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Everything posted by VenxAqua

  1. welcome hope you enjoy it here
  2. it because ansem said sora will save everyone or something and she happy this is at the secret ending
  3. why do people ask that? i seen the trailers and stuff and i already like it the fact that the game will be release and i can play it just mean i will end up liking it more so i might of well say bbs.
  4. it is her home world before she was end to destiny island
  5. well they can't help it if they can't get any new song and beside that girl quit i think and they not that bad.
  6. sorry to say but xion was created in 358/2 days she wouldn't be in birth by sleep since it take place 9-10 years ago so i think you theory is a little odd.
  7. i don't see how when in one of the trailer xehanort said he already fused with darkness and he said like a guy but his laugh does sound a little like a girl.
  8. it doesn't tell you everything you don't know what happened to ven, aqua and terra at the end and who vantias is.
  9. that make sense since i read that vantias keep on treasing ven and it says aqua more worrird about ven and terra turn to the darkness
  10. you coming up with get theories but you might need more proof
  11. wow that also a good theory but if he took ven'heart then how come we saw ven's looking at aqua when he was frozen?
  12. That is a really good theory i think it might be possible but how do you it wasn't the exam?
  13. maybe we can't be sure until the game come out but XxRoxas_samaxX might have a point about a replica or a special unbirth.
  14. haven't played it but i seen a walkthrough and it does look easier.
  15. she so cute and i happy that aqua meet kairi.
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