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Everything posted by KeyOfVentus

  1. I don't know, it was definitely on this site, check the interviews or something...
  2. Isn't it only coming out in Japan? If so, what's the point of even wondering when it's gonna come out? We won't get it anyway...
  3. I just checked the guide, both Sora and Riku can get it, unfortunately that's all I know. I"d look for it on the link boards for Dream Eaters like Skelterwild or TyrantoRex...the hard to get ones that is.
  4. The game was designed so that even on Critial Mode(like I was on) you could be as low as 32(Like I was for Ven, I was like 34 or 35 for Terra and Aqua) and still beat the game easily. But to get everything in the game you have to be level 99and REALLY good. But some tips for level grinding. Find a spot in whatever world that has a decent number of waves of Unversed. Pay attention to the numbers, not the fighting. Every time you beat an enemy a little thing pops up in the top left corner of the screen that says "Next Level..." and that number is how many EXP points until you go up a level, which keeps you from going to the pause screen all the time. My two favorite ones are(And forgive me for being vague but it's been a while since I've played it) the Cinderella world, that first hallway for The castle gives you about two hundred exp each time you go through. and in the Snow White World the Grove or flower patch(not sure what it's called) works really well too. Also, meld good commands, like look into the commands you want and how to meld them. Meld Blizzard with Aero with an Adamant crystal to get Blizzara with the EXP Walker ability. This gives you 1 EXP for every step you take. Unfortunately the first chance you have to get an adamant crystal is in Radiant Garden(if you're starting a new game that is and hope to get it ASAP), so you'll have to wait a bit. But that's basically it. It's all about the numbers.
  5. I think you're thinking of the kind of "worst-case-scenario" verbal abuse that you hear about on criminal shows. Under the law, from what I've read, this would be considered verbal abuse. Also, screw it, I"m not starting a fight on this forum.
  6. Apparently you're not because this is text book verbal abuse. Don't try to bull shit a bull shitter, I've gone through verbal abuse, this is verbal abuse.
  7. Dude you're There is verbal abuse, physical isn't the only kind. And as for you Silent Maiden. I know you've tried talking, but maybe you need to yell. Let your voice out. Your dad needs to know exactly and excruciatingly how you feel. This is, at least what I did. MY father got madder at first, but then settled down. Also going to a higher authority works to, for example, your mother. My mother is the only person I know who can keep my father in line, mostly because she's one scary lady. I'm not saying cops, that's overkill for now, but like war, if you can come at him from multiple sides at once, you'll be able to break through.
  8. So I'm doing my Critical Mode Run-through of Dream Drop Distance and I was looking at the portal map in my guide. There seem to be 45 total portals between Friendship, Battle, and Special, then an extra one for Secret in Traverse Town. How do I get them all to appear? I don't really care about the Secret one, but I really want the End Of Pain Keyblade you get from clearing all the Special Portals, so I was just wondering. I've herd you're supposed to Drop, but Dropping 45 times seems like overkill...even if I am level grinding to 20 while I'm in Traverse Town...
  9. DUDE! You guys get $800 per month? lucky, either way, you will be missed.
  10. Yea, they're basically there to introduce the concept of the game, there's one for BBSv2, but I think that game was scrapped, not sure though...
  11. This is what's known as a Beta Trailer. It's basically there to introduce concepts and plot elements of the game that are being contemplated but will probably be changed, because development is still in the early stages. If you search KH2 Beta Trailer, then we were supposed to be able to play the castle in Hollow Bastion that we played in KH1, but that never made it in. Actually I looked into this specific one, and all if not most of the dialogue from this trailer is in BBS, but the settings were changed. In the Beta Trailer for Dream Drop Distance Flowmotion was called Sleep & Waking for Riku and Goodwill & Malice for Sora(Might be the other way around, but still, you get the idea) I like the Beta Trailer for KH 1 the best, it's kinda funny how much the visuals and everything changed from the beta trailer to the final product...
  12. I could have sworn it was Sunday, I should have known better, I didn't watch Toonami last night...

  13. I picked other because I want it solely on PS3, or rather, it's more probable to be solely on PS3. It's already been said that KH3 will be the next game to come out. And let's look at the history of the series for a bit. It won't be on Xbox 360 or 720 or whatever, nor will it be on the Wii U, mostly because if it was going to be on either of those consoles, the Square would have put KH1 or 2 or both on the GameCube and Original Xbox before hand. There's no history of it being on those systems and it seems Square-Enix's relationship with Nintendo in regards to KH is strictly hand-held related. Square-Enix doesn't seem to like Microsoft much, especially if you take into account how many disks there were for the 360 version of FFXIII...so that cuts that. I wouldn't be opposed to another handheld game, except they only made Dream Drop Distance by request from Nintendo to help promote the 3DS. They also said they won't be making one(or it isn't planned to) for the Vita. So logically the next game would solely be released for the PS3/4, depending on development time...
  14. http://kotaku.com/59...t-final-fantasy From reading the article it seems like you have 312 hours to complete the game...this better be a REALLY long game. Either way I can't see how the story will be any good. I'll honestly say I only play Final Fantasy XII and XIII-2 for the visuals cause they are BEAUTIFUL, but I hate the gameplay. XIII-2 improved on the whole thing. But I haven't finished either and probably won't...I"m still buying this game though...damn you Square Enix, why must you make your games look so desirable and pretty
  15. Unfortunately I wish I had magical time-traveling powers...
  16. Oh yea, it's definitely going to explain what happened to him, but throwing something about Rin in there won't hurt...
  17. Naku and Shiki's daughter maybe? Or just Shiki... Or what Riku's Angel said(didn't see it, woops)
  18. So I've been keeping up with the Naruto Manga and the more I see Kakashi fighting with Tobi, and since I absolutely LOVE Kakashi Gaiden, I can't help but wonder what ever happened to Rin? I don't think they ever said. if they did can you give me the chapter number for it, or an episode number(don't worry if it's subbed, I prefer subbed). I would have thought that she would have been further maybe a pivotal character for more Kakashi development. You know, with Obito not being around. So does anyone know what happened to her? Cause I honestly like her character, she was like Sakura except cool and sort of necessary...
  19. I hope not, I bought a PS3 2 years ago for the sole reason that KH3 would be one it...
  20. Girls/Women you have mouths, it's the 21st century, so if you like some dude...FRIGGIN SAY SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Setting Sun<3
    2. Shana09


      i thought something else was gonna be said..

    3. KeyOfVentus


      Oh trust me I've asked out my share of girls. The most recent, however, said she had liked me last year, and never said anything because she said "It's the man's job." I led her to the door of my house, and kicked her out, cause revealing stupidity like that, made me realize what I had thought was a brain, was really just mind tricks cause by the radiation left over from the Manhattan project...I live in Middlesex, NJ, which was where alot of the Manhattan Project took pla...

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  21. I come downstairs to find my 5 year old niece watching the end of the Lizzie McGuire movie. You know, just as she starts singing...I start to sing along throughout the time I'm down there. I"m a 17(18 at the end of september) year old male who misses his early childhood(cause I believe one shouldn't be considered an adult until 25)

    1. KeyOfVentus


      Thank you. I try.

    2. wondermeow523


      omg i loved that movie! but cheetah girls is my favorite

    3. SinHeartlessAngel



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