I'm really tired already of people being pissed about 1.5 not being for Xbox 360. Seriously? When has there been any indication whatsoever regarding KH on 360? To my knowledge, never. "The worst gift you can give a man is Hope"-stop asking for it, you'll only be disappointed in the end.
Now it's well known my hatred for xbox and it's games(except Halo, love Halo just cause of the times I've spent over people's houses playing it. Wait...does that shock you? I still go over people's houses? GROSS DUDE! Who has that kind of time anymore?)(Yes...I also love waving the BULLSHIT! flag at online play, which I find useless and a joke but opinion time is over) but I'm trying to be as logical as possible without interjecting my complete disdain for Microsoft...
If you think about it logically, there's no need for it to be on xbox. Square still get's a butt load of profit from each game anyway, I actually admire that each game is exclusive to a single console/handheld, makes them seem less money-grubbing.
In the beginning they stuck with one console, PS2, Sony was how they chose to attack the fan base they wanted. When they wanted to move to handheld, they moved to the only known developer with a mainstream handheld, Nintendo with it's Game Boy Advanced. Ever since then any main console game they've made has been for Sony's console(s), and every hand held has been for Nintendo's various handhelds with the exception of Birth By Sleep, which was on a Sony handheld, the PSP. PS: I"m not counting the mobile phone Coded mostly cause I'm not sure if I can consider that a console or a handheld...cause its a phone...so...yea...
Looking at this pattern, there's no logic in assuming that Square will make a game for any console in the Xbox series, or for any Microsoft Console. Stop feeding hope, hope's not nice, hope will destroy you. Cause when you have hope, it get's taken away(depressing I know, but not really. It's actually a really hard thing not to do, cause it's human nature, but I think you guys will understand what I mean). Live like it is and look at the facts/statistics/patterns, cause then, you'll have SO many less questions.
In conclusion, there's no logic in giving any Microsoft Console a KH game. Square Enix seems to have a formula, and if it isn't broken, don't fix it. If you really want it that badly, just keep it in the back of your mind, that way you'll be happy if one does come out for some reason, and less sad to see your money go towards that PS3. What I'm saying is, stop complaining about Square's console choices, if only for the reason that the only odd-man-out in their pattern are Birth By Sleep and the original Coded, and Square has already stated that they have no plans to return to those consoles/phone-thingy(as in, Square has said in some interview I found on here that they have no plans for the Vita, but are willing to do something for the PSP again if they feel the need...I believe...feel free to correct me on this point). So stop complaining like some hurt puppies and understand that an Xbox KH game is about as unlikely as landing on Jupiter(yes...I know it's a gas giant...that's the point...)...