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Everything posted by Kishira

  1. I've been thinking of wearing the black vest that Riku has underneath his yellow and white one on a hot summer day....but I keep forgetting to. xDD
  2. Srupid dream interpretation sites, YOU'RE USELESS! ^(òдó)^

    1. Col.Random


      there's a dream interpretation site? =O

    2. Kishira


      Useless ones. Google 'dream interpretations'. xD

    3. Col.Random


      too bad. it'd be fun to understand the senselessness of my dreams xD

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  3. Alright guys, what's a 9 letter word for, "You hear these in the hallways of a haunted house at night."? *I'm doin' a Halloween crossword puzzle*

  4. Welp, no trick-or-treaters stopped by. I guess I'll just...help myself to 1 or 2 pieces of chocolate. cB

    1. OathkeeperRoxas


      abandoned parts of the neighborhood are nice ^-^ you gey like their candy... also sad since no trick or treats there and its lonely.... (and all the cool houses are there too......) /rambling

  5. Now I'm starting to wonder...if Marluxia had stayed a female...would she have had bigger boobs than Larxene?..... I think so. owO
  6. Damnit mom, why'd you buy cand--MOUNDS! *¬*

    1. HarLea Quinn

      HarLea Quinn

      mounds are awesome ...i loveeeee dark choc.

    2. OkashiraKenrex


      i luv sweets,candy!!!!!like lolipops,tooties,sourpatches.

    3. Kishira


      dark choco's yuuuuuuum, as so are soooouuuurrrrrrr candyyyyyyyy. xD

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  7. Mmm...nope, I guess I'm not Canadian. That solves that mystery. ouo
  8. Lol, Organisation.... I'll never get used to that.
  9. We forgot to buy candy for the trick-or-treaters...OPPS. cB

    1. Kishira


      D'aaaw, Lea's a sempai. cB

    2. HarLea Quinn
    3. OkashiraKenrex


      yup,my senpai.......other try to take away,i'll hurt tem=3u can be my sensai?

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  10. He would've been an awesome final boss if Nomura had kept him female. But he's still my favorite Org.XIII member so, either way he woulda been cool. σωσ
  11. Que dafuq did you just say... σwσ??
  12. http://kh13.com/forum/topic/43549-disney-buys-lucasarts-episode-vii-incoming/
  13. *looks over at Riku cosplay* ...... σ_σ

    1. Kirux


      pleeeeeeeeeeeease <3 <3 me love you long tiem

    2. Kishira


      BUT THE COLD! D''''8

    3. Kirux


      I'll make sure you get warmed up again >=3

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  14. Sparkly dust and sheets of paper. cB
  15. I loved that show!! Oh, my teen years...
  16. ZACK! He'd be like...the perfect boyfriend yo. /shot But in all srzness, Zack > Cloud.
  17. Yeah SE characters aren't as showcased as Disney's, but I still enjoy seeing what little they DO put in. /coughZACKcoughcough
  18. It just NOW dawned on me that tomorrow is Halloween....../facepalm

    1. Pyrrha Nikos
    2. OkashiraKenrex


      .....What?i never actually know when halloween accurs,i just guessed when i saw kids in costumes it meant candy and i thought u where trying to use sho minamimoto from THE WORLD ENDS WITH YOU video game

    3. Kishira


      Um...no? xDD

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  19. Must...stop...biting...chapped...lips.... eдo

    1. HarLea Quinn

      HarLea Quinn

      hands kishi fruit flavored chapstick

    2. Kishira


      I already put some on. I BEAT U 2 IT. But thanks though. :3

    3. HarLea Quinn
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