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Everything posted by Deadshot

  1. i like PS3 more than 360 but they both have good execlusivies such as PS3 best exclusives are :Infamous,Uncharted 1&2,Metal gear soild 4,KillZone 2,HGS:out of bounds,Demon Souls,Rachet and clank series,Flower,Restiance 1&2 ,War Hawk XBOX 360 best exclusives are:Halo series,Gears of War 2,Fable 2,,creakdown,ForzaMotorsport 3,Dead Rising,Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts i just like exclusivies better PS3 and that's what makes a best system that's just my opinion oh blue rays
  2. thanks everybody i'm getting the PSP 3000 for games like Daxter,God of War: Chains of Olympus,Crisis Core,Dissidiametal gear soild Portable Ops,Patapon 2.And for the two games that look pure amazeing Peace Walker and Birth By Sleep
  3. Prince Philip from Sleeping Beauty and Snow white Prince has no name
  4. it makes sence that's what i was thinking but you won't know until bbs
  5. man i still havn't put up a picture of me up, i might put one up this week
  6. i know it's awsome right what's a better jingle then that
  7. i have dedided to get PSP in january thanks cloud,KH nub and HelpMeRan-Sama
  8. cool list my favs are xigbar,axel and zexion but why are character from bbs on list?
  9. it's called KH13.com and was createed by Brayden Cook http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=158467251087&ref=search&sid=1513877753.2722607265..1 and i have friends who don't have myspace or facebook
  10. the reason i like it is for killer storyline and one of best voice acted games but the sequal could be epic
  11. thank you is not every day you get called insane
  12. i don't know and i know how you feel this sort of stuff happens to me
  13. Another voice actor has been confirmed for the English version of the upcoming Kingdom Hearts title for the PlayStation Portable, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Josh Robert Thompson has confirmed that he is going to voice Prince Phillip in the game. This confirmation first came when Josh Robert Thompson posted that he was voicing Prince Phillip on his Twitter page, and later confirmed when a member of Kingdom Hearts Insider asked via email if the Twitter update concerned Birth by Sleep.
  14. i guess i have to agree with you
  15. why can't i stop watching these
  16. So this thread is to show one of the best games of all-time Batman Arkham Asylum Here's a trailer to the first one that came out in Augest this game is in top 10 favorites games of all-time also on the kh level Joker-Mark Hamill(luke skywalker) the people who voice acted joker and batman aare from the aminated sries Here's villians trailer to Batman Arkham asylum Killer croc(is finally a BA) Joker (best character in a video game) Now the point of this thread is get you aware from it's sequal you can see below This game looks great Now to make things clear i love the batman series and now you can see this why "Don't be a stranger!"
  17. i saw first twlight it wasn't very good but you know who's a sexy beast Norman Bates whats sexy then i psycho who talks to his mother he killed and acts like she's a alive
  18. write down all the titles of the game on piece of paper and put them in a hat then grab piece of paper out of the hat and play that game.It works
  19. i would love to help you but i havn't played any of them i'm just going to skip 13
  20. cool i would join sounds like a good idea, i joined the facebook group
  21. why the hell did i watch whole thing now it's stuck in my head
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