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About TheTrueAxel

  • Birthday 08/15/1991

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  • Member Title
    The Lost Soul
  • Gender
  1. "I'm sorry Light, I didn't know it was a bad time. You would like me to disable cameras in the classroom? Got it, I'll do what I can. If there are cameras in the classroom, there must be more around, and that also means they would be transmitting the video to somewhere close-by." *Takes a moment to think* "The cameras are probably either powered by the schools electricity, or their own batteries. What would be your guess? And I've always have been keeping up to date on any new criminals."
  2. "Now why would I wanna stop playing with fire? It's such a beautiful thing, when under control that is, heh. I know how to control it very well, so there is nothing to fear Kairi or Xion." *Smiles* "Well, hello Sora! Nice to see you. What have you been doing lately? Oh, and Zexion too! What a surprise! You off all people, skipping class!"
  3. *Knowing that there is no way that he could get out of his current mission, he gives up trying to get a new one* "Alright, I'll take the stinking mission. It's so DULL!!!" *Summons a portal and walks through. The portal opens up to The 100 Acre Woods. Xatus looks around.* "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! THIS MISSION SUCKS!!!" *Groans. Xatus decides to go look for Pooh*
  4. *Notices he's being followed as well and whispers* "Crap." *Neku knows this area fairly well, and decides to travel around the neighborhood until he is no longer being followed. Pulls out a walkie talkie* "I'm no longer being followed. What did you want to speak about?"
  5. I found that picture a long time ago. I loved it since. Good quote for it too!!!
  6. WOOT!!! *Smiles but then accidentally throws one wrong and it goes toward Riku* "OH NO!!!"
  7. "THAT'S RIGHT!!! Just levitate away!!! GRR!!! I hate that guy."
  8. *Still grabbing his nose* "Well, if you paid attention, you would have noticed this is the only one I have!!! Xion threw it at me!!! Man!!! You know what tho. I'm gonna be the bigger man and not fight. I'm just gonna let that one slide. THAT STILL STINGS!!! OUCH!!!"
  9. *Gets hit in the face* "OUCH!!!" *Grabs his nose* "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?!?!"
  10. "Hey, Riku! Do you like fire???" *Smiles* "Cause I do!!!" *Starts to juggle torches*
  11. Ouch!!! My ears!!! And yes, what everyone else has already said. Lol. I would love to own this game!!!
  12. "Nothing much." *Still munching on the ice cream* "How bout you Xiggy?"
  13. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the Death Note series!!! And I truely believe this will be an AWESOME RP!!! Name: Neku Nakamura Fake Name: Ikki Takahashi Age: 18 Sex: M Faction: LIGHT FTW!!! Appearence: Black pants, long black dress-like shirt that has the top two buttons unbuttoned, black shoes, long red hair, dark brown eyes, glasses, a very intelligent aura surrounding him, and a silver watch on his right wrist. Bio: Ever since he was young, no one ever saw him for himself, only his intelligence. He was always the head of the class, was always asked to help with homework and studying for tests. He never had any real friends, all of them used him, but because of his personality, he could never say no to them. He always hated the fact that he can't say no to anyone that asks him for help. He hates people who use others for there advantage. When he heard about Kira, he saw his way of getting back at everyone that has ever used him. He has done everything in his power to find and help Kira with his cause, so that way, he might just get his desires to come true. *Waits with Darius and asks* "What do you think he wanted to talk to us about?"
  14. *Axel notices Xion throw the ice cream, so he just manages to catch it before it hits him.* "Thanks Xion!" *Licks the ice cream* "Gotta love sea-salt ice cream!"
  15. *Axel walks out of the bathroom, still skipping class, this time it's Pre-Calculus. He notices Riku and Kairi* "Hey, you two skipping to, cool." *Pulls out a Zippo lighter and starts playing with it.* "Do either one of you like fire?" *Axel stares at the fire with a look of passion* "I LOVE fire." *Smiles*
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