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Everything posted by Kishira

  1. That's a very interesting thought. I'd feel sooooo bad for him. x'D
  2. The Golden Girls!!! That show is hillarious. xDD
  3. Omggggg, this show just keeps getting better. =A= *Spoiler warning for lame-o's on the west coast. I love Artemis' new outfit, it's sexy! 8D Besides that..for a moment there, I thought their plan was getting out of hand once they captured Blue Beattle, Impulse, and BastBoy. Like...wat? @w@ And I know Kaldur and Nightwing where acting...but damn, Nightwing sure knows how to take punches to the gut like a champ. Ouch. @x@ So like...was that peek of Mount Justice in Impulse's future the result of when Kaldur 'sploded it? And since Impulse didn't know about the plan even then....I'm going to assume Kaldur, Artemis, Nightwing, and KF's plan was never revealed to anyone....ever. O-O And what's an episode without a new dose of doubt? Thanks Wally, for making Nightwing now doubt if Kaldur really is still on their side. YOU JERK. I dunno, I still have faith Kaldur is following their plan, he's to loyal to his friends to really turn against them. ;A; Oh yeah, random kudos to the voice actors. They're so good.
  4. Shit, things are gettin' intense. Damnit KF, why must you add doubt?! D8

  5. Either or. I'm fine with all of them tbh.
  6. SasukexTamari are canon.

    1. Rob


      SasukexEmo are canon.

  7. I saw the Cinderella movie bundled with a special jewelry box, and another bundled with a cute notepad/stationary at Costco today.....I want them both. ;w;

  8. I've thought about joining back when I was in high school; now, I don't really think I'm good enough TO join but...if I had to, I'd do it if it meant protecting my country.
  9. My precious Naminé would NEVER allow herself to be Nortified! She's way too devoted to Sora to let that happen. =ω=
  10. Kinda tastes like a mix of...Cocoa Pebbles and dark chocolate...@w@

  11. http://kh13.com/forum/topic/39656-after-visiting-all-kh3d-worlds-which-world-did-you-like-the-most/page_st_40_hl_+favorite%20+world%20+in%20+kh3d
  12. -looks over at PS3 sitting pretty near the tv- I knew you were going to pay off. cB
  13. Hell no, Terra's stick is longer, thicker, and better crafted for...fighting. cB Roxas's stick < Terra's stick all teh way.
  14. That's some high quality wood right there...and so sturdy. cB
  15. I'd rather appreciate Terra's wooden Keyblade. DAT WOOD. /shot
  16. I loved Haley's preformance in all of the games. He makes Sora sound so cute in KH! And while I admit, it felt VERY weird playing through Re:CoM and having KH2 Sora voice come outta KH Sora's mouth...I don't mind which goes where. It's still him.
  17. So...smooth! 030 Oh pleasepleaseplease don't make this download only, Square! x'D
  18. This is the only game in the entire series where I just did. Not. Give. A. ****. About the main character/trio. Which annoys me to an extent, because I was ok with Roxas after playing 2, I liked Axel after playing 2 and Re:/CoM....but in Days, they annoyed me. -moresoRoxasthanAxel- The only time I gave a damn when a scene would play would be when it involved Saïx & Axel, and Sora, DiZ, Riku, and Naminé. You know it's bad when I felt more sorry for Saïx and Axel's broken friendship than I did with ARX. What was the point for me to feel sad about Xion's death when Sora's gonna free her from her pain later anyway? Repliku doesn't get that fanservicey treatment; and I cared and shit-ton more when he died! Bleh, I felt like I was force-fed a sob story where it felt like the game almost demands I feel sorry for this puppet and the 2 friends she pushes away for being friggin difficult, which pisses me off the most when I really think about it... And the gameplay was not that fun at all, maybe here and there...but overall, no. I took an almost 2 week break from that game. Wtf. I was just overall emotionally disconnected from this game, and I'm kinda hoping the cutscenes from HD ReMix does something to change my mind.
  19. Sora is such an upbeat sweetheart, I love that little dork.
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