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Everything posted by KeyOfVentus

  1. Noah shimmered, and the blade passed right through him. As if he took a step back and then forward again so fast that it looked like he hadn't moved at all. The Light and Darkness now started to merge, he knew his aim, looking had nothing to do with it. The two Kingdom Hearts were now so close only one who had been watching them could tell they weren't perfectly together. Noah waited...10...close...9...Rixku, shut up...8...Getting there...7...keep it up...6...5...4...3...2...1..."NOW!" a Single concentrated beam shot from the light and Darkness and shot right into Kingdom Hearts. The glow was massive, Noah looked straight at it, but even Maya couldn't bare so much light, and averted her eyes. Noah then Jumped, straight into the glow, and dissapeared. The glow faded, and Kingdom Hearts was replaced by and orb...it glowed a brilliant red, several rings around it, it looked like an atom, upon further inspection, you could see stars inside it, as if it were a universe in it's own respect. System Replica, had appeared in the skies of The World That Never Was, and every other world imaginable. I shone like a sun, and the mallace from it was frightning.
  2. "Were did what go...exactly? You're the one who wanted this fight...Why run?" Noah asked...there was an overwhelming urge for him to attack, but he held his postition. "This is pitiful, I told you there wasn't a way for you to win." A part of him didn't know what he was saying, the other part loved him. "I have my own matters to attend to..." The indecisive mind of a person split, he jumped upwards and sent another Firaga through the roof. He appeared outside, on top of the Castle, the Kingdom Hearts were but a few seconds from being completely joined, at most, there was two minutes left, Noah pointed the x-blade at it, and Light and Darkness began to charge.
  3. love all animals except aracnids + most insects...anything with more than four legs ISN'T NATURAL!
  4. Noah stood there, in the dark, until he heard Maya yell, "Noah!" He looked around, the light from the moons were bright, getting brighter, "Where's...?" he asked himself. Then he looked to the Castle, he motioned to Maya, "Stay there." And he jerked the x-blade, a barrier formed around her, impenetrable from outside forces, and noone could get in except Noah. He jumped for the castle, his feet wrapped in both light and darkness. He pointed at a glass wall, and shouted, "Firaga!" the glass exploded, and he was in what seemed to be a common room. "Hmm, Not the most decrete entrance," He walked through the halls, he felt a strange power comming from one location, so that was his destination.
  5. Noah watched calmly, he was himself, Anohx wouldn't interfere, at least, until this battle was over. Anohx was pouting at the back of their mind. "Seriously dude! Why? What's the point of using a weapon we both hate?" "If it mean saving a friend, I'm fine with having to wield this," the body looked over his shoulder at the two kingdom hearts. They'd been fighting so long tha they were almost completely over lapped, "We just have to hold out a bit longer. Then, we'll find a way to separate again." "We better." The body held up the x-blade, "Barrier," a mixture of light and dark swarmed around him, creating a solid dome, instead of just a magic one. "I like it..." he said, impressed by the defensive spell.
  6. The both hit the ground with a thud, 'When did she pick up this kind of technique?' they thought. They both got up, and decided to do what they both hadn't wanted to do, Noah looked at Maya, who was still watching, slightly pained to see Anohx and Noah working so fluently together, and also pained by the fact that she was watching her brother being beaten so badly. He smiled at her, then held up his pinky finger and mouthed, "I promise" to her. before Noah and Anohx simultaniously stabbed each other with their Keyblades. Light and Darkness intertwined, and suddenly, Anohx dissolved into Noah. Noah's eyes glowed, one green, one yellow. His hair was now half black and half white. His clothes changed, he wore only black and white, his vest glowed and extended to his ankles. The sleeves of his shirt grew. The most aparent change, was his Keyblade, he was now holding the x-blade. He looked at it, "Didn't expect this..." he said, now speaking with both voices of Noah and Anohx. He pointed the weapon at Rixku, "No matter what form or minion you may use, there's no help for you now, none at all!" He dashed forward and in a second appeared behind her, slashing her Keyblade out of her hand, "Quad Cast!" He yelled, using his signature four attacks to hope for a finishing blow.
  7. Noah;s body conflicted with itself, on one hand, it healed him, on the other, it damaged him. Anohx wasn't so confused, he felt the pain instantly, "Yo! Idiot! No Pure light moves! That stuff sucks!" "Strongest spell I have!" Noah yelled, but both of them knew that was a lie. Anohx held up his Keyblade, and a meteor crashed into Rixku. Noah pointed at her with his Aubade and shot a lightning bolt at her, which due to perfect timing, impacted, as the meteor took her defences away from her for a split second.
  8. Noah ran towards Rixku as Anohx slashed at the Dusks in his way, running infront of Noah. Anohx bent down slightly and Noah used him as a step-stool and jumped up, bringing his Aubade down and yelling "Faith!" as Anohx jumped back in a defensive manner, slashing at more of the Dusks as he went.
  9. Noah and Anohx ran at her, Noah blocked her attack asbest he could while Anohx swung at her, they were in perfect sync, litterally two sides of the same person. They could tell the other's moves and read Rixku's as well, each thinking of what to do next, then deciding in a split second. Noah, as he blocked yelled, "Firaga!" Anohx, while swinging, shouted, "Dark Firaga!"
  10. Naoh opened a portal and tried to push Maya through, but she dodged him, anticipating the protective measures and ran in the opposite direction, "I'm not letting you do this alone!" she yelled to him. "I don't have time for this!" He turned to Rixku, "What's gotten into you? This is the third time we've fought. Each time I come out on top. Don't do this Rixku...I might have to finish you this time...Which...Which is something I don't want to do." He summoned his Aubade, and then thought hard, 'If there was ever a time for you to come out here, now would be it.' Suddenly a Dark Portal opened and Anohx walked out, holding the Fatal Crest. "You called?" he asked Noah, using a pretentious accent. Noah glared at him and gritted his teeth, "Unfortunately. I did. Here are the rules, you and I are going to subdue her, ONLY subdue. We still need her. And...if you even go near-" "Our sister? I have no need to harm the little brat," he said, getting serious, "Her on the other hand," he pointed at Rixku, "I'd love to harm."
  11. Noah looked at Maya, now he remembered why he'd felt like he'd been hit by a train right before entering Castle Oblivion, he smiled falsely, and went through, she was right behind him. The arrived in The Castle That Never Was. Maya shivered and grabbed onto Noah, "And...Why are we here? This place kinda scares me..." she complained. Noah put his hand on her head, "This is the baseworld for Nobodies. It's called The Castle That Never Was. It's not-" He was cut off when he saw the two moons. Maya followed his eyes, "Woah! Those are so" "Not a good thing." Noah said grimly as he cut Maya off, her voice exhibiting excitement. She looked at him, "They're two giant hearts in the sky, how isn't that good?" Noah looked at Rixku, and caught himself before asking her if she wanted to explain, and turned back to Maya, "That's Kingdom Hearts, well, two of them. And...they seem to be getting closer to us, or, maybe. We have to stop them somehow." As soon as he said that, the two Kingdom Hearts had gotten close enough to start to overlap, but the speed at which they were going severely decreased. "So," he turned to Rixku, "Can you try to show me what 'Possession' means?"
  12. The memories shot back to Noah like a firaga on a thursday, "Woah...that's different." He thought about what Rixku had said, "Possession is the key to heart" he echoed, "What does that even mean?" he thought a bit, "Is it something like, 'you must have...something...before you're able to do...something else?'" he asked.
  13. Noah woke in a bed, it was warm, comfortable, and known to him. "Yen Sid..." he muttered. He threw himself up, and ran out of the room. He came to Yen Sid's study, "Master, Somethings..." he stopped, Master Yen Sid was there, but there was also another in the room. She was short, about nine, and she ws the girl from the picture. She ran to him, "Noah!" She jumped onto him and hugged him, "I'm sorry." she said, almost silently. Even though Noah hugged her back, and said, "That's okay." He still couldn't remember who she was. He put her down, "You know what? I'm kinda hungry, can you get me something to eat? Besides, I gotta talk to Master Yen Sid privately." She wore a bored expression, "Really? What is is with guys? Always wanting food." she walked out of the room, trying to mask a smile. Noah walked to Yen Sid and went in close, "Master, Victus Domum-" "Has been destroyed," Yen Sid finished. "And I-" "Can't remember your own sister." "She's my...?" Yen side nodded, "That is correct, your twin to be exact, while you spent ten years in a normal world, she spent ten years in Victus Domum, the replica world which followed the rules of time for the realm of Darkness." Noah felt like he'd been hit by a truck, then a portal opened, and Noah saw Rixku stumble through.
  14. The world shuddered, Noah looked around, and fell due to unbalance. That's when he saw the picture, under his bed, he grabbed for it, and saw a picture of a girl, she looked exactly like him, white hair, though it was about as long as his was now. "Who?" the world shook with greater intensity. He put the picture away and opened a portal, appearing outside the town in the open field. He saw the world falling apart, "No...what the hell happ-Rixku." He said her name with disgust. Opening another portal, he ran through, and tried his best to search the castle for any trace of her. He ran around, but the world was falling, fading, a trigger had been set, now Victus Domum was being destroyed. He felt something puling at him, and he fell through a portal, appearing outside The Mysterious Tower.
  15. Noah stared there, "Fine, I get it." He muttered. Then headed up the stairs as well. He quickly passes her, and continued to move. After a few floors, he found himself in a long hallway, there were only two doors, one pure white, one pure black. He looked at the white door, "Was that always there?" He opened the door and saw what was definately a girl's room. There were dolls, stuffed animals, brushes, stuff that a guy would have destroyed as soon as they were given to him. He looked around, and saw something sticking out from under the bed. It was a picture, ripped in half, that the inhabitant had kept for some reason. And for some reason, the picture was of him, when he was younger, without the black strip of hair. Hepocketed the picture and went to the other room. This one was purely male. Video game controllers sprawled across the ground, sports equipment everywhere, a car-bed. He looked around. He knew where everything would be, although he shouldn't have. For all he knew, he was an orphan, but then it hit him. When Jeramiah had taken him from Victus Domum, the room he'd been given, looked just like this. He looked out the door, the white door was still there. He walked over slowly, and closed the door. Then, reopening it, he found himself in a house, not a castle. He stepped outside, and found himself in the same world he'd lived in for ten years before leaving two years ago. "You...complete..." He couldn't finish his words. He went back and closed the door again, upon opening it, he found himself back in the castle.
  16. Noah stared at her, "I'll pretend that was just a reaction to your leg," He got up and walked over to her, taking the piece of wood and putting it under her leg, as carefully as possible. Then he proceeded to wrap the bandages around it, then the tape. "And just to be safe," He again pulled out his Aubade, "Cura. Sorry, can't heal you fully, think of it as payback."
  17. "What's with the glares? Come on, just answer." That's when he noticed the leg, "Woah...Hold on." Noah opened a portal and stuck his hand through, pulling it out he had some bandages and medical tape. "I train on my own, have to learn the normal way to heal people, ya know?" He looked around for something straight, that could be used as a splint. He summoned his Aubade and cut up a table he found around the corner. Taking the best piece left, he returned, and ripped off the sleeve of his shirt, and tied it into a ball, "Bite down on this, and don't kill me..." Suddenly, he snapped her leg back into position.
  18. Ug... rejection sucks, especially when you have to work with the person in three classes, stage crew, and amnesty international...well, time to act like nothing hurts at all.

    1. Sora96


      Just gotta get over it.

    2. KairiSpaz


      That really does have to suck, big time... Hopefully, you'll find someone else who won't turn you down soon. Or that you get over them on your own.

  19. Noah turned, "Rixku? Whoever, they're heading downstairs, " He opened a portal to the basement and stepped out right as she landed on her face. He stared at her for a while, unable to really say anything. "I thought you went your own way...a bit frantic too weren't you? Then again, you must've picked something up from me." He knelt down next to her, "Cause before, if you had to tail me, you'd never make such an idiot's mistake..." Then he noticed the Keyblades, Fatal Crest and Aubade, though, a bit longer, "So...Where'd you get the new toys?"
  20. Noah thought he heard a twirling noise, which was strange, since Jeramiah had wiped almost all life from the world, "Probably nothing." he said. He walked to the castle, "Time to get a good look of this place." he walked into it, searching eveything he could.
  21. Noah opened a portal, "Kingdom Hearts itself is light...but it's also the door to the Realm of Darkness, I'll need that x-blade at some point...I know it." He looked at his Aubade, "It's good I have only this one for now, it's better that way, this way, he'll be less likely to temp me, though, I have been training these past two years to dual wield...whatever. Not like i'm just gonna hapen upon another, so better get going." he walked through and appeared in Victus Domum, once again. Although, this was, the real one, not an illusion. Even though it still looked the same.
  22. "There's also the matter of the x-blade," Anohx stated, still projecting himself in Noah's mind, "We both have reason not to obtain such a weapon," "Oh?" Noah said, his foice still full of hate, "What's my reason?" Anohx smiled, "Well, do YOU want to be the one to let the doors of Kingdom Hearts open and allow vast amounts of Darkness to swallow the light?" Noah's eyes widened, and he sighed, "Thank you, we'll have our fight one day, but for now, I'd appreciate it if you go back in my head. I have places to go. "Oh! One last thing!" Anohx, made as if he were trying to stop Noah from leaving, "There is a way for someone like you to get to the realm of Darkness, but the time that passes for her, won't be the same as if for you." Noah looked confused, "Wait...What? Why would time be different for Rixku?" "Not her..." Anohx finished before vanishing.
  23. Teach, professional artist, video games(you don't necessarily have to work with the computers, you can be the one pitching the designs and things like that), graphics (like books and stuff like that) there's so much.
  24. Noah tried to follow, but the portal closed before he could, "Why does she always have to do that?" "I don't know, why don't you ask her next time you meet up?" Noah turned to see who was talking, and instantly summoned both Keyblades once he saw Anohx standing there, in a brown cloak, "Is that anyway to treat yourself?" "You're not me..." Noah growled. "Oh? Last time I checked, you never finished the job...So I guess you're partly right. We're not the same, if I was I wuss like you, I'd stab myself, well...when I found the courage to anyway. Don't you remember your Mark Of Mastery Exam? I was the moderator, but I dissapeared for most of the fighting, because you were using my power. Look! You're even using MY Keyblade!" "Take it." he threw the Fatal Crest away, "At least then we can settle this properly." Anohx sighed, "If only, If only. I'm projecting myself, to anyone around you, you're talking to yourself. Only you can see me, I can't hold that Keyblade unless you put yourself to sleep and fight me in your mind, but I might take over as we fight, and destroy a bunch of stuff while we're at it..."
  25. Naoh saw her fall, as he ran he thought, 'Crap, is this really how she's gonna go down? If Shade could see this, no.' He ran over and caught her as she fell, by then, she'd already passed out. "Whew..." he said, relieved. A portal opened, and he pulled her up, carrying her on his back, walked through the portal.
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