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Silia Heartz

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Everything posted by Silia Heartz

  1. SavageNymph = ....Emily? *crosses fingers* lol, it just occurred to my that I could just go on your profile page.. "^^
  2. Wow, it's been a while since I last signed on, hasn't it? "^^ Well, truth be told: I got into an accident a few weeks ago. No, I didn't put my life on the line and push someone out of the way of a truck or anything. My mom and I were driving down to officially "move in" to our new house, and on the way back up to New Jersey we slid on black ice and rammed into a tree. Please take note of this future drivers: If you slip on ice and you are driving a car, don't attempt to use the breaks. "o_o Quite honestly, I'm lucky to be alive. I was sitting in the front and my..um...what's it called?...those..bag thingys... Well, the bag thing came out a second too late. "^^ According to my brother I lost consciousness for about a week and broke my right leg, my rib, and I fractured my collar bone. I also received a good amount of head damage by cracking it, so the doctors say I might have amnesia. Though I've only forgotten a few things...but if I forget you then I apologise in advanced. "^^ Yes, I'm fine and making a wonderful recovery, thank you for asking. ^^ I probably won't be active on the computer for a while as I continue to recover, so.... .... Lost my train of thought, there. "^^
  3. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.... .... at least I think that came out in 2009...."^^
  4. I believe Chronic Tumor's reply is.....Norwegian for "You drive an Audi" ... or something like that..."^^ As for your picture, I get this message when I try to view it: "Authentication Error You must be signed in to access this portion of the site"
  5. I agree it's just to touchy of issue and it's invoiving what people believe in I second that... or third..? "^^ I've lost many friends to the topic of religion, so I personally do not bring it up. Everyone has opinions and views on religion, and it's only natural that when someone rejects your opinion, you feel the need to stand up for what you believe in... But that cause arguments and fights and in the end some people will be left hurt. ): I'm not going to say what I do or don't believe in, and I'm not going to comment on anyone else's beliefs...but I will say that it would make me sad if I saw another person get hurt over words.
  6. Actually, they didn't..."^^ "Organisation" and "Memorised" are the British ways of spelling "Organization" and "Memorized" if I'm not mistaken... "^^
  7. You could always make a youtube "^^
  8. About 24 hours ago exactly~ And dun blame me for missiong out, YOU weren't online yesterday! Fair enough. ^^ I have a valid excuse though: I was studying!
  9. Lol, it doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl, Rue. :heart:
  10. LOL Aww! Why do I always miss the fun conversations?! When was this anyway? "^^
  11. I believe it's Aqua's amour, actually...
  12. The girl with the brown hair says that their worlds had been taken by darkness, and now they're in Traverse Town because that's where they ended up. And then she tells you not to ask where anyone's from because it's personal and may make the person homesick.
  13. They were just Traverse Town...townspeople. They hold no importance. :
  14. That's just his personality, I guess. It's not a crime to have a laid back personality. That's like yelling at a grumpy person for being grumpy all the time, it's not going to change anything. "^^
  15. KH DD... Kingdom Hearts: Disney's Downfall. : Very interesting rumor, though. ^^ Maybe, if this is real, it'll probably focus on the beginnings of Organization XIII? Maybe it'll show the somebodies of the remaining members? I wonder who would be the main character though...
  16. I love Namine's theme. So...fluttery..:heart:
  18. Like any other game, we'll probably have to get certain scores for minigames, as well as probably completing the journal 100% (if there is one)...and obviously completing the scenarios...
  19. I originally thought that was just a glitch, but as the point of view of the cutscene changes, Xion's appearance changes as well, to match whoever's point of view is of that part of the cutscene. "^^ Sorry, I'm terrible at explaining things...
  20. Get some zero cards....level up a bit...if you want to use sleights, then equip your deck so you can. I recommend trying to get in as many zero and 7-9 cards in.
  21. o__o As strange as it sounds (and how you put it, lol...)...it sort of makes sense... Just..sort of... ... "^^
  22. I'm going to play in the order story-wise, as Nomura said. ^^ Which works for me, because I want to play Terra first anyways. "^^
  23. o____o Hate to burst the bubble of "Xehanort= No Heart" whatever...but that is actually pretty old news. It was discovered when KH2 came out...in 2005... kthnx :heart: "x-x
  24. Join us! Join us! :heart::heart:
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