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Everything posted by KeyOfVentus

  1. I'm really tired already of people being pissed about 1.5 not being for Xbox 360. Seriously? When has there been any indication whatsoever regarding KH on 360? To my knowledge, never. "The worst gift you can give a man is Hope"-stop asking for it, you'll only be disappointed in the end. Now it's well known my hatred for xbox and it's games(except Halo, love Halo just cause of the times I've spent over people's houses playing it. Wait...does that shock you? I still go over people's houses? GROSS DUDE! Who has that kind of time anymore?)(Yes...I also love waving the BULLSHIT! flag at online play, which I find useless and a joke but opinion time is over) but I'm trying to be as logical as possible without interjecting my complete disdain for Microsoft... If you think about it logically, there's no need for it to be on xbox. Square still get's a butt load of profit from each game anyway, I actually admire that each game is exclusive to a single console/handheld, makes them seem less money-grubbing. In the beginning they stuck with one console, PS2, Sony was how they chose to attack the fan base they wanted. When they wanted to move to handheld, they moved to the only known developer with a mainstream handheld, Nintendo with it's Game Boy Advanced. Ever since then any main console game they've made has been for Sony's console(s), and every hand held has been for Nintendo's various handhelds with the exception of Birth By Sleep, which was on a Sony handheld, the PSP. PS: I"m not counting the mobile phone Coded mostly cause I'm not sure if I can consider that a console or a handheld...cause its a phone...so...yea... Looking at this pattern, there's no logic in assuming that Square will make a game for any console in the Xbox series, or for any Microsoft Console. Stop feeding hope, hope's not nice, hope will destroy you. Cause when you have hope, it get's taken away(depressing I know, but not really. It's actually a really hard thing not to do, cause it's human nature, but I think you guys will understand what I mean). Live like it is and look at the facts/statistics/patterns, cause then, you'll have SO many less questions. In conclusion, there's no logic in giving any Microsoft Console a KH game. Square Enix seems to have a formula, and if it isn't broken, don't fix it. If you really want it that badly, just keep it in the back of your mind, that way you'll be happy if one does come out for some reason, and less sad to see your money go towards that PS3. What I'm saying is, stop complaining about Square's console choices, if only for the reason that the only odd-man-out in their pattern are Birth By Sleep and the original Coded, and Square has already stated that they have no plans to return to those consoles/phone-thingy(as in, Square has said in some interview I found on here that they have no plans for the Vita, but are willing to do something for the PSP again if they feel the need...I believe...feel free to correct me on this point). So stop complaining like some hurt puppies and understand that an Xbox KH game is about as unlikely as landing on Jupiter(yes...I know it's a gas giant...that's the point...)...
  2. Why do people quote my posts after I say I'm done? is it cause they know I'm not going to say anything in response? Just to get the last word in? It's annoying, stop it damn it, go away and get a life...

    1. Roxas_Wagner


      Why do people quote my posts after I say I'm done? is it cause they know I'm not going to say anything in response? Just to get the last word in? It's annoying, stop it damn it, go away and get a life...

      Okay '-'

    2. KeyOfVentus
  3. Probably because it's illegal for fish-shaped four-strings to drive, let alone drink...and drive...
  4. Um...why are you bringing this to this topic? This comment was on a completely different topic(well, it was technically about the same thing...) And who the hell cares if you can chat with friends while you're playing, I did say online play was a joke right? I don't want to talk to people when I play, I want to play the stupid game. And there's only so many patches on the PS3 and not on the 360 because the developers know a lost cause when they see it, at least they're trying to fix their mistakes for PS3 owners. Which is another thing, the patches have to do with developers, sure there may be some from Sony itself, but not as much as from individual games...Also there's backwards compatibility with PS3's, I play KH on it all the time, it's just that it's iffy with some of them, but mine works fine for it... And there's only been an announcement on it being made, HOW do you know that the game is going to be a "terrible browser game" it sounds like it's going to be a PC game, cause THAT'S ALL WE KNOW SO FAR! In conclusion: 1) keep things I say on the original topic I post them on, cause there's no need to move it just because you don't have any valid arguments against me and hope other people do... 2) Yea, I AM calling PS3 better than Xbox, cause Xbox is a JOKE! 3) You REALLY need to research things before you say them 4(and most important)) Don't say junk is gonna suck just because of a title announcement. Wait for details. It makes you sound like an idiot when you make assumptions like that, I'm gonna say you're an awesome person, so I don't want to call you an idiot, so take this as advice. Also This is what you asked for KH for PC...don't be a hypocrite, just live life and be awesome... NOTE: I will no longer comment on anything I"ve said here, I've said all I need to say and am finished, good night and THANK YOU CLEVELAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!(lol, I'm in Jersey, don't you just love the internet?)
  5. KH games are only on good consoles, which is why Xbox doesn't have one. Seeing as it's only features are graphics and online play(which are useless to a good game, even though we're talking about an HD game) there's no need. Plus Square has always put the home console versions of the game on Sony systems, you expect them to just jump right into Xbox because some people want it? They're being smart, they know most of their fan base expects their next home console games on PS3(or 4 depending on release dates for KH3 and the actual console), so they're sicking to that. There's no reason to put it on xbox, and there's going to be a game for PC, that was announced too. From what I see their profits are going to either reamain steady or go up. Plus I don't think people want to have to deal with over a dozen disks to play two games, that's completely stupid...
  6. Dude you don't have to repeat it three times, and no It's going to have Japanese cutscenes. Am I the only one who watches ScrewAttack's Hard News? But whatever, stop with your arrogance, it's annoying.
  7. Depression is a feeling all to familiar to me. And the fact that I can truthfully say that makes me more depressed -_- it's a bitter cycle...

    1. Roxas_Wagner


      Don't hurry!Even if you fall in the darkness of the depression,there's always a light that will guide you back!

    2. KeyOfVentus


      Thanks guys, you make me feel loved <3

    3. Roxas_Wagner
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  8. Sons of Anarchy Season Premiere tonight. It's like watching a third tower collapse...

  9. Lol the friend I did this with knows I"m evil. but she also knows my mood swings to the depressed side, so it was kind of a reference to that.
  10. Me and my one friend did that with Kingdom Hearts, we assigned characters to people we knew, I got Roxas
  11. Thanks, cause just dropping wasn't working for me... After going further into the game, it's not that, I found a special portal in he post office...
  12. It's probably the game trolling me, my version glitches all the time for some reason, like on the second to last boss for Riku it would put me in Limbo, with no way of getting out until I turned off the game. Turns out I wasn't supposed to link with my spirits there...
  13. So I've been dropping, and dropping, but these stupid special portals won't appear. Do I have to beat the world too before they appear? Cause if so that's bull. I mean seriously, Do I have to drop in the area that it is, cause I've been doing that...HELP
  14. I realize Facebook gives me too much depression and aggravation, so I"m signing off for good, see you internet.

  15. Sometimes it take a nice cry and a guilt trip to realize you're all alone in this world :'D

  16. Level Grinded so much in Traverse Town in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance that I get a "Can not hold any more" sign for three different items.

    1. RikuVazquez


      sell half of each of those three


    2. VanitasisKirby
    3. KeyOfVentus


      I"m probably going to use them all. Cause all the items are ingredients, so I'm hoping to get some really high level dream eater or something.

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  17. But a lot of people are just really mad it's being made. So the hype is mostly negative. Like I said I'm still gonna buy it if only to complete my collection...
  18. Well, first day of school just happened...I'm gonna be dead as a result of these classes...

  19. Mkay, cause honestly until I get to a decent level in DDD I just spam Flowmotion, so in other games it's alot of running around and level grinding so it's safe to say I'm not the best gamer, but still.
  20. They've announced games right after the release of other games, like the teaser trailer for BBSv2 that came out right after Re:Coded came out. I know BBSv2 has been all but scrapped I think but still, it's an example.But probably not.
  21. Okay I wasn't sure if Kh1 had critical so even though I did read your post, I put it there just in caseAre you sure KH2 didn't have critical? And Critical is supposed to be the hardest mode there is in that specific game, why the hell would they make it easier than the other levels? You must just be some demi-god of gaming or something dude...
  22. No they're not. Have you played KH1 or 2? The numbered games always make you be around fifty if you're not too good...
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