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Everything posted by Kishira

  1. I have never, in my 22 years of life heard it pronounced as the latter 2. >w>
  2. Anybody else watch The Voice last night? That shit was hillarious. xD

  3. If they do close, then what would have been the point of racking up all those GameStop points?! I have yet to use a single one! Dx
  4. I keep seeing Misha....

  5. Remember, threads about specific members are not allowed.
  6. I was like, 10 when the movie hit theaters. I've become a f***ing softie with sad/emotional movies now that I'm older.
  7. HEY, Marley & Me was sad ok? D': I didn't shed a single tear when I went to watch the Pokémon movie in theaters. >
  8. Is something going on with Tumblr? I CAN'T GO IN. ;w;

    1. Weiss


      I thought it was just me. this is terrible

    2. Kishira



    3. KingdomHeartsFTW


      Tumblr is always having probelems. -.-

  9. ......This looks like what I would find at conventions. Not impressed Square. σ_σ
  10. They go in on under their own user. There ain't no way they're going on mine, they do not need to see what's on my search history. Huhuhu~~
  11. ...I'm missing something here....

  12. Seeing more and more names I don't recognize....dafuq.

    1. Kishira


      Hellz nah. :D

    2. Mystics Apprentice

      Mystics Apprentice

      That's good. Because I'm too used to your username you have now, haha! (Not to mention I like it. :))

    3. Cyber Shaman

      Cyber Shaman

      Still I wonder what she would change it to...probably KairiSora xD

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  13. http://kh13.com/forum/topic/50580-final-fantasy-xx-2-hd-remaster-website-launched/
  14. As an Atlanta girl, I gotta go with Coke.
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