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Everything posted by KeyOfVentus

  1. Noah stared at the hole in the floors, it definately spanned at least two or three floors, all the white made it difficult to see the true damage. Ohxan looked to him, "Well? That's our power, destruction! Isn't it great?" "You call that great? How many enemies do you think are here? And how many of them do you think you've just attracted? This isn't great! This is gonna get us killed!" Ohxan shrugged, "Eh, maybe, but what a great story it'll be!" Noah rushed toward him and stabbed the Nobody in the chest, "You weren't even supposed to exist." he said under his breath. Ohxan faded, and Noah was alone.
  2. Matt stared at the x-magic as well, the power from it, the only way he could describe it was increadible. He regained his thoughts, "Um...thank you, Sir, is it...like...safe to hold? or should we put it somewhere?" Matt could feel Izzy and Hammy staring at the orb, he elbowed the two lightly as to say, 'Stop it, you're wierd.' and the two backed up a bit.
  3. I'm not getting my licence because my mother stole my permit from me, somehow got the idea that by test was two days later than it had been scheduled for, then made me miss my test. Now, the only open date is December 2nd...F*** my life, I need to get out of this place! and lol
  4. Duck, swing, look at a card, do it again. Noah fell into a rut, quickly. He couldn't tell how long he'd been fighting his Nobody, but he was almost out of steam. Suddenly, Ohxan stabbed the ground next to Noah, and unleashed a massive fireball, which destroyed the floor, multiple floors.
  5. (sorry, my mom got home late last night, but it's the weekend tomorrow, so I'll be on alot. I'm not sure how much she has to work today though. she's the only one with a computer, that's why it's important)
  6. (Gonna knock out for the night, I'm good with keeping up after a while, so keep going if you want to, but it's cool if you don't. I try to go as long as possible cause my access to a computer is very restricted, long story.)
  7. (Okay, I'm still thinking on that, and If i do I'll submit them like I would for any other character.)
  8. Matt tilted his head, "...Thgil Treah...I'm guessing that's the one." Matt turned to Kenji, "He did create the HtH's right? If he did, it's not hard to picture him as a scientist."
  9. (he said we can have up to three, so yes. While we're on the subject, since Izzy and Hammy aren't really main characters...do they count as my other two?)
  10. Matt stared at him, "...Thgil? I'm so confused right now, you have no clue."
  11. (sure, we'll fit it in somewhere.) Matt decided to play dumb, with full knowledge that everyone could hear the conversation, "Don't know either, just heard the name somewhere and decided to ask. Always curious! Gotta be, don't ask, never learn!"
  12. Matt straightened, "Ye-Yea," he thought a bit, "Do you know a Master Treah?" Matt decided it was a good place to start, even if it did give them away, he figured they wouldn't get anywhere with covert talk, besides, he didn't know any.
  13. (well, I had the minors do that for ya, but it would've been funny to just have a post like *gasp* and that's it.) "Um..."Matt didn't know where to go from there, he felt like he had a spotlight on him, he felt sick, like he had stage fright and couldn't help but barf, but he didn't. Instead, he started to choke, he coughed rappidly and without end for a long time, for some reason, he couldn't stop.
  14. (sorry, my classic case of adding things while I see rappid additions to the story. I type fast but always have to second guess my spelling.)
  15. Matt turned to his friends, "Hey, give us a second, I'll catch up before we leave, just give me a minute or two." He hugged Izzy and he and Hammy bumped the back or their fists. "Wait up!" he yelled, "We're supposed to find you sir!" Matt added the last part as he realized who he was talking to and forgetting any hint of a covert mission. Izzy and Hammy stayed where they were in shock at so casually meeting Ansem the Wise.
  16. Matt frowned, "It's cool, it's only been a day, but...if you're sure, Don't go by the reactor, you'll know it if you see it. It's like, Heartless territory, I used to go there if I felt like being risky for training, but it's not a good idea, they'll follow you everywhere for a while afterwards." Matt turned and Saw the girl, Izzy, crashing into him again. "So! Who's your friend?" Matt smiled, "Izzy, this is Kenji, fellow student, Kenji this is Izzy, Girlfriend." Izzy smiled at Kenji, "Nice to meet ya! Sorry if Matt gets a bit wierd, which if he hasn't yet, then you're not paying attention!" she held out her hand to him. The boy with the purple hair came running up, "Way to be Matt," then noticing Kenji, "Wassup? Name's Hammy, well, it's actually Daniel, but everyone calls me Hammy, which I can thank Matt for." he too, held out his hand.
  17. Matt figured out a way to get the girl off of him long enough for him to be pulled into a bear hug by the boy with the purple hair. "Been expelled already eh?" he said. Matt choked, "Let, me, go!" He got free from the grip of his friend, "Kenji wait up!" he turned to his friends, got stuff to do! I'll get in contact later! Promise!" Matt ran after Kenji. "Sorry about that," he said after finally catching up with him, "Izzy and Hammy can get a bit excited."
  18. Matt stopped in his tracks, he looked down, "No...I was left here as a baby, I grew up here, I have friends here, I have a girlfriend here. My life was here, until I decided I needed to protect this place, so I left for the school. I'm not as strong as I let on, sure I have four years of practice, but without any proper guidance, that can only get me so far." Matt rambled on in his own self-pity. "Matt!" a girl's voice yelled for him. By the time he turned he was tackled to the ground by a flash of black hair. "Ow..." he said, dazed, when he looked at her, he turned to Kenji, "Speak of the Devil..." "Who are you calling the devil?" she asked, then kissing him before he could respond.
  19. "Alright, Awesome!" Matt said, practically running he was walking so fast, "So this is the central square, you can get basically anywhere if you come here. The caste will be directly accesable from here, but that won't be for a while." he said, pointing all around them, "And if you follow me, This way is the guarden." Matt said as they entered a large grassy area with three levels, "I find it wierd that they finished this before the actual castle, I guess making things pretty comes first."
  20. Matt walked toward the castle 'till he saw two kids (a boy with bright purple hair, cut short, and a girl, with long black hair reaching to her lower back) about his age hanging out eating ice cream by a gate, "On second thought, how 'bout we go the long way? I'll give you a tour. I doubt Master would mind much...right? We're new, how bad can he scold us?" Matt was already backing up, away from the boy and girl.
  21. Noah walked on, "This sucks...I'm just putting that out there." he waited for a response, and realized there was none, "Yo Nobody Me? Where are you?" he turned around and saw Ohxan had dissapeared. "Looking for me?" suddenly, Noah saw Ohxan, but it wasn't. He had his hood up, "You look familiar. Guess I was meant to meet you here." He summoned an Aubade and a Fatal Crest, but they also weren't, Noah stared at him, "You wanna fight? But you're my Nobody! What's the point of that? it's like fighting myself!" Ohxan shrugged and ran towards him.
  22. like four pages in and MADARA IS A BADASS!

    1. King Riku

      King Riku

      IKR! This is exactly the kind of Madara action I've been waiting countless chapters for <3

    2. KeyOfVentus


      WHO THE FUUUUUUUU IS TOBI? I actually think it might be Madara's brother...or the first Hokage...

  23. Noah looked around, "This is SO BORING!" he said, exagerating the last word. Ohxan glared at him, "You know, we're still like, two stories to the top, I wonder why we're already walking through the halls. Maybe something's wrong with her." "Who?" Noah asked, trying to find something to take his mind off the emptyness of the halls. "You'll see." "Thanks..." he said sarcastically.
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