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Everything posted by Kishira

  1. As long as you lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love me~♪ /shot

  2. Holy fudgecicles, I thought I'd never see this pic again! http://rikudera.tumblr.com/post/20638100306/oh-hey-i-found-some-terra-riku ...oh, the TeRiku feels. ;w; <3

  3. But he's shuch a cutie with the tan! Not to mention it made sense, what with being on a friggin island with the sun blaering down on you. > A
  4. That would be creepy if her armor made the same sound as Terra's.... Imagine being left alone in a room with of those. x___x
  5. Holy shoes, we went from trios; to figuring out identities.
  6. Project Diva Extend.....I want to play ƒ. x__x
  7. *raises hand* I'm currently on hold though, so I might not be any help.
  8. A character doesn't have to 1 hit K.O or tear things down with one swing to be a badass. That would be like me saying Riku was the best character in the series because he's hot. xDD
  9. Making me choose between Riku and Terra? Tsk tsk. ¬ω¬ But I gotta go with Riku. He just oozes awesome badass-ness. Don't mess with the Keyblade Master. òωó
  10. Lolhegotlighter. I like it better in the HD version, there's so much more detail. OwO
  11. Hell yeah I wanna see that sexy beast back. cB
  12. Region lock is the devil. /lolmovierefrence
  13. If there are scenes from Days that are gonna be re-done therefore gonna need voices...then that means....HAYDEN! OhgodIhopeso. *¬* /crossesfingers

    1. Kirux


      I loved her as Namine, I didn't know she's switched over to doing Kairi now, too. IDK how to feel about that TBH.


      Great singer yes, but his songs were so...90's teen pop.

    2. Kishira


      Lolwut? Hayden never was Naminé. She's been Kairi's voice actress since the 1st KH. She was supposed to also voice Xion back in Days, but was busy with other things.

    3. Kirux


      Sorry, I'm a crazy person.

    4. Show next comments  162 more
  14. Thank you PS3, for having YouTube, therefore giving me the chance to watch this trailer on my tv. And boy do those scenes look good on the big screen. *¬*
  15. Oh yeah. I am so ready. cB
  16. I knew you were gonna mention the boobs. > ω > ;
  17. Ohoho, I draw Riku too much; so I went out of my comfort zone. Aka, females. It didn't fail too much this time. ;w;
  18. Doodled this on Colors! 3D because I can't friggin use SAI. CURSE BEING CONFINED TO A 3DS! ;w; http://i45.tinypic.com/16kbyxc.jpg Holy shit, I reached 3,000 posts....o0?!
  19. owO What in the world have I been doing to give you that idea? xDDD
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