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Everything posted by reBirth

  1. Based on: Fanz0RocksYoutube's theory Hey guys, wanted to make this thread since I wanted to synthesize some speculation and add some of my own. I think it could be possible that original Ansem the Wise were to be the MF. First of all, analyzing time, AtW could fairly visit The Land of Departure in the specific time the events are supposed to happen. Analyzing aspect, in Blank Points we see AtW with an identical body structure when he is cloaked. Then we
  2. Hey there, so i was checkin
  4. i just can not figure what would be happening so that we see sora in kh clothes...digital world? memories (again?)? D:
  5. You know summnoning Tinkerbell resulted very very helpful to me when i fought. You can back off and remain behind spiked branches and heal yourself. Hope it helps...
  6. 1. Peter Pan 2. Master Xehanort 3. Vanitas 4. Ansem SoD 5. Zexion 6. Riku 7. Ansem The Wise 8. Braig 9. Larxene 10. Saix
  7. So, there is no secret ending for this installment sorry, and for the Dustflier (beast) i would recommend the Twilight Blaze keyblade and all high jump links attached. Avoid attacks and nail 2 or 3 combos a time. There is a quite good strategy in kingdomhearts.wikia.com...head over and cheak it
  8. I saw it in costco and i loved the presentation, so i tricked my mother telling her i had already played it on a friend
  9. In the lastet Nomura we got our hands on we can see he specifies the theme of 3D as "trust"...implying there are themes, which would you say are the themes of kh, com, kh2, 358/2 and bbs?
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