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Everything posted by KeyOfVentus

  1. I just had my first kiss with one of my best friends...THE HELL JUST HAPPENED

    1. Shulk


      Judging from that last statement, Key seems to still be trying to comprehend what just happened. :P

    2. WakingDawn96


      Yeah but in a good way or a bad way? Topie wanna know

    3. Shulk


      Yeah, good question.

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  2. Before the Video games she was Harley Quinn in Batman the animated series. but happy birthday man.
  3. this girl yelled at me today because she was talking about how she smokes pot so I told her, "you're so stupid that the only thing you should be hooked on is phonics..." my face hurts cause she slapped me...it was so worth it :P

    1. Think Pink

      Think Pink

      maybe you should have left out the "you're so stupid" part xD

    2. KeyOfVentus


      Lol, maybe, but if I'm gonna insult and dispute them might as well go all the way

    3. Soraroxas38345678


      yaouch that hurts man! :O


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  4. that moment when you realize you're in love with one of your best friends, though you know she doesn't feel the same, so you avoid her for days and only talk to her to be polite and answer a question or two. that other moment when you go home and try to wrok up the courage to tell her but just can't. that moment when you feel your reality sucks ass :)

  5. Oh shit wargoyle! I had the completely wrong boss. Okay you're gonna want to have cura for it, one or two, as long as you can get to it quickly, and if you have one, have a cure or potion one or two spots away, so you rotate attack command with heal command also, lock on as much as possible... when he does the spinning attack for sora, dogde roll when it gets close enough to dodge it, then he'll get dizzy and it's possible to whack him a few times. When he starts to flail around and smash his hands at Sora, dogde roll or air slide to either side to whack him a few times before he turns, once or twice, don't overdo it. for riku, close distance at first byair sliding followed by sliding crescent attacks, dogde his close-range attacks with y. when it looks like he's covered in purple energy or flames, airslide in the opposite direction to make it easier to avoid. when it becomes tired, rush up and use reality shift on it. for both you're definitely gonna want to level grind quite a bit. for both my trick is to go from the square to the cathedral but you can't do that where you are, so go in and out and around of the town, go everywhere, don't leave a spot untouched, and find a route that saves as much time as possible with the drop gauge, don't waste your drop me nots, drop when it runs out, it'll maximize the given time, I'd say 5 to 7 more levels for both, and I'd try to keep their levels relatively easy, cause throughout the game there's a dramatic difficulty change along the way, so be on top of that. take the world level, add ten levels to it, you will never have a problem...although that's a bit dramatic, and don't forget to work the link boards in the spirit menu, it'll give you the most awesome stuff, but don't be paranoid with completing it, find the commands you need and move on, and don't forget you have mini games to help with those boards,
  6. *Don't even bother quoting me on this, wrong information, sorry 'bout that* What level are you? you should be at least around level 7 to 10, and I just used Meow Wow's link and the dual link for riku, dual link it for some descent damage and spam flowmotion...and don't srop in the middle of it, he regains health... I was also on proud for my first playthrough, but still...
  7. So this one is my absolute Favorite, and I plan on performing them at one of my school's listening rooms/Acoustic Rock Show, because despite the season, rock is rock, though I probably switch the order, better for consecutiveness...Enjoy http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1zrH4h0CVE
  8. Does that mean they have to pay taxes for both Nevada and California?
  9. Am I to believe that nowhere at no time in history that a pig has been on a plane, and therefore flew? Do they purposefully, when necessary, bring them around on boats just to keep Pigs from flying and to keep people from believing the garbage their friends spew? This is what kept me awake for three hours last night...and Merry Christmas Eve/Normal Christmas for everyone :D

    1. OthersiderME


      sounds like how i think. have you ever wondered about what worms would do with machine guns?

    2. TraverseLight


      Lol, that's very creative thinking xD Merry Christmas Eve/Normal Christmas to you too! ^o^

    3. KeyOfVentus


      Othersider no, but I have continuously contemplated the existence of Dirt...

      Traverse, Thank you :3

  10. The first 2 look like she's trying to pull a Sepheroth...
  11. Maybe it's just your experience, but all my gamer friends who are girls prefer playing as male characters, like, I have to force them to pick a female character, and even then they'll switch the character and start over when I"m not there...So I can't say that most girls would rather play as female characters cause from what I"ve seen that's just not true...at all...and Sora and I both "share anatomy" and he's actually my least favorite character, cause when he's all happy and everything he's really boring, I much prefer him in KH 3D and COM, when he's all emo and brooding for a good portion, it's just my opinion but still, it's based on each individual's opinion I'd guess. Like I see where you're coming from but I think your mistake would have been when you separated them due to gender...
  12. so can someone tell me what it means when it says "you must select a topic prefix to post in this forum" when I try to post something in the media forum? I'm starting to get pissed off. If it means title then I have that...

    1. Cricket


      It's to help keep the section organized. The topic prefix is found under the title of the thread when you are creating a new thread. The prefixes are there to help locate the area in which the threads relate to. E.g. of prefixes include: Sports, TV, Books, etc.

    2. KeyOfVentus


      I saw nothing like that. If it was imperative for that to be included than couldn't it be in a drop-down box or something?


  13. I miss the RPs I did with Rixku last year, mostly cause we belted that out like it was nothing...
  14. THat moment when you go to your favorite forum to be sad because if you say it on favebook, the best friend of the one who made you sad is so smart, that she'll put it together and even though all three of you are friends, you'd rather bottle your sadness or let it out on almost complete strangers(even though I love you guys) rather than let them know there's anything wrong...

    1. RikuLove416


      That's Me....All The Time

  15. Yea cause He's his voice actor... I guess it doesn't hurt that Disney makes all their normal stars sing something at some point...even though he was a music artist before ever being in anything Disney...
  16. The Dusks and the other smaller Nobodies were probably attacking him because they mistook him for Roxas, who basically had a bounty on his head for leaving the Organization. And if you look at the Organization, he was hindering their overall plans every time he came across one really. (That's for KH2) for Castle Oblivion he was still trying to hinder their plans, even though he had no clue what they were, but they attacked him physically so they could get close enough to attack him mentally too...So it make sense for the Nobodies to attack him. And for DDD it was more mental attacking basically until the end...
  17. dude if she's coming into your house uninvited, call the cops, break off communication, none of that is good. You're entitled under the law to have privacy, and if you're old enough to have your own place, then your rights supersede her parental rights...
  18. So I'm playing Persona 4 and I basically just got to the point where I have Chie's Persona and am going to save Yukiko...What level were you all at when you beat the game? It's by no means hard at this point whatsoever, but I want a goal to be at...
  19. There's a component cable for the PSP that will allow you play it on a Television screen, I have one for my PSP 3000(and make sure to get the right one) but could never figure out how it worked...
  20. I thought they were very innovative and a good idea, fitting them into the combat while having them canon to the story made sense. Better than mentioning them then just throwing all that out the window when it comes to combat...
  21. Be the Xion to my Roxas. Since I'm going as him for Halloween(I live on the American East Coast. So technically I haven't celebrated yet...)
  22. Still not true, When a heart yeilds to the darkness within it, the darkness incases the heart and becomes a heartless, which is why striking it with the keyblade releases the heart. It has nothing to do with the heart being "stolen". duh And work on your grammar...
  23. Then Explain Roxas and Namine with that theory. The Heart just has to leave the body, it doesn't have to be stolen by a heartless...
  24. young Xehanort is in fact, a Younger Xehanort. you might be confused because in BBS young riku mentions that someone once left the islands, but that's because Destiny Islands is where Xehanort is from as well, so it was a reference to him. I'll be honest I didn't read bast the first mention of Riku's name, cause I already knew the truth as to how it was explained in canon, but still...Also, play BBS and Dream Drop Distance, or watch the cutscenes, it explains it all...
  25. IT'S FRIGGIN AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although it gets a bit weird and possibly hard to follow towards the second half and at the end. But Watch it, it's so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!
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