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Everything posted by ::Heart_XIII::

  1. I couldn't agree with you more. I was fuming when I read GI's review of Re:Coded. Now I'm laughing in their faces. >=D
  2. Probably will. Don't see why not. Though 99 save files would be a bit much. @_@;
  3. MF is still from KH. ANY character from KH cannot be in Dissidia, even if we don't know who they are.
  4. To be honest, we really don't know. We never find out why they wanted in, just that they weren't allowed in. But, as has been said before, it was probably to just see what's in the castle, or to cause some sort of mischief.
  5. Agreed with how it'll be difficult. But Tidus, Wakka, and Cloud already have worlds in the KH universe. Tidus and Wakka live on Destiny Islands and Cloud in Radiant Garden. They'll have to use a world that belongs to a character that isn't already in the KH series since the ones already in use have a home world. That might not go over so well, though it would be interesting.
  6. Wait... They made Black Ops for the DS? WTF. Anyways, back on topic.... This is proof that KH is awesome and one of the best game series out there.
  7. That's kinda what I just said, except I provided the URL to it. ^^;
  8. I've tried before, and I've come up with this conclusion: It just can't be done. At least not without confusing the listener, or even the one telling the listener. @__@; Your best bet would be to look up the stories of the games on kingdomhearts.wikia.com. While the site isn't good for speculation, it is pretty accurate with telling how the story of each game goes.
  9. I really like that connection you pointed out. Instead of connecting the two though, I think it makes an excellent contrast of the two. With Xehanort, the hearts were possessed forcefully. (Since Eraqus' heart was with Terra at the time of MX taking control, it can be said it was obtained by force along with Terra's.) But with Sora, the hearts were sort of willing, for lack of a better word. They were not taken by force; they chose to be with Sora, just like how Eraqus chose to be with Terra.
  10. Most of you are pretty cool on here, so I don't mind adding you guys, even though I'm not a fan of adding random people. You'll have to let me know you're from on here if you do send me a friend request though so I know you aren't some random weirdo trying to add me for no reason. http://www.facebook.com/settings/?tab=privacy#!/profile.php?id=100002054176647
  11. No thank you. I like KH the way it is. =/
  12. O.O !!! Bejeweled, KH style? AWESOME! *is addicted to Bejeweled* Thanks for sharing!
  13. Sorry, thought OP meant BBS. Read it wrong. ._.; Never mind me.
  14. Xaldin. I can't stand that fight. I can't go through it without dieing at least three times. D
  15. That was not Ansem SoD. That was Ansem the Wise. Two TOTALLY different people.
  16. If you want to watch the good stuff, it's all on Boomerang. Even Dexter's Lab and other older Cartoon Network cartoons. I just have to say this about CN: Why the hell are there real life shows on there!? It's Cartoon Network! CARTOON Network! Really awesome. >=/ ANYWAYS. I do like SOME of the newer shows out now, but the older ones are classics that can never be replaced.
  17. So you mean KH3D is going to be one big mindfiretruck? (Pardon the language; couldn't find a better way to put it.) I hope not. ._.
  18. How can anyone who just checks the forums not see the news? You have to go through the homepage to get to the forums. >>;
  19. My friend, I think you've got KHIII mixed up with BBSv2.... They are not the same game. What you are theorizing about is KHIII. BBSv2 will most likely revolve around the time after BBS and before KH1, along with missing points that occur after KH1.
  20. DAMNIT! Everyone beat me to the over nine thousand joke. D< Anyways.... Axel: 10000000 ;D Saix: 750000 Marluxia: 900000 Vexen: 1 50 100 Ok, I'll be nice.... 1000
  21. We will know more about the gaming companies' lineup as it grows closer to E3. Seeing as it's a bit of a ways away, we won't be seeing any info on that in a while. Other than that, I can't wait for this years E3. It's going to be awesome.
  22. No. Absolutely not. There's a reason those shows got canceled and no one remembers them. They were plain out awful. Besides, Disney Channel stuff doesn't fit in with KH. KH only involves classic or popular Disney movies. =/
  23. Have you tried talking to them about it? Maybe they don't know how it makes you feel?
  24. Pft, I don't think there WAS a thing I didn't love about that game. I guess I'd have to say both the Organization and the Battle for Hollow Bastion. The Organization's characters are what really drew me into the series, especially Axel. As for the battle, it was just plain epic. I could do the 1000 Heartless battle over and over. My favorite part out of that whole thing. =)
  25. Did they say Japan or America 2010 Doesn't matter. It never happened in EITHER country. =/
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