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Everything posted by KeyOfVentus

  1. Yea as soon as I got enough money I bough as many Drop-Me-Nots as possible, been using them to level-grind, you can play a whole character's story by only dropping three times, and if it's sora then 2 of them are force-drops, and the third is to start Riku's story...
  2. you mean the card with the Spirit Symbol on it? Cause that one doesn't scan for me...But I think I might be able to make it, thanks.
  3. Hey so I bought the Dream Drop Distance guide to complete my collection(I have every guide for KH they've ever made but that's beside the point) and I"m looking through it and it feels really incomplete. Like they couldn't have looked at it and said, "You know, this is VERY complete and nothing could be added..." Like for the Nightmares it would be nice to know what item they'll most likely drop. And for the Link Boards for the Spirits it would be nice to have a section of the guide with each of them so you know what you will get with each Spirit. The Link Board is what I mainly use to figure out which Spirit I'm going to use, so this would be really helpful in preserving my materials. Link for the final battle for Riku it says to use Dark Firaga because it's a strong projectile spell. HOW THE HELL DO I GET DARK FIRAGA??? It doesn't say... It just feels like they could have done a lot more with it and it doesn't seem like it would be too hard to do... Does anyone else feel this way? That the guide doesn't help much except telling you which command deck is most helpful for the final bosses and keeping you on the right track regarding the story...?
  4. His memories of Xion were fading because she was gone, so at that time he'd have trouble remembering her name and face and at the end of Days before the final battle Xion looks like Sora, so he'd easily mix them up. But he also wanted to meet Sora because Xion said she'd be with him(figuratively of course). Kingdom Hearts comes in because Xion told him to fix her mistake or undo what she'd done(whichever it was something along those lines) and their job in the Organization was collecting hearts to complete Kingdom Hearts, so to undo what she'd done he'd have to release Kingdom Hearts and set all the hearts they'd trapped free...
  5. I can't really say I liked one over the other. in BBS their stories were short enough to where I could get everything as a whole fairly quickly, but the drop system allows me to properly compare and contrast both Sora's and Riku's quests. Like if you ask me, Sora's story is darker and Riku's story is a bit more light-hearted...whereas for me Birth By Sleep came to the same ending(separate for each Character with a different "ending" but the setting and final battle all tied in together...) and felt like a Classic Kingdom Hearts Game with some bonuses. I can say I like the Drop system more, but not enough for it to have a definitive impact on how I view the games...
  6. Hey you know how in BBS(as far as I know) they introduced this ability EXP Walk (Blizzard+Aero+Adamant Crystal) is there any Dream Eater that will give you this ability? If so Which Dream Eater, where do you find the recipe for it, and where did you find the ingredients for it?
  7. Focus on the numbers, once you see it you'll be like, "But I can do it so I will" go in and out of the square and the big building(bell tower, church, whatever) go to the center of each, for both characters there will be 2 waves in the center of each(center of building is lit with a skylight or something) try to unlock zero gravity if you have a dream eater that can do it, it helps with the bigger ones until you get your level up a bit. Just keep going between the two and you'll be set. That's how I did it. I think I've spent...a few good hours, live anywhere between 2 or 5 depending on how many breaks and how well you do...
  8. Mkay, cause I set myself a goal of level 30 by the time i finish this world then get 10 more levels for every world after, including returning to any worlds...
  9. proud mode, and not what level you were when you beat that world, the level when you beat the story entirely...
  10. Hey I'm at level 20 in La Cite des Cloches and was wondering what a good level would be to beat the game at. I know I still have a long way to go but I like to plan ahead. So I'm asking what level you were at when you beat the game?
  11. Well it's "Released" but I still have 7.5 hours to go until gamestop opens...

  12. your typical bedding store, basically you can go to one and "lie down" on a bed(fall asleep) until they kick you out...it's actually kinda fun, that and getting chased from a sprint store for shouting "Verizon's better!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  13. Sleepy's The Mattress Professional I spelled it wrong whoops, It's a Mattress and Bed Store...what? never heard of it? It's a store in the North East and Mid-Atlantic regions of the US...
  14. I preordered mine a while ago. There's a Sleepies in the same complex as the gamestop I preordered it from. I'm gonna sleep in the sleepies, go to the iHop next door for breakfast, the grab my copy from the gamestop as soon as it opens...
  15. hey guys my guitar teacher(at my school but he also does private lessons) is friggin awesome! check him out! Vincent Inciong! http://www.reverbnation.com/c./poni/128116068

    1. KeyOfVentus


      his bandcamp: www.vincentinciong.bandcamp.com


  16. So I'm on amazon and I'm looking at stuff really just to look cause I have no money to my name...and I find KH2 Final Mix, and next to it it says it requires a Japanese PS2...is that true? Cause as far as I"ve heard it's fine on American ones, either that or no one has ever mentioned it to me...so what I'm asking is, do you need a Japanese PS2 to play Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix?
  17. It doesn't even say the quote is from Koko...so how else would someone interpret it? Plus, I AM weird. It works for me. doesn't change that you're wrong...
  18. I wasn't calling Koko a "He" I was calling you one...so you just got 2 things wrong there, therefor disproving your second statement as well...
  19. So I was unable to pre-order the Mark of Mastery Edition, but I only really wanted it for the case so can anyone direct me to somewhere where they know someone took the case out and put it up for sale?

    1. Oishii


      You can pre-order at Amazon again. They got some more. Otherwise, the MoM will need to be released first before people can sell the case online.

    2. KeyOfVentus


      I don't have a job/credit card, nor do I have enough money to buy one of those cards...but thanks...

  20. I think he means Seppuku...which was a japanese ritual where one would stab them self in the stomach and wait until they become all dead...it was considered honorable..Sudoku, on the other hand, is a logic-using puzzle game that, based on the fact that brains and logic are needed to successfully do one, would make someone WANT to commit Seppuku...
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