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Everything posted by Kishira

  1. So I tried watching High School of The Dead...so many panty/boob shots. x_x

  2. I had some quiet time this morning which is over./sob, so I doodled Jack real quick. Under spoilers because reasons. x3 Y'know, both he and Roxas/Ven have that side swooshie hair thing going on...but I enjoy doodling Jack's hair more....'prolly cuz it's messy, and messy shitz always more fun. σωσ lololololol
  3. Aw, I like them both! .....But I'd have to go with mah boi, Dante. σωσ
  4. The best thing to do to improve is to start with real life. Look at images of human anatomy and practice drawing what you see, once you've gotten the hang of drawing people you can start playing around with style.
  5. http://kh13.com/forum/topic/40507-the-thirteen-spoilers/?hl=%2Bthirteen+%2Bdarkness
  6. I forgot today marked my 3rd year on this site. Thanks for the reminder Keys! :D

  7. Who hates Richard?! LEMMIE AT UM! ^(ÒДÓ)^
  8. Been reading too many BlackIce fanfics lately...that can't be good. T///T;;;

  9. http://kh13.com/forum/topic/45400-what-will-be-next/?hl=saga
  10. http://kh13.com/forum/topic/42808-the-return-of-vanitas/?hl=%2Bvanitas+%2Breturn
  11. Tragic deaths? Hardly. But I do miss Marluxia, Luxord, and Larxene. x3
  12. I got a scratch lottery ticket. And lost. σωσ
  13. http://kh13.com/forum/topic/367-favorite-world/
  14. Disney characters sound better in Japanese? /mind. blown.
  15. I bust out laughing as soon as Xion opened her mouth, it might've been the lines she said + that high pitched voice but...I found it funny. xDD Everything else was golden, I am so ready for an international release. σωσ
  16. I wouldn't bring her back, it'd be a waste of a sparkly shiny bawl-inducing death. σωσ
  17. Kaito sounds so different in english...but his engrish is cute. :3

  18. I wonder if North will break into my house and leave me presents. <33

    1. Blake


      jack will leave something else ;3

    2. Kishira


      Himself tied in a bow? Yes please. σωσ

  19. My childhood was just shot in the face. e.o
  20. Sorry guys, but I find this a little too random. @ω@;
  21. I'm cold.......*makes coffee*

    1. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      pssssssst hey im cold too...

    2. Roxie


      My house is so chilly in the winter. And sometimes in the summer. So I curl up in my Kingdom Hearts blanket.

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