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Everything posted by XxRoxas_samaxX

  1. I havent been on in a while but after thinking about kh3, I came up with a thoery. Demyx,Marluxia,and Larxene's names weren't revealed (if they were sorry for my stupidity). but I cant help but think. when Demyx would confront sora in Kingdom hearts 2 he would keep acting like a coward. But finally when the fight came to be, he dropped the act in a deeper tone and said "Silence Traitor" and "You Shouldn't judge anyone by appearance" I just thought he or any of the former members listed may play crucial roles in the story. Just thought id see what you guys think!
  2. well also yen sid called a mark of mastery exam for sora and riku 3 years after kh2 and in kh bbs aquas there traveling and she meets him the world of darkness has different timelines so it woul be lik mixed up but she says in the extended verson if only he could come sooner and she walks the darkness awaiting him
  3. well i think probally aqua and stuff but in one of the trailers for reconnect yen sid is holding a mark of mastery exam for riku and sora so they probally get awesome armor so aqua will probally be in the mix of that
  4. i beat van and aqu'a story on critical when i first got it the first day it was easy my friend did beginer and it took all day to beat for one story
  5. ummm no just that you can request the people you play with online there d-link's you can have
  6. nice could be cause (spoilers if you do not want to find out look away warning) vans heart is in sora and so that passed on to roxas who has a piece of sora's heart (the ven part)
  7. whoooo ihave a job sooo i can get it but nooo some people wont give me a ride so i have to wait for my mom
  8. imm gonna level up and go to mirage arena to get hp ups and fight every unversed i see like you and get void gear from vanitas sentinent then im gonna shotlock spam and strike raid the firetruck out of him and then im gonna use my freind's d-link to pwn him up the buttt woot!!! e3xcited
  9. lucky was it for something special or did someone just wanted to see your smile?
  10. dammit just a few more hours i missed school for it
  11. i literally know 5,000 people (besides people on khinsider and this site) who preorded it
  12. ugghh but when days came out it was around the same time bbs today came out and im pretty sure kh1 and 2 were in september so yea its probally gonna be sept. something 2011
  13. dude thats vanitas sentinent keyblade awesome
  14. well the org is awesome in the aspect of epicness but theres marly mm sugar and sex wheres sora? but roxas pwns all
  15. bye kh 13. com wont be on for 3 days til i beat lawl ima kh nerd
  16. kh 1 proud mode khfm 1 proud kh2 proud (what a joke) Kh2fm critical mode (whoot) kh re: chain proud (was i high)
  17. i was holy shit i paused it stared at it for 13 mins then went on nothing kh ever bothers me anymore
  18. its kingdom hearts just like in kh 2 eliminate xemnas dragon form u destroy his engines and his wings but he can still fly
  19. umm yea at the end of kingdom hearts 2 mickey had his kingdom key d opening the dooor so he cant loose it he switched over back to his star seeker because like sora he probaly has multiple keyblades
  20. namine is the princess of memories u know all memories are chained together in sora's hearts
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