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Everything posted by Deadshot

  1. ya i agree with you it looks empty but it's looks good
  2. my msn is steven.wegman@hotmail.com addme if you want to
  3. i don't know Kh 2 had best storyline but it was to easy and Kh was just what stared it all and had the better riku
  4. i go to grandma's house and we have a tukey dinner with my whole family
  5. Thank you for the Thank you Ya i notice that to
  6. Can i come to wedding lol?
  7. ya it was great year for games and it's funny because ppl though it was going to be bad year for games because some big games got delayed but i guess they were wrong
  8. Of course money and jump in it like scoorge or zombies so i could fight them hmm i will have go with a pool of 100$ bills
  9. SMBWii sure ISN'T getting the prize. It may be a funny one to play with, but innovation = 0, graphics are normal (come on, wii can give A LOT MORE THAN THAT, and everybody knows ), and the gameplay... as always. But on the other hand... batman arkham asylum... I don't have it (of course it's in my list of games i'm getting for sure), but people says the game is just one surprise after another And the demo was amazing, too. But between U2 and MW2 (don't know why, it may be great, but... the history mode is just 5 hours long, and then, enjoy the online... D: ), I think the poor batman won't see any prizes. What a pity. Ya they could have done alot better but alot people like this game.It's sad those that Arkham Asylum came out on same year of these games but it was just excellent the second best game of year and there will be sequal most likely ,i recomoned buying it and i'm mad at myself i didn't put it in the poll it was just that awsome and voice acting is one of best in game history and a killer storyline(oh if you didn't know i'm a huge batman fan)
  10. oh that tuff i can see why your her exbest friend
  11. http://www.khinsider.com/images/NewScans/Kairi1.jpg http://www.khinsider.com/images/NewScans/Kairi2.jpg I like mickeys duds in this picture and kairi is cute in these
  12. Kh 358/2 days is handheld game and somepeople think a handheld game shouldn't be GOTY and wasn't best in series and man forgot to Arkham Asylum in the poll and new supermario bros wii
  13. Man i agree with ya and now a days love ain't pure at all
  14. ya it's matter opinion everyone has a different taste in games
  15. that's true it think it's best online game in my opion but Uncharted 2 is visal stuning and as great storyline and great gameplay but in my mind Batman Arkham Asylum had best voice acting Mark Hamill did hell of job with joker it's even better Leadger in my opinon and mixs to great gameplay elments together also i wanted game that for years,KH 358/2 days also had good voice acting
  16. My favs are 1)Uncharted 2 Among Thevies 2)Batman Arkham Asylum 3)Infamous 4)Rachet and Clank Future:A Crack in Time 5)Assissin's Creed 2(fixed all problems from first) 6)Borderlands 7)New Super Mario Bros Wii(like the old days) 8) Left for Dead 2 9)Mario and Luigi 3:Bowsers inside story 10)KH358/2 days 11)KillZone 2 12)COD:MW2(LITTLE OVER RATED) What was your favorite game of 2009 and why? and which game had the best visals,sound,gameplay,online and storyline
  17. interesting if true also 3 miles is pretty good and finally my pointless news is that nothing happen to me today
  18. ya elf is really funny(i need to watch again before christmas) or something that get your mind of the stress like playing video games or stare a wall for while
  19. i get rid of stress by watching something funny and i had stressball it broke
  20. i shall step up my game if guest joins i will give them antidote and prize
  21. i hope you catch up in school and hope things get better
  22. come on guests signed up *i have can goods*
  23. i am happy your back and that's sucks that you will be leaving again, hope you sort out your personal things
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