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Everything posted by Deadshot

  1. (goes to the leader) hows it going with your experiments
  2. hmmm tuff choice Keira is pretty good there also chole and elena from uncharted series
  3. (kaxdre was resting in his room) am going to go and train (when to training room)
  4. Deadshot


    hello welcome to kh13 i'm got it memorized have fun here
  5. Deadshot


    hello welcome to kh13 have fun here
  6. "cool i will come with you, hello lexa how are you doing " Kaxdre smiled
  7. Switzerland because of alps ,the never fought in world war, bascally known as the world's bank and finally Switzerland has one of the lowest crime rates of all industrialised countries
  8. happy birthday EmoRikuKH hope it's good one
  9. frankenstein has very slow start and middle
  10. ya i know the commerical it's was so annoying i want to find it i think it's rent a car and also here's commerical about Japan France Italy USA
  11. things i don't like about states is the way there government runed but i don't like canada's runed either.and one thing i find funny was when i was in states they have tons of lawer comericals which are kinda weird but we have this guy he gave me nightmares but i like the states overall number trade parters of canada oh ya
  12. (Kaxdre thinks)ya i remember it do you still have it
  13. Kaxdre:hmm so an average day for you then (laughts) castle oblivion nah it's not that important i am not planing to go back there
  14. (hugs Xai) it's nice to see you again (looks at lexa) good it was at Castle Obilvion found what i was looking for how about you
  15. Kaxdre:(looks thought vexen notes rips out pages he wanted puts noteback teleports to lexa) hello
  16. i when to states - there was kid who thought US was a bigger country then Canada and though we lived in Igloos on small lsland near Antarintica and when told him Canada was bigger country he got mad and called me idot - there was man who was planning a vaction to alaska in the winter thinking it was warm.So we do him we lived in Ontario and he talk about how he wouldn't go there because it's to cold. Oh awsome video about how much states knew about Canada it only got george bush to viist canada twice
  17. 1. Sora can't ever relax but constantly has to go on some dangerous mission Annoying 2. The nickname Mansex for Xemnas Funny 3. That Larxene is the only female Organization member (surrounded by 12 other guys gets you wondering) Funny 4. Donald and Goofy are always with you instead of your best friends Riku and Kairi Funny 5. Sora is always getting cock blocked somehow Strange 6. Riku slouches ALOT in KH2 Strange 7. No one in the series ever got comments on their great hair Strange 8. 358/ Days was extremely repetitive Annoying 10. You just realized I skipped number 9 Strange 11. Japanese people always get the good games first Funny 12. The "Charlie bit my finger" video (Spoiler: is involved in a future sequel) Annoying 13. There aren't new songs for the KH series Funny 14. People in the series don't eat at all Annoying 16. There is always some cliffhanger/secret ending Funny 15. 16 and 15 are switched annoying 17. This forum is over funny 17.1 Staaaaaaaarrting...... now! strange
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