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Everything posted by KeyOfVentus

  1. So any ideas for some good characters that I can do some really good damage to?
  2. SO!!!!!!!!!!!!! In my anime club we're having a Tekken tournament where the "Final Boss" will be this kid in my school that has played over 500 matches and only lost twice. If we are able to beat him the first time around he will buy us any game (including pre-order) up to $60, if we win the second time around it's the same but up to $30. It's a tag tournament. So My really good friend has been dying to get and play Persona 4, because she's in love with the Hiimdaisy comic dub on youtube(hilarious, check it out for a good half-hour, go for the full version). So I really want to win this tournament if only for her sake. SO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been able to wheel and deal myself into the last Bracket to get me and my friend an extra week to practice and everything. Problems include, Neither of us have an XBox 360 nor a version of Tekken(of any kind) And all we have to go off of is a PS3, Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 and Generations and Persona 4 Arena... SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Seeing a pattern here?) I need 1) Strategies that work with any fighting game, I'm studying up. I'm good at them but this kid's rep gives me a chill. 2) Button arangements for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 for Xbox 360. 3) Good combos and people to use for newcomers. Stuff like that would be VERY useful to me. Thank you
  3. Like I said I'm glad to be able to help out, but...it's kinda like in Persona, my Shadow is expressing my deepest thoughts from my subconscious, except that I'm aware of them...
  4. I already do basically everything around the house, mow both lawns once a week, wash the dishes every day, clean my room once a month, take out my own grabage and recycling, do my own laundry and theirs. And my brother bummed it through high school so they said I don't have to get a job, plus between being in chorus, normal school hours, and working on Stage Crew I'm at school for a good 11-12 hours a day, so I don't have time for a job, plus homework and the house chores on weekends. I just don't have the time to get a job...
  5. So I turned 18 on September 30th of this year. This means my parents would no longer get the social security checks for me that they'd been getting. somehow they got it extended to June, but the company is sending the checks to me in my name since I'm 18 and legally an adult. My parents have flat out told me that I am to sign over my check to them every month. I don't really have a problem with this since I 1) don't consider 18 to be adulthood, it should be more like 25 or something... and 2) have known for years that my family is so low on money that we border poverty, yet my parents have always striven to get me anything I want when I want it.(Seriously, Christmas when I believed in Santa was like 30 presents each for me and my older brother...insanity) I just can't help but think at times that I should be allowed to keep the money, give me a chance to practice true money management. It would also help me buy the truck I've always wanted. I comply with my parents because of all they've done for me, but can't help thinking it's unfair in ways. Any opinions guys?
  6. I have one that every guy can relate with...and yes, it almost always fails... Hey, I know we've been friends for years, but I like you as more than a friend, would you go out with me? Lol, It's funny cause it has always failed or some form of it has always failed. Lol... http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png :ph34r:FOR ALL THE MEN IN THE FRIEND-ZONE I SALUTE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ph34r:
  7. That moment when you're really depressed and you're far too good at hiding it...

  8. That moment when you're really depressed and you're far too good at hiding it...

    1. OkashiraKenrex


      do that a lot,right now am doing that.

  9. I never read the light novels. So I was coming in from an unbiased standpoint...
  10. It's awesome. The first few episodes are kinda annoying though, as it basically skips around a lot spanning 2 years setting up for what would be called the first arch...Other than that, it's fun, exciting, beautifully made, and entertaining...to say the least...
  11. I think it was just the slight changes in art over the years...
  12. Going to New York Comic-Con tomorrow, so happy!

    1. Madara Uchiha

      Madara Uchiha

      I would go but too much money :3

    2. KeyOfVentus


      Will do :D Thanks!

    3. KeyOfVentus


      I only got the one day pass cause that's what my friends were doing, that was only $50(which compared to what it could have been is pretty low)and for spending money my mom owes me $200 dollars, so I got that. I'm hoping to find a KH figure or two that I don't already have...

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  13. New laptop! gonna start seeing AMVs/GMVs/ other stuff from me Soon!

  14. I don't quite follow but thanks I think. Thank you and I think you mean "If you can't take the heat..." Right back at ya kiddo
  15. Okay dude you need to chill. Maybe you wouldn't hate the forum so much if you weren't a total prick. How do you know you get more than them? You don't. Also, I noticed in your other topic you dropped the F-bomb, we don't do that here, mostly cause it offends some people. And I don't care if I get yelled at for this post or anything, admin save your time, really, I know I"m inciting an argument but this little prick needs o know he's not an effing god. Really? Getting butthurt over people saying they won't subscribe to you? I realize a joke when I see one but seriously. The way you're replying to this makes it seem like you take everything about yourself way too seriously. You're a joke, we ALL are(sorry to anyone other than this kid) learn to laugh at yourself, and your videos suck too, just saying. And before you say "Better than yours" I only have one video that I know sucks and I only posted it because my Dream Drop Distance game glitched on me and I was stuck on one of Riku's final bosses. Chill kid, and maybe if you acted nicer, people would be nicer to you...
  16. Trying not to log onto facebook today so I can finally get an exact number on who does the birthday thing. And so my brother texts me saying if I get a message from some girl I may probably know to not reply and he'll reply when he gets home from work IN 3.5 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm scared and need someone to hold me...I'm 18 years old...this isn't good lol. :'(

  17. Most likely it'll probably be for the PS4, only because the system should already be pretty along in development, if only going off of the Xbox 720(or whatever it's called) and the WiiU being almost here. From a business standpoint if Sony wants to keep up, they'll need to release it within the next two or three years, meaning KH3 will probably be for PS4 only if Sony keeps up on the business end. But knowing Sony, they'll probably be ready for it, and so will Square, so yea, PS4...
  18. SWEET! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO! You and I were born on the exact same day!
  19. I mean I had one game, and saved on the same file with both Sora and Riku, and now have another game, on the second save file...
  20. My friends are Friggin amazing, surprise part for my 18th birthday, and one even gave me Toward the Terra on DVD! AND seven KH songs ripped onto a CD! I love that girl! Another gave me Mountain Dew, Which is AWESOME in itself!

    1. Gamerazor247


      Moutain dew gift = Lol

    2. KeyOfVentus


      Well she also gave me a star wars poster and watched Star Wars for the first time(cause I'd been screwing with her about not having seen it." so it wasn't just that. Plus, if I ever need a blood transfusion, they just need about 40% blood, the rest is mountain dew and water, cause that's all I drink...with like 3% iced tea...

  21. Today in school I heard a teacher tell a student to aim for a 500 on her SAT's...that teacher should be fired and thrown in prison. The absolute lowest you should "shoot for" is about a 1200, and that's if you're stupid...

    1. Kaiso


      You shoot for above a 500 in each section but you aim for greater than 1200 in the total score

    2. Kaiso


      I thinkkkkkkk ah I might be wrong though it's been a long while but I got way over the minimum goal

    3. KeyOfVentus


      I was just pissed because my personal goal is a 2000, so hearing someone get recommended a score so low infuriated me...

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  22. Lol, it's a quote from my AP European History Teacher, I liked it and agreed with it, cause it kinda made sense to me...
  23. Well I might meet kingdomlanelover when I go to college, since I'm thinking of going to college in the state he lives...but other than that, I'm in New Jersey if any of you want to know...
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