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Everything posted by hawk222

  1. Nah, that's not what's happening. They keep offering the gems because people keep wanting to upgrade their Keyblades for things like PVE and PVP.
  2. Oof, lots of stuff and it's so late as I write this. Well, whatever. Since PVE has been revamped this month and the prize is a non-max skill, I'd recommend taking it easy on PVE and learning the ins and outs of the new setup instead of grinding and stressing yourself out. Plus, AB10 skills will start showing up in avatar boards soon, so no worries there. The 5 billion lux requirement might seems big at first, but it's completely manageable within the week, especially if your whole party is contributing. I recommend holding off on the gem boards. They're good, but they cost a fair amount. These ones are temporary while there are similar boards that will always be around to buy, so no need to rush into things. In terms of Keyblades to upgrade, everything should be at least lv. 25. Focus on getting Starlight, Stroke of Midnight, and Fairy Stars to lv. 35. Ignore the first 3 Keyblades (Treasure Trove, Lady Luck, Three Wishes) after lv. 25. The rest are up to you, though there's nothing wrong with just saving your jewels. You never know when we'll get a new Keyblade and how many jewels you'll need to upgrade it. ? Similarly, wait on the skill boards. As with last month, these skills are better than when the Enhancement boards started, but you'll probably get more value out of an actual avatar board. AB6 and AB7 are ok, but they're starting to get edged out in terms of overall power. Sleep+ 2 Max is a weird addition and really only matters in PVP. Also, don't get the returning avatar boards. Not worthwhile at all. The Iron Giant and Time Trial events should be easy enough. The Keyblade challenge, though: that's a tough one. Don't worry too much if you can't beat these ones, and don't waste jewels on continues (or on pulls to possibly get better medals). Speaking of pulls, the new banner has another "mercy" but this time with 1 of 4 medals instead of 1 of 3. The two new medals are interesting and will need a bit of time before their true value is apparent. So far, Youth in Black looks like a pretty standard damage-dealing medal, similar in buffs/debuffs to Master Xehanort (coincidence??). Youth in White, meanwhile, has a very unique ability to lower PSM Str without being an overwrite medal. This means you could hypothetically debuff an enemy to -15 PSM Str, something that hasn't been doable prior to now. The banner itself is a falling price deal, which is good. However, as mentioned before, it is still a 1 in 4 chance. KH3 Kairi and Key Art 20 are not bad medals, but they're not necessarily what you want after you just spent 30,000 jewels (15,000 for VIP). I'd recommend waiting to see what is announced for after this banner ends before pulling on it. Also, if you're thinking about pulling in order to get VIP coins for Kairi/KA20 traits, I recommend not doing that. The boards will be there all month, and you should really pull from a banner because of all that the banner has to offer, not just one part of it. They really need to stop with this 1-in-3/4 "mercy" thing, though...
  3. This is a pretty standard VIP week, so I don't have much to say. The boards, though... Eh, they're not all that great. AB7Max is about the only decent skill. DB5 is good, but DB5Max is better. I recommend passing on these ones. EDIT: Oh yeah, mega farm is back in VIP! Great for those who buy, but really, it should be weekly, just like the other things VIP offers.
  4. This medal, man. This medal. It looks so good, and it's meant to be a Monster Sora killer in PVP. Buuuuuuuuuut... The banner is yet another one of these "1/3 mercy" banners. These things are not "mercy" banners. Mercy banners guarantee a specific medal after spending a specific amount. This just guarantees a higher rate of maybe getting a specific medal. Could you imagine spending 30,000 jewels to get the mercy only to be greeted with a SN HD Xion? The feeling of having wasted so much for that? No, this is no mercy: it's an insult. Even halving the cost to 15,000 jewels if you buy VIP doesn't make things any better: it just means that you have a second chance to get something you didn't want, except this time you paid actual cash for it. So to anyone who's thinking of pulling on this banner, do so knowing that you may be disappointed with the outcome and with yourself. The avatar coin event is interesting, since you would've thought this would be for event coins. Still, 3500 coins is gets you an extra 3 draw tickets, maybe 4 if you already had at least 500 coins. Speaking of draw tickets, this week's PVP ranking rewards include some. However, this is our first time using 5 Keyblades, so you may not be able to rank as high as you want. Also, watch out for Monster Sora.
  5. So, I guess Roxas and Xion just don't matter. Fine, fine, I see how it is. (Didn't even bother to make a Xion+ medal, really...) Anyway, this event starts easy and then gets incredibly challenging. You should be able to get at least 3000 jewels or so before things start ramping up in difficulty. If you can't beat one of the members, don't try to buy your way into being able to do so. Remember: spending jewels in order to earn jewels is a bad idea. The title you get for beating Xemnas (if you can) is "No One". Not quite the same as "Nobody" but the Namine avatar board already has that one, so... Really, when they said on the anniversary website that the Organization event was coming back, none of us thought they meant "for the last time". I mean, we've missed the Xaldin event, the Roxas and Xion events that should have been, an actual Xion+ medal, and a reprint of the remaining Org. XIII medals (Demyx+ through Xigbar+). You know how many people could've used those jewels, or how many people held off on getting Org.+ medals because they knew there'd be a reprint event? This has just been handled so weirdly (and possibly poorly). It gives the impression of "we don't wanna do this anymore, but you guys keep complaining about it, so fine: have one more event, but then we're taking our ball and going home!"
  6. FINALLY. With this, we've upgraded the last of the pre-Meow Wow medals so far. Despite the appeal, I don't recommend pulling from the Ven, Terra, and Aqua banners. Odds are you can get them in other banners, even from free pulls and draw ticket pulls. Plus, they're starting to get edged out, even with this upgrade. The combined TVA medal is also back, but it can only be obtained with 150 VIP coins, which is the equivalent of 15 pulls on any of the current banners. Darn that Sena, they figured out another way to squeeze money out of us! Roxas got an upgrade, too, and his banner should help you evolve him to a Supernova medal. However, you might want to wait just a bit. Keep in mind that this medal can be evolved this way even when the banner isn't available, so you could hypothetically wait until you get enough copies of the medal to evolve it without spending on this banner. Also, the Sora+Riku banner should be coming in a few days, and I'd say it's a better overall medal. The Vivi boards are interesting. The AB9Max+SP1 skill is the real highlight and is a great fit for some of the newer medals that cost 6 gauges. The other 2 skills, though... AB9+Lux is lame because it's not a max skill. Sleep+ 2 Max is great for PVP, but only if you plan to use a status setup. The higher up you get in rankings, the less effective that kind of setup is (with some exceptions). Nice that you get a +10 Skill Perk from the hat, though. While the last set of Enhancement boards were pretty passable, these ones seem quite a bit better. All of the attack boosts are high level and can still be viable in most situations, and one of the boards has a DB5Max which is essential for PVP. Even Def Boost 6 and Second Chance can be helpful: a lot of the top players have both DB5Max and DB6 in their PVP setups, and many of the recent events have practically required you to have Second Chance just to survive to the 3rd turn. So yeah, no need to ponder too long about getting these boards: if you need the skills and have the jewels, these boards are a solid investment (probably just one or the other, though, depending on how many jewels you have)!
  7. Ugh, I'm late to this one. Let's see... Minnie is an alright medal, basically a magic version of Ienzo. I think she's better than Pascal was, honestly. Keep in mind that she's an overwrite medal, so don't try to buff your defense until after you cast her. As with all returning avatar boards, I recommend not getting them, despite the lowered price. All of the event coin events should be easy enough, with the exception of Shiva and that stupid egg. Since the reward is just event coins, though (and maybe a gem or a title), don't waste jewels on these things. Shiva is basically the same deal as the Titan event recently, barring you from using 0 gauge medals and retaliating in some way after her counter has hit 0. So, you know, good luck and all that. (I couldn't beat Titan and I doubt Shiva'll be any better.) Lastly, the copy medal banner. This one is a bit of a gamble. On the one hand, you'll get 10 copy medals for 3000 jewels. On the other hand, they could all be terrible (think tier 3 Beagle Boys). On the same hand, you're only guaranteed the mercy if you pull once for each of the 5 days the banner is here, so tough luck if you missed a day or 2 already. If you feel like you're good on copy medals, this one's an easy skip.
  8. God, I miss Demyx Time. It's even worse because Parle has disbanded and I don't even know what happened to Jack...
  9. Another banner, another high score challenge. But overall, a bit disappointing. First, the banner. It's designed the same way most recent KH3 banners have been, which is both good and bad. As for the medals, I would say that the standout is Hades. While Guardian Form Sora has a high attack multiplier, he doesn't give any extra buffs/debuffs and his base strength is lower than a lot of the KH3 medals (unlike the recent Key Art 20 which does the same thing but has the highest base strength of any medal so far). Zeus is an upright power version of Monster Sora which means he's great for PVP, or he would be if he wasn't an overwrite medal. Though it may not seem so bad at first, you have to accept the fact that you will always be doing less damage with him because he sets both Power attack and Power defense at +10/-10 instead of +15/-15. He's not bad if you feel you need a defense break medal for PVP, but Monster Sora is still better, so think about whether you actually need a defense break medal. Hades works as a combination attacker and buffer, giving high general, reverse, and magic buffs and debuffs (along with a general strength debuff). He's a great replacement for KH3 Maleficent or Young Xehanort on your Fairy Stars setups, too. Keep in mind that only his reverse buffs/debuffs hit 15 while his general- and magic-based buffs/debuffs only hit 10. While none of these medals are bad to have, Hades stands out as the one with the least drawbacks among the three. As for Pegasus and Rock Titan, they're not all that great. Pegasus works as a great buffer, but only for 3 attacks (the first of which is his own), and his multiplier needs him to be at the beginning of the setup for max damage. If you use Pegasus, be sure to have a buffer medal following him to make up for the temporary buffs/debuffs. Rock Titan may be the most disappointing of the group: the buffs he gives are inconsequential overall, and despite his decent multiplier, he uses up the remainder of your gauges when used. This means he needs to be put at the end of a Keyblade for full effect, or a gauge-restoring medal needs to follow immediately after. I recommend skipping this banner overall, or at least waiting it out a few days to see what else we're getting for our anniversary. Moving on to the high score challenge, we have another "revamped" event, though this time the prize is draw tickets instead of jewels. Unsurprisingly, higher-ranking players get more tickets despite likely needing them much less than lower-ranking players. Additionally, the skills that can be obtained are outdated, such as AB6Max and AB3Max. Only the top 4000 players will get draw tickets, though, so I don't recommend wasting jewels in an attempt to get a higher ranking this time around. Maybe when they start giving us unique HSC medals again, but not now. Just do your best and keep trying until you can't get a higher score. Lastly, the Dual Meow Wow board. Don't buy this. T9 DMW medals are not worth 1000 jewels apiece, especially when you can get them randomly from weekly ticket pulls for placing in PVP rankings. Maybe if this board offered more DMWs for the cost, or lowered the cost to match the number given, but not as it is now. Just ignore it and move along...
  10. Well this VIP is certainly a lot less exciting than last week's. Still, KH3 Minnie is a much better VIP medal than KH3 Pascal. It all but guarantees that you'll survive against strong enemies, which could be especially helpful for the Hades Cup. This is the last week of KH3 Ansem's 7-week run, so we might see a new weekly medal starting next week. I don't think getting VIP is worth it if this guy is the only thing you're aiming for, but he's ok as a bonus for buying VIP. The rest is alright. The avatar parts look cute, though the lollipop is outdated (raid perk means nothing anymore, which means this was available previously in JP). Pet parts are purely cosmetic, and extra resources are nice but nothing out of the ordinary. Anyway, raid week is upon us, so be sure to work with your party and use your boost! This is a great opportunity to level up a bit and get more avatar coins that you can trade for draw tickets. (Sure would be nice if we got jewels as a party ranking reward, though...)
  11. Ah, now here's what we've all been waiting for! The Moogle pull is basically like the draw ticket pull, with the same rates on almost everything. Keep in mind that this means you could get a 5* Huey exp medal, though, so temper your expectations a bit. Regardless, it's free, so that's nice! Also, as stated in the notice and above: DON'T FUSE OR SELL ANY KH3 MOOGLE MEDALS UNTIL AFTER THE CAMPAIGN ENDS. They won't count toward the lottery if you do. This new banner looks nice, but be careful about it. There are already other ways to get these medals, so you shouldn't feel the need to get them through this banner specifically (also, you're guaranteed one of them, so your chances of getting the one you want are even slimmer). As usual, I advise waiting it out just a bit to see what other banners become available. Don't buy these boards. Yes, it's Terra and Aqua, and yes, they cost even less now, but they are very outdated at this point. If you really want the outfits, then go for it. But these skills are baaaaaaad. The daily quest is nice, and free jewels the quiz event is also nice. Guides have been posted online if you want the answers, though there's no real penalty for getting them wrong and trying again. The Sephiroth event is the same one that we got a few months back, so he's just as strong now as he was then. If you couldn't beat him before, odds are you can now; if you could beat him before, he'll be a piece of cake now. Remember that you won't get any previously obtained rewards, so if you beat him before, you'll just get the satisfaction of beating him again. The Hades Cup is back and with it comes the potential to earn 6000 jewels. As with all jewel events, don't spend jewels to beat this thing. That's a net loss since you'll likely spend more jewels trying to beat it than the 6000 jewels you're trying to earn. The Titan is tough, but the rewards it gives are nothing to worry about if you can't beat it. Gotta love those guilt campaigns! Use this month to level up and evolve your medals at a lower cost than usual: great for saving resources and powering up those 7* medals!
  12. This was a pretty good update overall. The new speed up feature is very helpful, and no one should have a problem blazing through all the Proud mode quests now. Pet training is a nice idea, though you're mostly limited to about 4 actually good traits while the rest are either ok, meh, or just plain bad. Try to aim for things like Extra Attack +120%, Str +2000, Raid Damage 100%, and Paralysis Resist 100%. Another thing to remember is that pet training traits count for pet points, so use them on medals that haven't been traited (like if you get a Monster Sora but didn't get any trait medals). If you do plan on spending money on pet training (which isn't advised), remember that the cost to refill starts at 200 jewels then goes to 500, 1000, and 2000, and it resets at the end of the week (so if you spent 200 jewels to refill on Friday and then went to refill again on Monday, the cost would be back down to 200 jewels instead of 500). The other thing to remember is that pulling 5 times from a 10-medal banner opens up the training slot as soon as you make the 5th pull, and the 72-hour window of opportunity starts at that point as well. Also, the 5 pulls don't all have to be from the same banner in order for it to count (for example, you could do 2 pulls on a falling price banner and then 3 on a different, non-mercy banner). If you've been saving your T1 and T2 fairies, then now is when your patience pays off! Get rid of those and exchange them for fairies that you can actually use. Last part, the new Sora+Chip&Dale medal. It's a little better than the Sora+Peter Pan medal from a couple months ago, but remember that its effectiveness will go down after its boosters expire at the end of this month. The event coins have been revamped and work much better now. For best results, you'll want to use an outfit with a high Rare Enemy perk so that the Gift Shadow appears. The best quest to farm is the beginner quest for 5 AP. While the beginner target enemy gives out the least coins, the Gift Shadow will always give 500 coins, which can be increased to 2000 coins with your pet's Steal 3 skill. The Gift Shadow appears in all 3 quests and drops the same amount no matter the difficulty, so it's better to do a quest that doesn't eat so much of your AP.
  13. There's a lot of notices, so I'll try to stick to the main points. First, wait on the new KH3 banner. It's available until the 11th, so there might be a better deal before then. This is global's anniversary month, after all. Second, think carefully about the one-day deal. Do you have a good chance to get something good that you don't have, or would you be better off saving your jewels? The choice is yours, but do recall that deal like this have been around before (the one-day EX deal, for example), so they might come back again. Last thing: don't get these avatar boards or skill boards. The skills just aren't that good, for the most part. The 2 Tangled boards both come with 2 non-max skills, which is already a deal-breaker. The skill boards aren't much better, having ditched the Def Boost Max skills for stronger but non-max versions, and the Atk Boost 7 skills aren't really worth it by themselves (would be better with a gem and avatar parts, in other words). As for the enhancement boards, it's up to you. But do remember that there are already permanent gem boards that are exactly the same and cost the same amount, so consider waiting and getting those later if you haven't already bought them.
  14. I aim to amuse. And I don't think they'll be wrapping up UX anytime soon. They're apparently still making money off of it (otherwise it would've been shut down by now), so I'd say we probably have at least a year left of this game, if not more.
  15. What are you talking about? There's no way they could fit all of it into an hour! How are you supposed to condense the important plot point that is finding Abu?? All jokes aside, people seem to be coming to the conclusion that Missing Ache is Ven's original Keyblade. While it's definitely a possibility, my initial thought was that they just didn't want to insert a single model for Wayward Wind into the game (possibly only for a single cutscene).
  16. One last hurdle before anniversary, so don't be tempted! Stick to the free ticket draws instead!
  17. According to a former member of my party (who still hangs around our Discord), he was able to beat all 3 in 3 turns. However, he's also a whale and had not only exceptionally good medals (Kairi, Xion, Young Xehanort, Sephiroth, etc.), but they all had the appropriate ground or air traits needed for max damage (and possibly extra attack on a few of them). So the answer is yes, but only if you meet the exact requirements. (Which basically means no.)
  18. Well, this is odd: the tweet from the KHUX Twitter page last night said we'd be getting a new medal called SP Dumbo as the VIP medal for this week, but we got KH3 Pascal instead. Wonder if there was some sort of communication error between the dev team and the PR team?
  19. New ranking rewards, but they still suck. Why won't they give us jewels like they do in JP? That would make people so much more invested in raiding, just saying. Gotta remember to get the Power boost ASAP. It might help you with certain content, like the monthly gem quest. (Stupid Blizzard/Fire Lords...) The new KH3 deal is nice seeing as they removed the mirrors and added brooms instead, but I'd recommend passing on this one. Nothing in there is around for a limited time, so passing on it now won't come back to haunt you later. Plus, anniversary is coming up. As for the avatar boards... Honestly, they're not all that appealing. I mean, if you don't have a Def Boost 5 Max yet, then plan on getting 1 or 2 of these boards. Which one you get is up to you. Both have an AB9 skill which isn't a max skill, so you really have to figure out whether you want a slightly weaker attack boost with a lux bonus or if you just want a strong max skill. Oh, and one last thing. The EXP quests are done in 3 sets of 2: 2 for single target medals only, 2 for multi target medals, and 2 for random target medals. For the random quests, just put a bunch of Supernova medals onto your Keyblade and fire away at the enemies. Bonus points if you have a Kairi/Xion to overwrite their buffs and debuffs. (Oh, and you'll want to use your Nova first to remove the Barrier Masters' counters. Then start using Supernovas.)
  20. I have nothing to say about this weak event aside from "Really? EXP medals and 5* Chips/Dales? Come on, this is just insulting."
  21. Ugh, all of this is just... U G H. First of all, this event is lame. People were expecting a "fight old Org. XIII members" event, but it was supposed to be Demyx through Xigbar, and the prizes were supposed to be one copy of their medal and a couple of trait medals, like we got in September. This one provides no such thing, and instead only offers "new titles" as the reward. Don't toy with us like that! We've come too far for just titles (and a mirror and a broom, ooh) to be the prize. And if that wasn't bad enough, these rematches have been super-buffed to the point that you can't do more than 1 damage unless you have a Supernova+ medal with a ground -60 trait. Honestly, just enjoy the banner artwork and ignore this event until it's gone. Like, don't even bother trying: you'll just waste your time. Moving on to slightly less depressing topics: Roxas+. This medal isn't good. Like, it's better than Xigbar+ (which isn't saying much), but it's nothing to chase after. Even the medal animation is reused, which is a first for these Org. XIII+ medals. If you must have the medal, though, go for the 5000 jewel avatar board. It's a better bargain, especially for such a lackluster medal. The medal artwork is nice, at least. Oh, and if any of you are wondering what happened to the monthly "beat this Organization member" set of quests? They're gone. There's no Data Roxas to fight, no Roxas+ trait medals to get, and most importantly, no jewels. So sorry if you were expecting 5000 jewels to help you pull a certain medal, but it looks like you're just out of luck. (You're in good company, though: we all expected a chance at 5000 jewels today and we were all disappointed.)
  22. It's raid week, yaaaaaaaay. At least there's 300 jewels, so that's something. Anyway, don't forget to take advantage of the FFRK raid event that has been extended to 12pm PST. It's 0 AP until it ends and gets replaced with the raid week boss, so you know, do stuff, I guess. Something to remember about the Kairi and Xion deal: your mercy will be either Kairi OR Xion. This isn't like other banners where you know what you're getting on the mercy pull. So if you go in looking for a Xion and get a Kairi instead, it just means you had bad luck. For the time being, I'd recommend waiting on the enhancement boards. They both have decent skills, yes, but they're also a little outdated (juuuuuuuust a little). There might be a better board coming soon. Not to mention the fact that these are here until the end of the month, so you have plenty of time to decide. Oh, and remember to get the speed booster this week. Definitely helpful for current and upcoming events.
  23. The preemptive strike doesn't actually use up a turn, since you haven't been able to do anything. It's only if they were to kill you in the middle of your turn that it would waste a turn. You should be ok to take the hit, have your pet revive you, and take them out afterward. If you did it that way and completed the quest without getting the 1-turn victory objective, it's possible that you missed an enemy somewhere. (Alternatively, it's a glitch and you'd need to put in a support ticket to have it fixed.)
  24. Ah, didn't realize that's what you meant. From what I've seen, it looks like the union leaders and the Dandelions had all been moved to the data world so that they didn't have to be part of the Keyblade War. Ephemer and Skuld came back to grab the player character, and then they must have gone back (or stayed there) to the Graveyard to meet up with the others. It was probably something Ava told them to do, like "the five of you will meet up at this place after everything is done and figure out what to do from there." There are some gaps in the story, so it seems we're left to fill them in ourselves.
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