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Everything posted by Deadshot

  1. cella gone that sucks i hope she gets un-grounded soon i miss her
  2. No i don't it could be add on that you can buy on ps store but i don't think they will put it in it would be awsome
  3. because in my opinion the storyline seem the worst out of all of them main character was roxas,the game was to long for storyline and disney world weren't that much fun
  4. Deadshot

    What if?

    what if i had bullet proof sandwich
  5. i really like 1st gen and 2nd gen they were awsome i not as into pokemon as i use to be thought and pspgameboy good picture
  6. Kaxdre: (woke up coughing blood has something to eat and goes to where the fight was held) did i miss much and it's like i won't be fighting anyone
  7. hello and welcome to kh13 i'm got it memorized have fun here
  8. I like Niotendo i big fan of there stuff but when you said PS3 never sells out am pretty sure i did when slim came out and making things all console lowers protect your showing and there is game called Little Big Planet which isn't hard core at all and sold at lot of copies.Also Kh has usually never been muliplater why would you charge that.I think you don't want it on PS3 is because you don't own one Ya agree with you Niotendo is awsome but Kh and Niotendo hasn't worked some far look at days it was worst kh game
  9. i like nachos (goes and gets nachos)
  10. Deadshot

    What if?

    what if i get revenge for your death
  11. Kaxdre:i'm gonna take nap until then (goes to room and sleeps)
  12. Kaxdre: (wakes up teleports to the leader and xia)who will i be fighting
  13. so ya this week toy story showed there second trailer to upcoming toy story 3 in this link http://movies.ign.com/dor/objects/150898/toy-story-3/videos/toy_story3_trl_021110.html so what do you think about it? i think it's awsome and i hope it's just as good as toy story
  14. i agree with cricket you should tell her once you feel better
  15. Kaxdre:fought off heartless and fainted in center of hollow bastion
  16. Deadshot

    What if?

    what if i try to stop you
  17. Guess what i found a new pokemon that will appear in the next pokemon game http://ds.ign.com/dor/objects/59687/pokemon-ds/images/pokemon-ds-5th-generation-20100210031757700.html
  18. I think if Kh went to the wii it would suck here's why 1)Gameplay contrals run the best on Sony's the best and on Niotendo they have been ok 2)Ps3 is the best system on the market and it's having comeback also some people bought PS3 for the next kh game 3)PS3 you can have Add-ons,Tropys,best visual possible,best sound possible you can fit more content on PS3 than wii and xbox 4)Wii without being motion contral will still seem weird Wii does have good 3 party games but when that game is on other platform it sucks and when wii does have good third party games they don't sell them like PS3 and 360 do like the game Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars and No more heros 2 they don't show these good games.Also how is it not practial to put it on PS3 when it's the cloestest thing to PS2 verisons and can get KH better.When PS3 has thrid party game they sell it at well unlike the wii
  19. Deadshot

    What if?

    what if i got so mad i pulled out a shotgun
  20. Deadshot

    What if?

    What if i like to prove nothing and eat sandwichs
  21. well i hope you start feeling up and thats sad to hear about your friend.also i hope you do well on that paper and i hope everythings gets better
  22. kaxdre:fought so heartless at hollow bastion and is out numbered
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