserably x__x ~ what i'm TRYING to say here is in my world i'd call that a BIG amount of talent and me with a SMALL amount of talent. i really like it ;D not too sure about the dude buuutt editing skills Fo Sho o-o and it's DChiuch -- how do i know? IMMA STALKER THATS HOW. ;3 ~actually im not i'm just the next Albert Einstein.
  10. Okay, I'll enter .. Cross out the maybe and lets get this baby started WHOO! that happens in alot of things exactly, and their all very very similar TOURNAMENTs and contests are diffent I Don't think i can do it..i read the rules and I Don't have a youtube,nor can I Get one....so, I'm Sorry. looked fun thought. double-you. tee. eff. D8 why can't you get a youtube? go on Youtube, click sign up and KABOOM.
  11. Uhh something with the screen. o-o
  12. Sora, I HAVE Re: CoM for PS2 .. && I don't live in America so WTF o-o My plan is to go for PSP 2000 but next question ~ is a PSP2000 TOO old? and how can i chip it? ;D
  13. UPDATE: Officially been to the doctors who are so meanily making me go to .. HOSPITAL D; hoshit. Will be out in like .. tomorrow they wanna do ..TESTS hopefully not TESTES as i have none to spare o-o *takes cookie* Im sorry you'll be alone in the closet tonight Jenay baby x__x D; NUUU. ---P.S. LUHV THE NEW ICON AND SIG ~ you still haven't fufilled my needs of shooting a particular someone;; have you? LMFAO Back soon~
  14. Righto .. uhh put me down as MAYBE ~
  15. WHY ME. Always making them ~ I think 2010 is a bad year for me D; Anyway, Im sick .. like not normal *cough cough* sick but like -- hospital weirdo random sick SO what I'm saying is .. If Im not around *as I havent been for the last couple of days* Then everyone should know where I am .. that's either in bed sleeping, having some disgusting icky medicine OR in hospital dying *exaggerating on the dying there DONT WORRY FOLKS* o-o THE END~
  16. Yeah Im a little concerned about the prices D;
  17. LOL. I'm not saying it wasn't a good game just not as good as the others.
  18. WELL *spoiler* if you looked here -- at 3:30 i think, you would see WHO it is. I won't say here in case I get bombarded with OMG YOU SHOULD PUT A SPOILER THING so I won't. Okay ... I WILL it's ...
  19. I think it DOES look like a Future Riku but also a younger Xehanort in his ... MULLET DAYS! when he was like 18, maybe he grew up in DI ?
  20. There probably IS info out .. on Japanese websites and people can't be bothered translating or whatever i mean .. it got released TODAY! <3
  21. Mostly Aqua for me, then Ven. We all know Terra's fate yknow? Ven - well, he resembles Roxas and everything so i want it to be cleared up and for me to stop being all WTF. And Aqua ... As you said, we don't know much about her and she's soo unlike Kairi and Namine and Xion she has a strong and wise personality. But most of all I wanna see Lea's *childhood* ! <3
  22. I really doubt it'll come out in my country *stinking New Zealand where Re:CoM isn't even here* but yeah, I would.
  23. I think it's been decided then ... PSP ;D
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