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Everything posted by KeyOfVentus

  1. A few months back I realized my talents and became KH13's official Status King(self appointed). Now I accept who I am and have become the Status King & Professional Weaboo, if you don't like it...I don't care. Negative term or not, I like the sound of it...

  2. At some point in the past someone made a link to make those demotivational poster things (black frame with a picture in the middle and words under it...that thing). Either way can someone give another link I have a few ideas...

  3. I don't think so cause I 1)can't find anything on the news site I go to and 2) the manga doesn't show any signs of ending really. There are too many possibilities for the future. Maybe you should stop watching the anime for a bit, it might seem a bit less "Time to go away" after a bit, at least that's how Naruto is for me... lol ALL of Dragon Ball Z(especially with Kai) is timeskips...
  4. I read an interview on here that said the series will continue past KH3, so unless they lose ALL funding and the company closes, the series will continue... KH3 will just be the end of the Xehanort Saga...
  5. (Blast from the not so far away past huh?) Leo shook off his own question. He couldn't be bothered with them, not now, nor did he even want to bother with Rixku. He jumped back and hoped for the best, he was running out of time, patience, and magic to do anything with. He needed a plan, and a good one at that. He looked around the room, the blackout had finally worn off, and he hoped he'd be able to pull something off, anything. He started to run forward, ready to strike.
  6. I honestly don't know, but I think it will be more like KH 1 Colosseum but with Dream Eaters instead of Heartless...
  7. Also in a large scale picture of Traverse Town, there's a Colosseum in...I think it's the 4th district, it's in the Demo, but you can't go inside. so there's a classic side quest, completely defeating the Colosseum...
  8. where can I read that small blacked out section with the spoilers?
  9. Eh, might as well(the cookie thing is a lie, you people really expect evil people to keep their promises when they say they have something as obviously good as cookies? Fail...)
  10. Venom, but I"m hoping they do Venom right this time, give him more screen time and stuff, cause in Spiderman 3 that was just pathetic...
  11. Stop. Talking....or you could just fall into the ethereal abyss of darkness that I call my home...
  12. So after settling the dispute between me and Shana09 I did a search about it on google, yea it's definitely fake because there's a picture of it that was added as early as(in what I found) 2010...
  13. I think I used to, cause it was linked to this pokedex App I had on my ipod touch(before moving to my Droid 4) And that makes sense
  14. What I meant was I was born without any nipples...bare chest...(though yea, I'm a dude, so it could be taken a different way...) I wasn't arguing, I was just saying I use Psypokes cause it does almost exactly the same thing, except with more emphasis on games and pokemon giveaways, If I need to know about the anime I just watch the japanese version online, cause that's just easier to me. Ah, okay, I"ve never heard of either, I either don't get the channel or am unable to find it...ever...weird :blink:
  15. I was born without tits, thank you. If you actually read what I said, you would understand that I acknowledged the source, I was pissed about the "Learn the internet" bull you put there. You don't have to act like a prick to get your point across. Al I had ever been saying was that I had reasonable doubt and that repeating that the game was already out wasn't going to convince me. And saying that Serebii is number one is your opinion, personally I use Psypokes, mostly cause that's what I'm used to. And I highly doubt that in the whole time you've used the internet that you haven't believed something without a legit source, I don't need your "helpful tips", they don't help me...also they wouldn't be random, do you know anything about coding? Cause if so it wouldn't be so "Magical". Also...what the heck is Pokemon Sunday?
  16. I normally use psypokes, which is basically the same thing but with a psychic theme instead of...what is it grass? But the release dates were announced yesterday ( http://www.screwattack.com/news/pokemon-blackwhite-version-2-na-and-europe-release-dates-announced )(It's near the bottom) and psypokes hadn't updated that yet so I figured some of the sites might be behind. For all we know they might be event related like I said before...I still maintain my belief that they could be/are real though...
  17. Apparently http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png
  18. Learn the internet? FIRETRUCKING SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO USE THE EFFING INTERNET HOW THE HECK WOULD WE BE HAVING THIS CONVERSATION????????????????????? Seriously, okay, I ASKED FOR AN EFFING SOURCE MEATHEAD no need to insult people! I'm not even pissed about the source, seems valid, don't care, but I still have my doubts and that's my oppinion, DEAL WITH IT YOU LITTLE TWERP. Did you ever think it may not be completely updated yet? and just so you know, when I said source, I didn't mean the page for the games, I meant this stupid pokedex you mentioned. I didn't want to have to LOOK for the source myself....Yes I believed facebook, why does that matter, I saw it, it looked decently legit(judging as if it's fake someone went through a lot of trouble to make it look pretty official looking. Oh and to the other, no I don't, but I'm a nerd, I geeked out and it looked official considering other pictures I"ve seen from Japanese magazines And I actually just thought of something, http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-news/vg_nintendo3ds_titles_announce-2012-05-15/ and the first article in http://psypokes.com/ explains it. It may have something to do with that...but that's just me hanging onto my "delusions"...
  19. Inserting randomness here...(accidentally quoted myself instead of editing the post woops...)
  20. 1) Read my words again... 2) Yes, I'm serious 3) I was relating the concepts of obtaining things in video games, so you were the one who failed at realizing simple logic 4) Have you seen the completed pokedex? Where is your source for all this? I don't see one, so I'm still believing in my own theories.(in case you're going to try to throw one in here, make sure it's updated with the new forms...) 5) Did you miss the part about a map change? There could be completely different things to be found now. 6) Okay yea, they're new pokemon, but with these two there's like 9 of them, they might as well be considered a form change, they're just as common...but that's just a lazy thing...
  21. If there are new forms of like, six of the legendarys, and with the map change, it's possible, they've never done a direct numerical sequel before, so again, keep an open mind. And just because the game is already out DOES NOT MEAN EVERY LITTLE THING HAS BEEN FOUND OR DONE, once you turned on KH for the first time did you automatically get the Ultima Weapon? Unless you hacked the game, no, so really, that argument is completely invalid. On a different note, I kinda like the Dragon one more, although the other one does have a distinct appeal...
  22. Just because the games are already released doesn't mean it's fake, maybe they'll appear in a later installment or people just don't have them yet. Seriously, keep an open mind.
  23. Well I'm male, so my Parents named me Matthew. But if I was female my mother was going to name me Emily. My brother is Zak, and he would have been Summer.
  24. So I was just on Facebook and I found a picture of two new Eeveelutions that I think will be available in Pokemon Black 2 and White 2. They look like Dragon and Flying, but the second one(on the right of Eevee) may be Rock or Ground for all I know...
  25. As in Ansem the Wise's castle, which was in KH2, actually, I'm not sure on this so don't take it for fact. But didn't Leon/Squall and the other FF characters say Ansem The Wise's castle from KH1 was the one Maleficent was using, cause if so, then it was left in, just a different part of it. The only reason I am hesitant to say it's fact, is that the two castles are on opposite sides of the map...but yes, there is another "Ansem's castle" in Hallow Bastion...it's the same one from BBS except you get to explore it in KH2...
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