Woo iiii. LOL. The smilys are nice. So I'll have at less 1 in every post from now on. I like em. You guys are G8.
I feel like I'm at home with all the welcoming.:blush: I feel like I belong.
and for everyone that got confuss with my introduction here's the translation
Hi. I am a newcomer. it's great to be apart of KH Fan community forum site.
I just love Square Enix games.
Kingdom hearts, Final Fantasy, Star Ocean.... ETC I am currently taking in game texts screenshots it's gonna be a lot of work. Oh yah.
Biggest FF fan lots of love:heart:
(Join my thread. Replies. PLEase... Smile Smile Smile) Thanks
I have DL a lot of games and all the games I DL get finished to the end. I won't be having a lot of time to lvl up my character so I use cheats...
and the screen shots isn't very carefully taken as I thought. Missing many text in the first half of the game. I'm not playing it again:exclamation:
That's about it.