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About KeyOfVentus

  • Birthday 09/30/1994

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    Status King & Professional Weaboo
  • Gender
  1. Isn't Butterfree already bug/psychic???
  2. Where do you go when the person who is making you depressed is on the site where you talk about your depression?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lalalablah


      Either block that person on the site, or talk to them about it

    3. WakingDawn96
    4. DaxtotheMax


      Stand up to them,I had problems with my friend at school and everybody who used to sit at the lunch table moved one day,because he was being a real jerk and all he ever did was make fun of people,then he saw us and sat down next us and barely said a word the whole lunch period and we moved back the next day to see if he would quit being obnoxious, and the thing was, and my friends agree, he thought he was better than everybody else.

  3. Hey so me and my friend LOVE Hunter x Hunter and she's stressing over college work so I want to lighten her mood a bit with some Hunter x Hunter jokes/puns. Just for some insight She ABSOLUTELY LOVES Kurapika. She likes all the main four but Kurapika's her favorite. If you can contribute Thank you, if not enjoy. Personally I've come up with: What do the villagers call the Kurta Clan? ... ... ... Dead And What was Kurapika's second choice for a Nen Power? A Haircut. Personally I think they suck which is why I need help
  4. Well. College is just like High School. Being alone really firetrucking sucks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shana09


      Besides, just give it time and you'll find someone to talk to.

    3. KeyOfVentus


      Maybe being social isn't my thing. Maybe the people around me are all annoying idiots who only have sex on the brain which makes me feel like I'm back in middle school.

    4. Shana09


      Or not. That isn't always the reason, you just need to get out there and talk to people.

  5. I'll be honest, My favorite kind of song is a slow ballad. Most of my favorite songs are love songs. And I look like a lumberjack. I am a living reason not to judge a book by its cover. Even though that's stupid. Because I'm a human, not a book. xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KeyOfVentus



    3. Varnish


      Another insult; wow. It only gets better.

    4. KeyOfVentus


      That's not an insult it's called being random and creative. Seriously dude just have fun with life, it's a lot more fun that way.

  6. In now one day I will be a 19 year old man and I still listen to the Jonas Brothers and Backstreet Boys occasionally. Also Savage Garden, I love that group xD

  7. If the World Ends With You takes a left turn then you need a Llama to wear the coffee and slap your oldest littlest sister while you go to gamestop and pick up X2 BUT if The World Ends With You takes a right turn then you jump from Mars to Jupiter's Storm and bathe in the Spirits of Link's past lives, only then can you receive the key that opens the Old Man's Treasure Chest and fly on the serpents back to Hogwarts where you will find X2 in the Room of Requirements. I know it's right, this was a question on my Physics Final...
  8. Hey, a 3.0MB image is too large to be included in your signature. Please only use images with a smaller filesize (around 300KB or less).

    1. KeyOfVentus


      Um, sure. But I'm pretty sure I made that my signature over a year ago, did something change with servers or something? I'm not mad or anything, it was getting old, but I'm just interested.

    2. DChiuch


      Nah, it's always been a rule but it's just hard to detect when users are breaking it. When I notice people with signatures with large file sizes, I ask them to remove it but most of the time they go unnoticed, as you can imagine. Thanks for being so understanding.

    3. KeyOfVentus


      Mhm, no problem, sorry I broke a rule in the first place :)

  9. I ended up not posting completely. But that was also because I ran out of things to say and would end up getting into arguments with people for no reason except the fact that "I was right". Do what I do when I'm walking around college, ignore the squabble, focus on the people and places you want to be with/at.
  10. Dreams are caused by REM(Rapid Eye Movement) so flip your pillow over and move things in your room around a bit and you should stop having the nightmare. This doesn't mean that putting them back will cause the dream to reoccur, it just means that doing it once should get rid of it.
  11. Yea it's what they say while they do it. Thanks but I'm looking for the one from specifically the 2011 remake of the anime...or at least an episode with the whole thing in it...
  12. Hey so my friend and I are really into Hunter X Hunter 2011, and she's really stressing that we're both going off to college and not going to the same college. So I wanted to do the Pinky Promise with her but I don't know the chant Gon says, so can anyone tell me the words? I don't really have the time to look them up...
  13. Yea, they must've been poking each other with sticks or something for at least two of those years. But, fair enough, would you prefer Uninspired? as a word that defines FF XIII? Oh! How 'bout a phrase, something like, "If I wanted to walk down a hallway for twenty hours and feel completely unaccomplished I'd go back to high school and slap myself periodically every two minutes cause that's what this game makes me feel like." Sorry, I get jaded when people deny someone's opinion, then try to use facts to try and again deny one's opinion and think a 4 year production time means something, because with 4 years that game should have been just under KH2 level, not a straight path where all you have to do is cast one spell, then just keep hitting X the whole time(I had a PS3, no idea how an Xbox 360 controller is set up). Though I'll admit I'm a Square-Enix fan at heart and I still bought XII-2 and will buy Lightning Returns, I just don't have any high expectations for LR, it's going to be a severe waste of money but hey, I can have fun making fun of it. But hey, you like it, that's great for you and means absolutely nothing to me. And I hate the game, which is great for me and SHOULD mean absolutely nothing to you. But apparently someone here is disrupting that by challenging someone's opinion like they're some third grader trying their very hardest not to wet their bed in a useless attempt to challenge me. Here are some facts for you, I hate FF XIII, because I feel it's a bad game, nothing you say will ever change that, and the mere fact that you challenged my opinion in the first place is why I"m pissed off. Learn to accept others and you may find happiness one day. Good luck to you in life my friend, I have stuff to do.
  14. It's Opinionated, you can't really just deny it. But it's nice you're able to find the good in such a faulted and clearly rushed game. It is very pretty though, I'll give you that.
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