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Everything posted by Kishira

  1. Oh shit, I still remembered my password after all this time.

  2. My god.. 8 years already?! Ah man, that older page with Aqua really brings back memories. Happy 8th anniversary, KH13! ♡
  3. The XBox One controller is already so comfy though. Hmm~

  4. This is pretty much how I've always seen it. I mean, we have Sora, Riku, Kairi, Terra, Aqua, Ventus, Mickey..... there's our 7. I assume until Terra is rescued and takes his rightful place as a Warrior of Light, Lea will fill in that spot momentarily. But hey, who knows?
  5. December 28, 2009. Shit, 6 year anniversary just passed...
  6. Oh my, this is the most we've *outside of Japan* ever gotten out of SE when it comes to Kingdom Hearts. Nice going SENA/EU, ya done good.
  7. I think it's a terrible idea, there would be no reason to shoehorn Miku into a Kingdom Hearts game. Yeah she's super popular in Japan...but that's it. The rest of the world barely knows who she is.
  8. *whistles* That's awesome! OwO
  9. I personally prefer Richard; Billy sounded too monotone for my eardrums. =w=
  10. Anyone from the Sob Trio *Roxas/Xion/Axel*, Saïx, Xehanort *both*, and Vexen. =w=
  11. Really excited to hear about Supernatural, Arrow, and The Flash. uwu
  12. I don't understand what the outrage is about. I seriously doubt they'd add a pin with the game and slap on a 'Limited Edition' label on it. I think there was a typo somewhere and that's why they removed it and put it back up as a 'pre-order bonus'. I see no need to sharpen pitchforks here people...
  13. So is it a box within a box within a box? I like it, it looks very pretty! Though I will say, the Sora figure looks kinda weird to me. o3o;
  14. I just hope it won't include 1.5; SENA was smart enough not to include RE:Coded and Days in the MoM edition of 3D, hopefully they do it again for 2.5. uwu
  15. Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  16. *cheers on Germany*

  17. Omg, can we stop calling this an anime? Hoping and wishing for it to /be/ an anime won't automatically make it better than if it was a cartoon. *side-eyes the DmC and FFVII anime*. Back to the topic; I never was and still am not gung-ho about the idea of an animated series for KH, but just knowing this guy wanted to make it faithful to the series and keep the KH atmosphere made me feel a little better.
  18. I've only seen it once when Misha was on it this Monday. ; I did find it amusing. uwu
  19. Of COURSE the only time my brother gives a shit about the World Cup is when Japan's involved. :P

  20. Hmmm...I think I'll get both XBox one and PS4...

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