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About zexion/ienzo

  • Birthday 01/03/1997

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  • Member Title
    away with the cringe
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  1. Hello, old friend.

  2. Wow that's actually a huge compliment since she's gorgeous! But no, I'm not new to the site. I've actually been a member since I was 12, 13? So I'm just a returning oldie tbh. Thank you either way though
  3. REDHEADS UNITE. Still pretty awesome either way
  4. I'm glad I made a believer out of you xD

  5. Thank you for the compliments in the thread!

    1. MasterRoxas13


      Your welcome beautiful.

  6. Sweet! I bet you look hella rad with it 😄 Oh my gosh, wow, thank you so much.
  7. Hey, thanks for adding me ;D

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Keyblader_95


      I can confirm xD And to be honest, considering I mainly compose orchestral pieces, I make all alone what usually it's done by many different people so it can be even harder xD

    3. zexion/ienzo


      I love orchestra pieces! I'm a huge fan of music like that.

    4. Keyblader_95


      Really? Cool! xD I love Video Game Music and Movie SoundTracks, Yoko Shimomura is what inspires me ^O^

  8. Bring it. Good cause I don't drink whoops.
  9. Pokemon references too? Send help I'm back for one day and I find a keeper.
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