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Everything posted by Antrium

  1. Well this may noteven be related to me in anyway but as a poet I love this. It had nice ryhme and an amazing message. I absolutely would publish this if I was a publisher.
  2. I really love all of these Gizelita! You are so talented <3
  3. Just say you like both of them rqually you just miss them. It is a simple statment, idk how people got them so confuzed for something bad -_-
  4. And why have you lost it? I mean if ya want to talk, I am always open for listening
  5. They suck more than a lvl 1 Ven vs Vanitas, ya know what I'm saying?
  6. Thank you for your prayers. Really you do not know how much it means to me and more importantly them.
  7. Thanks Zexion Lover and I know I am sorry I just posted that when I found out so I was in a really bad mood. I am sorry Eterna didn't mean to be so malicous.
  8. Thank you so much man. I really owe you one.
  9. Listen if you won't pray and ask God for help get out of here. I know where I need to be Eterna, and I am where I need to be, at their side. Also my friends are girls.
  10. [/font]Well my best friends father is threatening to leave them and that means that they will lose everything that they own. I mean everything. I know this because my father left me. Please prayer for them and ask that God will change his mind and heart. Please do not just read this, pray. I thank everyone who has read this and who will pray for them. Pass this on to your friends and family because they cannot afford this and do not deserve it.
  11. All I can say is wow, this is a very good piece of poetry and it has great meaning, I favorite it.
  12. Namine you are an amazing poet, I wish I had your grace and skill. To answer your question I believe he would because after my father left I dedicated alot of horrible poems, far worse than these and I sent them in an e mail to him. He was not mad but burdened by the realization he got from my words. I really enjoyed these and they spoke to me so I want to thank you for writing such beautiful pieces of work for all of us here who needed them.
  13. Congrats!!!!!!!! I am happy for you guys :D:D
  14. KH Magna novels and Digimon! Nothing is wrong with those two!
  15. Tobeo!!!! I love him!!!!! Wolf's Rain is amazing!
  16. Dancing: Holding each other close together, gently swaying from left and right, inhaling the sweet scent of her perfume and her head on your chest... in other words just talk to her and when the slow dance comes on juts do the previously stated.
  17. Hells to the naw! You just accept this is what is happening for this moment in time and then simply look forward to a better tomorrow! Sorry Sorage55 but that is not what should be done.
  18. I just love to draw and design things!!!
  19. I like them A few were O.K but a good majority was very good. I think you are great, G!
  20. You did? Awww... thanks Lexi, I am proud of you for reading all of this
  21. Same girl, mate, just had to remind everyone about her
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