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Everything posted by kingdomlanelover

  1. Hey everyone, so I just beat Final Fantasy Type-0 entirely and here are my thoughts. 1.) The story- One of the most creative aspects of the story I enjoyed was how many characters there were. Some people find this upsetting because with some many characters, you can't focus as much attention to all of your favorite ones. But in the story itself, the main characters forget the people who have died in combat, and thus feel emotionally detached from them. As the player, you feel the same way. Without getting to know each character as much as you want to, you feel detached, and when those characters die, you don't care. It was a great physiological game! 2.) The Gameplay- The gameplay was awesome! It reminded me a lot of Crisis Core-Final Fantasy 7. However, the game is very relentless. There will be points in missions where you have to sacrifice characters in order to move the mission along. At first, I was frustrated the game was making me do this. However, this is a war, and because of that, sacrifices had to be made. I also think Lightning Returns borrowed a lot of material from this game with the time restrictions. In between missions, you get to go explore and hang out at your academy. However, you only have a limited amount of hours to do so, and every action you take reduces your time. Again, I was angry at first because I wanted to experience everything this world had to offer, but we were in the middle of a war... I hate war. 3.) Final verdict- If you are a Final Fantasy fan, you should be sure to pick up this game! It will be extremely different from any Final Fantasy game you've played before, but that's not neccesarily a bad thing. One thing I didn't like was that you had to play through the game multiple times in order to see every ending. But that's just me personanlly, I don't like multiple endings. If you're someone who's into that sort of thing, then this game is for you! What are your thoughts on my review? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!
  2. Hey everyone, so it's already been confirmed that Kingdom Hearts 3 will have more worlds than any other Kingdom Hearts game. However, in previous Kingdom Hearts games, you were required to revisit some of the world's. Do you think it will be mandatory to revisit the world's in Kingdom Hearts 3? Do you like revisiting words, or would you rather more attention be focused on new areas? Leave your thoughts below. I personally like revisiting world's with more story content, but it can seem like a nuisance when there are world's I don't like.
  3. I was just curious to see if you were doing Nier next? I would really like to read your perspective on it.
  4. Nier is a game you do not want to miss my friend!
  5. I had to level up to level 65 in order to beat him. This is what your deck should look like, thunder surge x4, Arieal Slam x2, Curaga x2. Then have ultimata cannon as shotlock. Good luck!
  6. I thought I knew everything there was to know about Kingdom Hearts. I've played the video game, and read the Manga. However, the novel is something that goes deeper than both of these. By looking into the thoughts of Sora and the other characters, you understand the reasoning for their actions instead of just seeing their actions. How did Leon know Sora was at Cid's shop? Does Riku think he can take care of Kairi better than Sora can? All of these questions are answered in the novel, which is beautifully written. One of the negatives I would say is the fact that the novel isn't very descriptive with environments. Basically, this novel is written specifically for people who have played the game before and know what the area's look like. If you are a Kingdom Hearts fan like me and haven't had a chance to read this, I highly recommend it.
  7. Still, for coming out on both the PS3 and Vita one year earlier, I would say that sales were pretty impressive.
  8. Sorry I didn't clarify, yes he just disappears out of the entire battle arena. He's not even attacking me.
  9. So, I keep trying to beat Mysterious Figure, and about halfway through the battle, he just disappears! It happens with every character. It must be a glitch or something, but every time I try and redo the battle, it just doesn't work.
  10. I believe there will be sequels for both games. Type-0 sold well in Japan at its initial release on the PSP. And my hope is that XV will sell better than XIII.
  11. I don't agree with this argument, I think Square should do a remake. It would only cost as much as a regular game like Final Fantasy 15 if they start from scratch. Also, the battle system is active ATB, so the gauge is always filling. There's not a stopping moment in battle. Again, people are entitled to their own opinions, but don't say it's going to be a failure before they've even started making it.
  12. I can't wait! I wish they would have kept his original outfit though.
  13. This was some editing I did myself to give you a better idea of what the HD Remix may look like. You can tell the difference between both when you see the jagged edges. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJgxJ1kTTwc
  14. Hey everyone, I just wanted to share with you my predictions about Kingdom Hearts at E3 2015. As you all know, Square Enix is hosting its own presentation, something they have rarely done, so there must be big news! Here are my predictions: 1.) Kingdom Hearts 3 new trailer and release year- This would be the perfect opportunity to show off a new trailer with the new engine. Also, I think Square may set a release year window for KH3. I'm guessing 2016, or 2017. 2.) Kingdom Hearts Unchained Key Trailer- Nomura said this game wouldn't be out for a while, but they will probably show a trailer for it to get international fans excited. 3.) Kingdom Hearts 1.5, 2.5 Remasters for PS4 and Xbox 1- The issue with putting the HD remix's on the Xbox 360 was that it was a DVD rom and not blu-Ray. Now that the Xbox 1 has a blu-Ray player, it would be extremely easy to convert it. Also, it would be a great way for Xbox fans to experience Kingdom Hearts. 4.) Kingdom Hearts 3D HD remix- This is the only one on the list that may be iffy. It would be extremely difficult to convert a 3DS game to console, unless they did it on the Wii U, which is extremely unlikely. However, never give up hope! So what do you guys think of my list? Do you agree, disagree? Do you think there may be more KH announcements?
  15. This is why I love Square, they always take into account what their fans want.
  16. I actually really like it, good job!
  17. I received all of my information from vgchartz.com. Remember, this is only in the Midwest United States. I would list my specific state, but I don't want to be stalked.
  18. Hey everyone, the Kingdom Hearts series turns 13 this year, and has been in the video game industry a long time. As well all know, video game prices keep skyrocketing, with next gen titles expected to be sold at $70 in the next few years at retail. As such, I would like to focus on the prices of each Kingdom Hearts game at its original release. This data was collected in America, in the Midwest, as such, it may not accurately represent what you bought the game for when it first came out. Kingdom Hearts PS2 (2002)- $20 Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories GBA (2004)- $20 Kingdom Hearts 2 PS2 (2005)- $25 Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories PS2 (2008)- $30 Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days DS (2009)- $35 Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep PSP (2010)- $40 Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded DS (2011)- $40 Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance 3DS (2012)- $45 Kingdom Hearts 1.5 PS3 (2013)- $45 Kingdom Hearts 2.5 PS3 (2014)- $45 Kingdom Hearts 3 is expected to be sold at $60. It's crazy to think that new games cost only $20 back in 2002. I miss those days... lol. What do you think of this data, does it shock you?
  19. Not sure why they released it as standalone? I really feel like if you haven't played The Last of Us, you would really miss out on all of the nuances.
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