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Everything posted by Antrium

  1. Love the one that you like lol. The colors on the sides that are like splurting intrigue me
  2. Wow, I didn't expect this to be so popular lol. I agree with almost all of you lol Those are some darn annoying lines! @_@
  3. Those are actually really epic O_o I love Salvation and Faith for Ventus. ^^
  4. Antrium


    Welcome! Names Antrium! If ya want to see me I am almost always in the writing section. Hope ya have a lot of fun here and meet some new people. There are a lot of really great people here like RoxasStalker and Gizelita ^^ I would suggest staying away from Macroxen lol jk.
  5. So I have realized that when Sora uses Blizzard in KH1 he always says "Deep Freeze!" After the thirty or so use I got annoyed with the dang phrase and finally just stopped using it lol. Do you have any line from KH1 that just bugs the hell out of you? Like after dying a bunch of times on Ansem the line "That's Not True!!!" was killing me
  6. So what is your most epic combination of Deck Commands? Mine has always been with Terra: Idk half their names but from what I can remember. Mega Flare Brutal Blast Quake.
  7. See ya I liked you and your "Fool" obsession... Have a nice life and such man hope ya the best!
  8. YAY! We never talked but I like the way you posted lol So WB!!!! ^^
  10. Great job! your style is amazing!
  11. I would strongly disagree with that.
  12. Depressing is my life... especially depressing poetry
  13. Well if you don't hate them... then you have nothing against them... thus you tolerate what they do. Either way we know that there are haters and they are peaceful people. I for one hate some people and you do not. Although at times I wish I had your outlook, I do not so I will continue to hate them.
  14. Fool. You are the only fool here. fool. Why am I a fool? Because only a fool tolerates injustice towards the innocent.
  15. Fool. You are the only fool here.
  16. I will let music explain my hate some more...
  17. Well here I am to say that people who are abusive to their sposes/girlfriends/children are nothing but stupid ass children with a temper. I hate it when I hear that someone died because of demestic violence. It is sickening. I don't care if you were drunk or not. It is so ugly and sickening for me. If you agree comment and share your hate for these douches.
  18. Chapter 12: An Agenda Of His Own? Erik stood in the corner of Sanatar
  19. I am so glad you guys liked your characters. They will be showing up more and more has the story progresses. I have chapter 12 already written and I will be posting it up here soon ^^
  20. Wow I did something very similiar to this and no responses lol. Awesome Sorage I love that you are doing this.
  21. A Moron is someone who leaves an awesome site for no reason except for they think someone does not like them because their threads are not getting responses. They leave because they just want attention at times and it is really gettin sick to me. I mean I have a lot of stories that are really good but like no one comments. I continue them because I know that people are just busy and they dont have time to sit, read and comment on them. If you have a issue... please TELL a MODERATOR so they can HELP you with your ISSUE. Thank you, God Bless, and Have a friggin happy life Signed- Antrium.
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