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Everything posted by naught2

  1. I already made a thread like this a while back http://kh13.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=4019
  2. He wouldn't announce KH3 and BBS on the same day. He's just there to promote BBS and most likely a secret game with a teaser trailer for it.
  3. The one line is a battle yell. You can't criticize off a battle call. Other than that, good post.
  4. Im guessing its an oversight, or he's ambidextrous
  5. It was the keyblade acting on its own accord. Not ven since he is knocked out.
  6. Technically nobody is "best" at using a keyblade, its just how they end up using it or how you control each character. But to answer your question, King Mickey because he can kill heartless and nobodies with one swipe of his keyblade. PS: you forgot Xion and Master Eraquas
  7. WOW!! I knew that when i went through each world the first time.
  8. Capes are distracting. Watch a part in the beginning of The Incredibles where Edna is creating Mr. Incredible a new suit and explains why capes are a bad idea.
  9. True it does look Bad ass, and yes there were capes at the end of KH2, but it would take too long to animate capes for all of them all the time, so they short cut it. If they took more time then maybe, but im sure that putting capes on them was something they weren't too worried about.
  10. I was just wondering if the 7 Princesses of Heart only opened the Hollow Bastion Key Hole or if they could open up others too. I mean, if they all got together at Disney Castle by Malificent, could they open up the key hole and let darkness rummage throughout the castle?
  11. I like that thinking, but he was not originally chosen as "someone with a pure heart" because he had his darkness stripped out of him. However, it has already been established that the 7 princesses of heart are solely for the keyhole in Hollow Bastion (Radiant Garden) to release the darkness.
  12. Ven was a normal person with good and evil inside of him. Then MX stripped all the evil out of him that he is solely good and Vanitus is solely evil. It's not an ANTI
  13. We know that the keyblade changes form with the keychain. I think what your asking is Q: is there a certain keyblade base that each person can wield that only they are able to wield and nobody else. like Sora's is Kingdom Key, Mickey is Kingdom Key D, and Riku is Way to Dawn.
  14. GLaDOS is a great villan, but I would have to go with Sephiroth or Kessler from inFAMOUS.
  15. I'm pretty sure Mickey never used the darkness portal. You have to be one with the darkness like Riku/XH was before he was Riku at the end of KH2. He couldn't make a poprtal because the darkness had left him. So for Mickey to make a portal means that he would have to have darkness and that's not like Mickey to be consumed by the darkness.
  16. I don't know if it's just me, but the English voice for MX was not what I was expecting to hear. When I first heard it I was like, I know that is supposed to be his voice, but it did not sound like what I had envisioned it to be. Does anybody else agree with me that the MX voice doesn't seem to match him?
  17. It's not that there are many keybladers in KH, Its the same Keyblade being handled by different users. It may seem like a lot of characters can wield the Keyblade, but when broken down (as mentioned above) it follows almost like a genealogy of time through the series so far.
  18. What name would you give a group of keyblade wielding people? I was thinking Knights of the blade or Connected Hearts. Be creative here.
  19. Is it possible that Xehanort, Terra, Riku are all related and that's why MX has been able to control their bodies with darkness. Or is it just that because they use the darkness that MX could control them.
  20. I think he's talking about them being blocky at the end. Their not smooth and the are bigger than normal. Also the way they handle each weapon. Especially sora when you look at it up close. His hand kinda stays in one place while the Keyblade moves around it.
  21. That would be awesome, but a lot of work. Love the idea of one super ultimate doomsday final attack.
  22. Its a good thought, roaming around with a group of friends and destroying heartless at every turn. Just it has the possibility to turn into WoW with the variety of enemies, spells, armor, potions, weapons, worlds. If that was going to happen it would take a lot longer for it to come out. But maybe worth the wait
  23. Alright, If we start talking about Xehanort's ears it means we have officially run out of topics to discuss. Who cares about his ears. All that's on anybody's mind is that darn release date that seems to elude us.
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