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Everything posted by Deadshot

  1. Here Comes Mr Scrooge - Muppet Christmas Carol
  2. Happy *late* Birthday even though i said Happy B-day on your B-day here*hands Birthday cake* it went bad sorry
  3. I used to subcrip to Niotendo Power i was pretty good
  4. She scared me so much am hiding under my bed
  5. that's funny, ilove apples to apples
  6. Deadshot


    Hello welcome to kh13.com hope you have you fun i'm got it memorized?*give them antidote and prize*
  7. hello iv'e just met you and i love you jk anyway welcome to kh13 i'm got it memorized
  8. isn't that how all cats look when they get there pictures taken
  9. hope you get better and i'm not getting swine flu vaccination
  10. Man no love for Borderlands,AC2 or Imfamous and right one third of user say Kh358/2 days is GOTY that's weird
  11. my favorite is also Batman:TAS and Darkwing Duck and Tiny toons Adventures
  12. KHnub i like your cat what's it's name
  13. ya i think to should get it if you can't find your sister game i have played both super mario 64 ds is better because extras content. this is off topic but month ago i downloaded earthworm jim i love that game man i should go get mario kart
  14. i think they will appear but for tiny bit.Also in there teens
  15. i got another some more muppets,Jell-o,Kh13 members jk or am i
  16. no it's build into the tv so i think you don't need glasses or the update i forget.If it's the tv i think you will have to buy 3-D tv which sucks but that's not until 2010 or 2011
  17. I mean like a efffects coming at you like at the movies
  18. ya in 2010 and 2011 i think there will be an updated so you can play games in 3-D for PS3
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