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Everything posted by Kishira

  1. That's some edumacation you got under your belt. owo
  2. Interesting singing voice ya got there Norty. .w.
  3. This is a random thread, sarcasm is going to happen.
  4. Happy birthday, guy who created my favorite series ever!! QoQ
  5. now that I'm at it, here are both of my DDD Nintendo codes. 9QN-W7UU-SQCV-LQ3 & MVZ-WQGV-67KZ-Q3X

  6. VS5-WYKX-VZQR-B8C <- Black 2 Club Nintendo code....go nuts.

  7. So...many...Pokénerds at GameStop. xAx

    1. venxas24


      why? is b and w 2 coming out soon?

    2. Kishira


      -stares at copy of Black2 in front of me- .....Yes.

    3. venxas24
  8. http://forum/topic/13465-creepypasta-thread/
  9. You realize your smexiness is only because of Terra, yes? òwó
  10. Uh huh, that's nice. xD

  11. -wonders how that's messed up.- .......
  12. What if our dreams are real life and our real lives are the dreams? =w=
  13. This thread has morphed more into a type of 'confessions/vent your thoughts here' thread. owo
  14. You forgot that you can't pet, feed, or play with Riku.
  15. Lolol, I made Sora a meanie face. http://i46.tinypic.com/2n9eli.jpg

    1. hatok


      The game is already one of the best selling KHs, so that's impressive :P


    2. Oishii


      That would be a popular DLC xD

    3. Kishira


      I'd dowload it ASAP. xD

    4. Show next comments  147 more
  16. Shadowbreaker is and atrack that combines light and darkness, so....how come Sora can use it? I so surprised when I first watched Sora use a dark attack. owO

    1. hatok


      Riku has never been unable to use light...


    2. hatok


      Road to Dawn, remember?


    3. Roxas_Wagner
    4. Show next comments  147 more
  17. I think Riku would win if they went 1 on 1, he's got the whole darkness/light combo working for him.
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