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  1. not to mention they frequently attacked him with dusks to get roxas back
  2. twilight town is real the twilight town you start in is fake DiZ made a replica of twilight town and put roxas in there until he would merge with sora
  3. no one trained sora or riku...
  4. Aren't they in kingdom hearts final mix? i read somewhere they were.
  5. i would say start days until they leave for CO then do CoM then finish days
  6. Please don't kill KH with these crazy worlds...
  7. no..... Nobodies fade from existence when they are defeated they were never supposed to be in the first place. and when a heartless is defeated it goes to kingdom hearts...
  8. omg..... i wouldn't like kh if it was any of what you just said.
  9. CoM wasn't a filler too much story days made more questions then it did answer them none of the kh games are really fillers theyve all tied into the main storyline
  10. if square made a park they would have probably all their games in it, but if disney did it would just be part of disney world
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