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Everything posted by Antrium

  1. yes! Welcome back! This site is always open for anybody! Especially people like you who have sense enough to understand that what they were doing is wrong. I admire you, dude.
  2. Well simply amazing I love it love it love it love it LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're back! Good to see ya, man. Oh and yes DC put internet weed into the sites make up
  5. Antrium

    Guys only

    um, too far, way too far...... that's not helpful at all, that's just insulting and demeaning, look at what you posted, and see you went too far, there's constructive criticism, and then there's just plain insulting...... There's also a harsh truth. It might sound insulting, but it needs to be said. Jerking girls around is NO way to form any kind of stable relationship, or expectations for relationships in the future. And Antrium is right. Nick IS treating them with a total disregard to their feelings- asshole-ish behaviour. I'm not saying he IS one, strictly, but he's being one hell of a jerk about them. They're not possessions. They're people. And yet he talks about them like they're just there to please him, and that it doesn't MATTER if he dates more than one. He doesn't NEED "constructive critisism". He needs someone to tell it like it is, and put him in his place. And, Nick... I really don't get how being suicidal affects how you treat your girlfriends. Surely if you're feeling that way, you would want some genuine support...? Thank you, Rosie. See I say it how it is. I am not gonna sit here and let someone jerk off with women. It is just plain wrong. How can I give constructive criticism when there nothing to appreciate? There is wrong and there is right. No middle road here people. So I don't care if I come across insulting, it is a fool who does not reproof the wrong. I state my opinion and now you know it. So, agree with me or don't.
  6. Antrium

    Guys only

    If I called you an asshole would you be offended? Cause' right now I think you are. I mean I know that Morals do not apply to you but you know sometimes... you need to be put in your place Two girls are a NO NO. Manipulating one of them... A HELL NO!!! That is like emotional abuse! I am ashamed of you.
  7. Hey! Welcome to KH13.com! I'm Antrium, Author and Doctor I hope you have alot of fun here and that you make a lot of friends. There are so many awesome people on here Read the rules and if you have any questions, I repeat ANY. lol. Just IM me or PM me
  8. LIONHEARTXIII: I had an idea!... what if every one draw a picture of something that disturbs them concerning kids our age (Like drugs, bulling, or cutting... etc). Just think what one pic can do... All you need to do is neither draw a pic about any subject or if you have one all ready done that fine and post it here... Lets not let these things go unnoticed LIONHEARTXIII:My picture is about teen suicide... a hard subject and I don't thing my pic give it justice...
  9. It is known as "Hypnic Jerk" it affects over 70% of all people in the world and is just your brain sending signals to your limbs when you are dreaming. So that falling sensation is caused by a Pre-Signal when you are just about to go asleep.
  10. Finally made my 500th post!!
  11. Someone agrres with me
  12. Welcome then Have fun and if you ever want to talk just IM or PM me!
  13. So basically did I get it? They do not act the part but they desire to be labeled as one to have the perks and glory of being considered a real believer. Basically they use it has a veil of public flaunt.
  14. Hey! Welcome to KH13.com! Wow that was random Anyways hope you have fun here and if you ever need anything just IM or PM me!
  15. No problem You may want to take some antacids and stay away from acidic fruits like Lemons and Oranges.
  16. YOUR MOM IS DA BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I don't give a shit what other people think of me. And slightly Emo but only in my looks.
  18. Well I am a doctor Well you can role out Apendix burst so you will live. It could be food poisoning but I don't know without physically examining you. i would go and see a doctor because it could be anything from a bad stomach ache to a tape worm.
  19. Hey, how could we hate just because of that? Every person needs to have acceptance in his life or else this nation will fall to the pitiful people in a one track mind set. I personally don't care if you were Bisexual, Gay, or Lesbian. I mean who am I to judge (Is there really anything to judge?) We all have our likes and our dislikes. We can't change that no matter what. To me you will always be Lady Koko.
  20. Antrium


    hey! Welcome to KH13.com! have fun and IM me anytime you want to talk
  21. I love it but.... Why is it named Blur Whoring???
  22. You're back!!! I never saw a thread saying you were leaving but I noticed you were not active :D :D Welcome back and stay this time
  23. Antrium


    Hey! Welcome to KH13.com! My name is Antrium, although I enjoy making AMVs as well... I am an author and poet. So if you need me I can be found anywhere but mostly in the Writing section here on this site. if you want to talk to me just IM or PM me anytime! I am always willing to talk
  24. Stupid Printer That is so weird man. Glad the problem is fixed though.
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