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Everything posted by Kishira

  1. Just DDD; I'll leave the replaying of KH, Re:CoM, KHII, etc for when the ReMIX's release. ;D
  2. Snap, I'm exactly what I thought I was.
  3. I'd be livid. cB And be really tempted to have that game be, 'the one I never played.', but then later realize I should stop kidding myself...grit my teeth and buy a Wii U. :c
  4. http://kh13.com/forum/topic/14578-blind-fold/page_hl_+riku&
  5. Ermagawd Donald, I keep you in my party to heal me in my time of need! Why do you make me wait, and heal me AFTER I give up waiting?! òдó
  6. I've been daydreaming of the Riku Static Arts figure again.....why must it continue to escape my grasp? ;w;

  7. Continent- NA, Country- USA, State- GA, County- Gwinnett, Address- Classified
  8. But he's a bazillion times better than any prince! And he really seemed to like her. It was cute. cB
  9. Anybody else watch Breaking Amish? That show's all over the place. @w@

    1. Robbie the Wise

      Robbie the Wise

      What's it about?


    2. Kishira


      These 4...well 3 amish (1 menonite) leave their colony to see what life is like in NYC. owo

    3. Robbie the Wise

      Robbie the Wise

      Oh I know what you're talking about.

  10. such a dull day. =u=

  11. I just finished watching that! Good god did I get nervous as he was ready to jump off. I haaate heights, and seeing that freaked me out! But good job to him for making it.
  12. Awwww, I read this question SO wrong! I thought you asked if I verbally abuse the characters I play as. But alas, I'm not an online player. OTL
  13. That's exactly what I was thinking! Sora giving Lea thank you sex would be the perfect way for them to be even. = ω =
  14. I'm still pretty much the same about everyone, I can't wait for Sora to FINALLY give Naminé her thank you. And this may come off as heartless (hah) but, honestly, I was bumbed when Xemnas revealed everything could grow a heart and that the Nobodies had hearts all along. Like, really? Really?? Booo, get that outta here.
  15. My goodness, they're asking why people dislike/hate/don't care for Xion. Not, 'post why she iz teh best evar'. There's a Xion fanclub for a reason. :U
  16. It's 10:34....so where the fuk is my weekly dose of Young Justice!? D':<

    1. GN_Otaku


      Thats why i hate CN sometime


    2. Robbie the Wise

      Robbie the Wise


    3. Kishira


      DAMN STRAIGHT. D8<<<

    4. Show next comments  135 more
  17. I slept with my bra on...opps. =A=

  18. What catagory would Colors! 3D fall under? owO
  19. Riku ended up up with a smexier Keyblade anyway, so not a bad trade-off. cX
  20. ...I miss Cinimatech. ;w;

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