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Everything posted by hawk222

  1. Honestly, this Kairi deal is just dirty. Pay for the chance to mercy an OP buffer? Yeah, that sounds totally acceptable. My recommendation is to just pull a couple of times on the banner (if you feel the need to), but otherwise just wait for the inevitable non-VIP mercy.
  2. That's a good question that remains unanswered! It should be easy enough to translate text from Japanese to English, so there's got to be something else causing the delay...
  3. These boards are waaaaaaaay too old to be good anymore: definitely skip them.
  4. Remember: you have to spend 40k jewels if you want to get the 20k back. If you have less than that, I don't recommend buying jewels until you have 40k. Though, if you're already the kind of person who buys large quantities of jewels, you probably don't need my advice, lol. Since this offer lasts until next week, I'd advise waiting to see if any other banners come out in the meantime. They won't get you your jewels back, but they might be better deals overall.
  5. Honestly, I'm not sure how to feel about all of this. On the one hand, returning banners are nice. On the other hand, none of them are falling price or have a free 1st pull, like the Japanese deals. Then they say you can buy the new Supernova medal for $100, which I guess is nice because they're not pulling the whole "you could get it before you actually spend more than $100" nonsense and just being upfront about it. The Chirithy boards are... eh. I feel like most players already have enough SC skills, and there are other boards with both AB8Max and AB6Max+Lux++. Plus, that +3 skill perk is a little odd (until you remember that this board was available in Japan before we got to the +6 and higher skill perk items).
  6. Please don't waste your jewels on the fairy banner. It was bad enough when they allowed you to pay actual money for tickets, and now it's just about as bad. Like, just stop, guys. Guaranteed tier 8 fairy or no, this is just bad. (If you really, really need just 1 more T8 fairy, it might be worth it. Otherwise, I'd recommend passing on this.)
  7. No. None of these boards are good. Save your jewels (unless you really like the aesthetics or something). Also, you should be able to get at least 2k jewels if you do the free pull every day.
  8. I recommend pulling for this medal at least once if not twice. First of all, it'll never be available again. Second, it's worth 144 pet points when traited, so having 2 would help. Third, it's actually a pretty useful medal, kind of like a weaker version of Ira EX+. If you're like me and have been saving T6 and T7 fairies, you can even save some jewels by just guilting and evolving it yourself. Either way, I think that having this medal will work out well. If you have Xion EX+, you've basically won for all 13 quests. Obviously you'll want some supplemental medals like Prime Roxas or Prime Roxas & Xion, but this event is pretty easy regardless.
  9. So, it looks like the skills are missing from the first post. The Fantasia Mickey boards come with Attack Boost 8 Max, Attack Boost 7 Max & Gauge 0, and Attack Boost 6 Max & Lux++. Anyway, Marluxia+ is a pretty good medal, being the first random target medal that actually debuffs the enemy (as opposed to yourself ala Saix+). His damage is on par with Saix+, so he's not a bad choice for pulling and evolving to 7*. He's not needed for the event like some previous Org. XIII members have been, but he's still useful if you have him. Speaking of the event, you'll want to make sure you have the Divine Rose booster from Union Cross before starting, and it's a good idea to have your Divine Rose at least at lv. 30. You can go for a pure offensive strategy, but if you find that you aren't doing enough damage, a defensive strategy will also work. The thing you'll need to keep in mind, however, is that he uses an attack on turns 1/3/5 that can't be defended against. This means you'll need to kill him within 5 turns using a defensive strategy. You can find more info on setups on YouTube by checking out damo279 and SmellyOctopus.
  10. I would recommend skipping this banner, especially with Marluxia+ right around the corner. While the medal is not bad, it's not a necessity either. As for the special attack challenge, just do what you can and don't waste jewels or skills on this. Mirrors and HDLs aren't that worthwhile.
  11. Seems reactionary and unnecessary to me. Like Damo said (either in the video or in the comments, can't remember), it seems like they're trying to strike back at the country for these lootbox laws.
  12. As usual, it's up to you, but I'll be passing on the banner for sure. Probably the boards, too, but only because I got some of the recent boards with similar skills.
  13. So they basically took a regular banner deal, cut it in half, and removed the new medal/trait medal. Totally sounds like a good deal. Tooooooooootally. (That's sarcasm, in case it wasn't apparent.) The boards are nice, but the only new thing they offer is AB8Max, and seeing as we're finally getting into the AB8 skills, I would say these boards are mostly passable. Oh, and don't waste jewels to get a better score in the speed challenge. You'll either get the jewels or you won't, and good comes from wasting jewels to get jewels.
  14. Personally, I would say "don't go for this one". Not only is KA19 not guaranteed, but Maleficent is... actually pretty bad. Like, at least Cloud was pretty good on the Sephiroth banner. Then again, it's up to you what you do with your own jewels.
  15. If you already have a Kairi EX+ or Xion EX+ (aka KEX+ and XEX+), you can probably pass on these banners. That being said, you could probably pass even if you only have the regular EX Kairi or Xion. As for me, I'm being forced to pull for XEX+ by my party leader. He's tired of seeing my sub-par PVP setups.
  16. Ok, so obviously the Crow boards are the better deal here, but I've been waiting for that Nurse board for at least a year, so... With the Neku+Joshua trait medals in VIP, you should be able to trait a few of the guaranteed 6* copies you can get from the banner. That'll let you get your pet level up to at least 11 and unlock the Combo 1 pet ability, which is very helpful for both event and PVP content. However, unless you're in desperate need of it, I'd recommend waiting for better medals. Since all new medals seem to have 120/144 pet points now, it's only a matter of time before you get there.
  17. Ahhhh, I finally was able to log back in after the site update. Anyway, the only contribution I really have to make is "don't spend on this banner". It's literally just the speed version of Jack+Zero/Halloween Sora, and those weren't worth it either. Just let it pass and wait for the next banner (maybe it'll be better).
  18. Quite a bit to unpack, isn't there? Ok, Luxord first. The event is limited to random medals only, and that includes friend medals. If you haven't bought specific medals from previous VIP deals, you probably don't have a strength buffer of any kind. If you were around for the Org. 13 reprint event, you may have been able to get Saix+ which gives a 3-turn strength buff. If none of these apply to you, then you have 2 options: you can get VIP for the Vanitas Remnant B or you can pull for Luxord+ (either one should work). As is usually the case with these events, don't spend jewels to earn jewels: it's not worth it. Get as far as you can and, when you just can't go any further, call it quits. No shame in doing that. The new boards are great, and the returning boards are terrible (at this point). Out of the 2 new boards, your best bet will probably be the Werewolf boards. The Halloween "Cat" boards are good, but they only have 1 max skill and it's lux-related, so mostly only appealing to the hardcore raiders. Atk Boost 8 is not max, so you need to be careful about using it in most setups, and Def Boost 6 is the same, though it can be very helpful for PVP (mostly applies to higher ranking players). Still, it's up to you which one you choose, and you have the rest of the month, so there's no rush.
  19. Nooooooooo, this medal is not good! Why does it exist?? It looks cool and all, but the "ignores attributes" aspect makes it terrible for PVP (which has sadly become an integral part of the game now). I'd recommend not buying the board, either, since you get fewer medals and skills overall. Anyway, boat the banner and the board are only around for 3 days, so I'd recommend skipping this banner and waiting for whatever comes next.
  20. As this isn't a mercy banner (for Sephiroth), I would encourage you all to avoid spending all of your jewels on it. On top of the no-mercy Sephiroth, there's also no guaranteed 7* medals and no guaranteed skills (aside from the 7* Cloud and Sephiroth). Also, you only really need about 7% in the high score challenge to get the Zack B medal, so you shouldn't even feel much of a need to pull given that info.
  21. Since the gem boards are permanent, I'd recommend getting them only when you actually need them, especially with how frequently they're throwing banners at us. 3500 is a lot of jewels... One-shot challenge is... a thing? Good if you need 15 mirrors, I guess? I miss completion jewels... I mentioned it before, but I'd wait to decide before pulling for a stained glass medal, especially since there's a 3rd one coming (speed), and we might get something even better near the end of the banners' run time.
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