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Everything posted by Nobody

  1. All of the ones mentioned above and Epic mickey 2. Tomb Raider was suppose to be released on 2012 but its coming out on 2013
  2. Cauis Cauis Cauis!!!! I love that voice
  3. Kingdom Hearts 3D is the first one from left to right in the best sellers section at the gamestop website :D

    1. Kishira


      I checked the site, the MoM is N3DS #1 most anticipated, and the regular edition is #3. xD

  4. Thanks everyone, i think every game mentioned here are really good
  5. So yeah, just wanted to ask, are there any good 3ds games out there?? I still dont have a 3ds, im going to get one when i get KH3D. But i dont want that to be the only game ill have. So, any suggestion will be most appreciated
  6. Lol, nice. Welcome to the site and have a great time
  7. Hating my mother right now -_-

    1. Nobody


      Several resons 4everbee. I can make my own food, its not that good but at least i can eat it xD. And she doesnt give me money, unfortunately im poor. And that last thing well, i dont want to talk about it. But yeah :P

    2. 4Everbee


      If your 'poor.' why don't u sell ur pc get a job.

      And she still took care of u.

    3. Nobody


      I cant sell it cause i need it for university. Im currently looking for a job and havent had an luck. And not really, just when i was a baby

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  8. LOL we'll never get a FF7 remake, there's just no way it can be surpassed
  9. Try Aion, its what im currently playing. But it takes a lot of gigs, like 30
  10. One to three a year just cause im poor, if i had money i would buy one everyday
  11. Later toniight: Prom Night :)

  12. Hey girl!!! How've you been?

  13. Im so excited :D

  14. Gamestop's going to sell it!!!! Yay!!!! http://www.gamestop.com/nintendo-3ds/games/kingdom-hearts-3d-dream-drop-distance-mark-of-mastery-edition/102045
  15. Hiya girl. How you been???

  16. Thank you all for helping, i appreciate it
  17. So, i need help looking for aqua's theme piano sheet music. Ive been looking for days but i cant find it, please help me out.
  18. Videogames, thats my favorite sport
  19. I just jizzed and cried at the same time, it was SO DAMN AWESOME O__O
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