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Everything posted by ::Heart_XIII::

  1. That's been brought up before in a different thread, and it's a fan-made film, not an actual KH film. no go to face book look up kingdom hearts it has sora and the gang in armor click it I tried to find what you were talking about, but I couldn't find it. Provide a link. If it is this you are talking about, discussion has already gone on about it in this thread, and it has been dismissed as a fan-movie. Besides, if there was already going to be a movie made, we would have already known about it, since it'd be a big deal and all. And we wouldn't have this thread going on.
  2. By redesign I meant changing the sites banner, and adding the youtube video to the top. Yeah. I realized that when it finally showed up for me. It wouldn't show at first.
  3. LMAO. I guess Hitler doesn't like to be trolled? I can only imagine how he would react to being Rickrolled. By the way Sora, I heard you were responsible for the omnipresent trololo video. Very nice.
  4. Damnit. I missed the redesign. Are there screenshots? D= But I love the video. It feels like I'm being trolled with every thread I enter.
  5. That's been brought up before in a different thread, and it's a fan-made film, not an actual KH film.
  6. Adding on to what KH125 said, children 6 and under should not play the 3DS with the 3D on because it will mess up their eyesight permanently. It does not show up immediately though. It shows up later on in life. Though I don't know why a parent would let their 6 year old have a handheld in the first place. =/
  7. Heartstation.org has translations of the novels. Though they still don't have anything up for the BBS novels yet. You can reach the novels here.
  8. It switches between Axel and Riku for me. I think you can tell who it is now, lol.
  9. Double Kairis all the way across the cutscene! So intense! *sobs*
  10. It's probably because he's in his KH1 form, when he doesn't have a keyblade yet.
  11. DAMNIT! I was just about to say that. But these are all interesting theories and everything about the armor and how it talks. I like Kinode's the best though.
  12. Yeah, that's kinda old news. (What's up with so many people discovering things late lately? ) But thanks for the video. It is pretty neat.
  13. How long did it take you to figure that out? Not saying that to be mean or anything. It's just, with the way you've announced your discovery, it seems like you were thinking on it for a while, lol. But, yes, we all knew about it. It's good that you found it out though. =)
  14. I'd make sure Axel didn't sacrifice himself to save Sora and make it possible for them to survive the Nobody attack. That whole thing was probably the biggest piece of BS in the whole series. At least to me. >=/
  15. Wait, what? Your post makes no sense. Are you even asking a question? ._.;
  16. Uh, judging from the reactions you're already getting? NO. Or barely any at all. Like I said, it's like another Super Mario Bros movie in the making. If anyone knew anything about the game, they would know that it's so far off from the game, it's not even funny. Just disturbing.
  17. No. Nononononononono. NEVER going to happen. I truly hope you were just trolling. Not only did you put it WAY out of timeline, but you messed up the characters, and added one of your own. Making characters that are clearly not related whatsoever. And family, relationships, cursing, ect.... none of that is a part of KH. Only family and relationships are SLIGHTLY mentioned. To put all of my grievances about this... monstrosity... short, you're making another Super Mario Bros movie. Only the characters and important items are the same (barely), with everything else completely wrong and not relating to the game AT ALL. I'm sorry if that came off as rude, but, to be honest, reading that pissed me off. It's an insult to KH.
  18. lol. You confused people with that. OP means it's KH's 9th birthday. He made a joke in relation to Demyx (number 9). Happy b-day KH! =D
  19. I'll be waiting for KH3D to come out first, because the price would have gone down at least a little by the time it does. Or the prices of the other games I'm interested in. I'll probably have enough for it by then too. I'm definitely wanting Kid Icarus though. And probably some other games that will come later on.
  20. I'm all in favor of a movie, just not one about the games. We already know their stories, so I find it a waste of time to retell them in a movie. Instead, I think the movie could done in these ways: 1. Telling the story from another perspective. For example, if BBSv2 won't really include Riku's story in it (I personally doubt it, but who knows?), the movie could follow him as the KH storyline progresses. Or maybe even from Mickey's. 2. Filling in a blank. The Organization is an excellent example. How much do we really know about them? Very little. The movie could start from when Radiant Gardens fell to, maybe, before CoM? Of course, that's one possibility for a movie that explains something we're missing. As for how to make the movie, live action is a HUGE no-no. CGI is the only way to go. Edit: Actually, while I was saving links to interviews, I found this little snippet:
  21. I actually like Pooh's world. Though I'd like to see it stray away from being a mini-game only world. Perhaps by adding in some Heartless, it'll be more like the other worlds. And I think having Hephalump and Woozle Heartless would be a cute idea. =) As for how the Heartless get into the book, perhaps Maleficent could get a hold of the book and put them in there? It isn't impossible for them to get in it. Just impossible for them to get in it by themselves. Edit: LOL. This is my 666 post. >=D
  22. I fail to see how Re:Coded's secret ending hints at that. Anyways, what you mentioned was exactly his goal, and we already knew that from BBS when he told Eraqus that he wanted to see what would happen if another Keyblade War were to happen.
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