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Everything posted by hawk222

  1. The enhancement boards are back, and this time there's a Second Chance skill. Great for if you need to 3-turn a certain quest... The Sleep+ II Max skill isn't quite as useful, though. As usual, Board A is better for a variety of things while Board B is primarily a gauge reduction skill board. KH3 Terra and KH3 Ven are essentially the same as KH3 Aqua but for power/speed. They're not exactly required, but they'll definitely help you if you have them. Your best bet right now would be to go for Ven as events are currently Speed-themed (and events are what give jewels, not PVP). Still, you'll have to deal with the 3-in-1 "mercy" system again unless you pay for VIP. Zeus and Xehanort aren't too bad, especially since they got upgraded, but it feels bad to get them instead of Terra. Meanwhile, Axel/Lea and GF Sora also got upgraded, but Axel/Lea is definitely more appealing to get compared to GF Sora (and Ven is even better still). As usual, keep an eye on your jewels and consider what may be coming in the future. You'll need at least 20k jewels to get to the mercy point (without getting lucky beforehand), so try to remember that as you make your decision. Don't bother with the reprint boards: they're just not worth it. The high score challenge follows the same pattern as previous challenges and offers up a lot of gems as a reward. In other words, you shouldn't feel too pressured to rank high in this one either. An interesting feature is that this one has gotten rid of the 3 branching paths in lieu of a single, Magic-based path (which means your Speed medals will be the MVPs). Remember how I said Ven is your best bet? This is a prime example of why. The July challenge is looking like it might be a monthly installment, though probably without Draw Tickets each time (they seem to be a semi-monthly occurrence). The important part is the jewels, and this one is pretty nice about it. Instead of stringing you along with 50, 50, 100, 100, all the way up until you get to 500, 1000, 2000, etc., this one gives you jewels at a reasonable pace. 500, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, which all adds up to 5000 (as advertised). Now if you can't get all the way, you feel better about it since you've been receiving a reasonable sum of jewels as you progress. The final quest is a bit of a challenge (there's a Barrier Master, joy), but remember not to waste jewels just to get jewels. It's ok to call it quits if you don't have the right setup.
  2. Man, they really want people to buy VIP. 100 magic gems, dang... I appreciate that these draw ticket events are switching up the enemies. Back during the anniversary (I think), the daily quest for a ticket was always the same, being to kill the Adventurer. This is a nice change of pace. The Supernova deal wasn't necessary, but I still took advantage of it anyway. No new medals, but at least I didn't get a T8 medal (I got another Roxas). Can't complain about that. The 7-Star deal, on the other hand, is an easy skip. You should have plenty of 7* medals to use for your subslots without needing this banner to help. You're not even guaranteed a Supernova medal until 10 pulls in. Hard pass. Lastly, the beach event/Sleeping Lion event. It's pretty easy overall. The watermelons don't have much going for them, which basically just makes them floating damage sponges. The new boosters should power up your medals enough to take them out quickly.
  3. Whoo! Next story update will get us a new Keyblade! Now we play the waiting game... As far as I can tell, the biggest thing HD Axel and Casual Roxas have going for them is their strength. Their abilities are so-so. As usual, I don't recommend pulling if you're just looking to get traits. Getting through Proud mode used to be a bit of a hassle, but now it's been streamlined to make for a much easier time. Setting everything to x3 and using the Optimize feature should let you easily clear most levels. Even if you can't manage all of the objectives, the point is to just complete the level. Plus, you get a lot of jewels along the way, so there's an additional bonus! The Toy Sora boards look great, and the skills are pretty nice, too. The AB8Max+Lux++ skill is definitely a good skill for raiding while the AB9Max skills are great for most everything else. The Heartless Mission gives up to 10 Draw Tickets in total, though you'll be facing lv. 5000 enemies by the time you hit quest 10. Since we've been getting so many Draw Tickets lately, it shouldn't be too much of a setback if you can't get all 10 from this event. (Same with the gems, though to a lesser extent, considering they're not giving us 100 gems yet.)
  4. It's been busy for a couple of days, but I finally have some time to reply to this. Right, so we've got another KH3 Aqua VIP week. 30 of each gem is pretty appealing, so getting VIP this week would be better than many other weeks have been. It's not a "you must do it" situation, but it's still pretty good. (Also, it's the "first" time ABXMax is showing up, if you don't count the ones we've gotten from previous Coliseum rewards.) Raid week is in full swing, which means there's an extra 300 jewels in it for anyone who can clear the first board. Also, draw tickets for the top 1000 players in each union is nice (10 for top 100, 5 for the rest). Coliseum quests this month feature Power enemies and it's recommended to use the upgraded single-attribute keyblades to get further. The reward this month is ABXMax+SP2; definitely a helpful skill to have. The Supernova banner is pretty appealing. It's a falling price deal with a 3-pull mercy, though the mercy medal could be any Supernova+ medal (even the T8 ones like Sephiroth and Key Art 19). If you're trying for a high-power medal, be prepared for the possibility of getting a "lesser" medal. Also, keep an eye on how many pulls you're doing, as each one counts toward activating a second pet training slot (for 3 days). Even the free first pull counts. The Hades Cup is full of Magic enemies which means you'll want to prioritize Speed medals. That being said, there is currently a strategy that can be used to easily take out Hades on quest 15. You'll need a way to debuff the enemy (or yourself) to -15 defense (something like KH3 Kairi A or Pirate Sora), Anti-Aqua (can be a shared medal), and a medal with Second Chance. If you don't use a medal to debuff yourself, then you'll need to use the T3 CoM Namine medal instead (it'll copy the enemy's debuffed defense onto you). Also, it's important to not have any Def Boost skills at all. If your setup has been done properly, Hades will kill you on turns 1 and 2, then receive reflected damage (thanks to Anti-Aqua) which will kill him. You can get 7 Draw Tickets if you beat all of the enemies in the quest, which includes the Angry Adventurer from the last time we got this quest. He should be much easier to defeat with the new medals we now have, but remember that you have a week to do so (a few days as of writing this, but still), so keep trying!
  5. This Xion doesn't seem terribly worthwhile. I mean, she's good if you have her, but overall she's pretty lackluster. Not recommended to pull from this banner, save your jewels. The Juggler/Dancer boards were great for their time but are very much not at this point. Definitely a pass. The Keyblade challenge is basically a 3-Keyblade series of quests focusing on the speed Keyblades (like most events this month). Get your best setups on Lady Luck, Sleeping Lion, and Missing Ache and try your best.
  6. Ugh, there's so much happening and so much to discuss... Couldn't even get to it all in a timely manner. This month is going to be elemental attribute-themed, apparently. PVE is going to be power-themed which means you'll need strong magic medals (power medals also work well). The skill is worth trying for, too. Event quests are speed-themed which means you'll be fighting magic enemies. This goes for both the Metal & Steel event as well as the monthly gem quests. Metal & Steel seems to have you fighting Hammer Frame enemies at increasing difficulties. The later rewards are gems, though, so try your best to beat these. All of your single-attribute Keyblades will be stronger this month, so maybe throw them a gem or two. (Not too many, though, since some of them require a lot as you get closer to +35) VIP is doing a weekly medal campaign again. This time it's a double whammy: you can get a SN+ KH3 Aqua each week, and buying VIP (aka the "Jewel Box+") each week will net you a DB6Max skill. This may be the first time a medal has ever been introduced at SN+, which is interesting. The rest of it, though... KH3 Aqua is a pretty decent medal. It's essentially an upgraded SN HD Aqua, but this time it also gives magic STR buffs. This is different than general attack buffs and can really help in higher-level PVE matches. However, it comes with no traits. You actually have to spend 1500 jewels on an Aqua trait banner just to be able to fill out the 5 trait slots (without rerolling). This could be costly, considering that traits are unforgiving and could easily stick you with 5 DEF +2000 traits. Definitely give this some thought before dropping a bunch of jewels. DB6Max is not recommended to chase. If you already buy VIP weekly as it is, then congrats on being financially secure and enjoy your "free" skill. Otherwise, it's better to wait until the skill is available outside of VIP. Realistically, this is just early access to a skill that will only serve to benefit high-ranking PVP players. If you're not one of those players and have no desire to be, don't bother with this "deal". As was to be expected after the announcement of a new Kairi, we also have a new Xion. She's just the reverse version of Kairi, so she'll be better suited for you if you favor reverse medals. The banner leaves much to be desired, though. Both VIP and F2P have to pay 30,000 jewels to mercy the medal, but F2P also has one of those infamous 1-in-4 "mercies" which means your efforts may end up being in vain. Don't spend on this banner. Either of them, really. VIP players may have the funds to mercy Xion, but I'm not sure the boost she provides is worth the 30k jewels required. Finally, the boards. The new enhancement boards bring good skills for an acceptable price. Board A is a bit more appealing than board B, but it all comes down to what you need. Remember, these boards have been coming at a consistent pace, so skip them for now if you don't need anything they have to offer. Gem boards are largely unnecessary for most players, especially with how frequently we're getting gems from events. Again, whether you get these boards will be up to you as a player. Finally, new jewel and VIP coin trait boards have been added. At a glance, the most appealing jewel boards will likely be Lea (Axel) and Monster Sora, maybe Zeus also. For VIP coin boards, it's definitely Anti-Aqua, Boy in White and Boy in Black. With all of these boards (namely the jewel boards), remember: don't chase traits. If the traits you have will work well enough, stick with them. Better to have ok traits and save your jewels than to waste jewels and get HP +800.
  7. Stacking trait medals is a great improvement! I freed up 50 storage spaces just from combining mine. Raid bosses have also been streamlined, which is greatly appreciated. If you're having trouble seeing some of your medals, it's likely because tier levels have been removed from 5-star and lower medals. If you want to locate them, you can't filter your medal list by tier level. Just as a heads up. (Odds are they'll be fixing it soon, but who knows with this game.) If you're not able to get the 100 draw tickets, it seems like there will be more throughout July, so no need to worry. That being said, none of the new medals introduced in the meantime will be available from that banner (if past banners are any indication). Keep that in mind if you're thinking "oh, I'll just try to get it in the ticket pulls" or something like that. Speaking of new medals, KH3 Kairi B. For once, she's not a game-breaking buffer that everyone needs. The big draw this time around is the +500 STR/DEF and the +5000 STR (from her Supernova). These boosts can be stacked, so extra attack traits and copy medals can definitely increase the effectiveness of this medal. One downside is that this one doesn't provide as many buffs as KH3 Kairi A and also doesn't do any debuffing (aside from the one-time Supernova activation). As for the banner, it's not great. Both VIP and F2P are subject to a 10-pull mercy, though VIP players get a guaranteed Kairi B while F2P players have a 1-in-4 chance of getting her. Neither is a falling price deal, so you're shelling out 30,000 jewels either way. My recommendation is to pass on this banner, though it's not terrible if you already have VIP for this week (or planned to buy it next week). The Lux challenge is just a simple event, no strings attached for the most part. The prizes are pretty lackluster, so hopefully we'll be getting something a little more interesting in July.
  8. Well how about that. For once, the reprinted boards aren't totally outdated! Granted, the new Buzz and Jessie boards are much better. I definitely recommend picking up at least one of them (you can't choose a hairstyle if you use Buzz's head-thing, though). The attribute challenge is half-easy and half-hard. The first "round" for each attribute should be manageable within the 3 turn limit, but the second round is where you'll start to have some trouble. Take your best setups but don't be too upset if you can't beat every quest. The Stitch quests are pretty easy: just beat each group of enemies in one turn. This one requires no real strategy, so I'll provide none. And the time trial challenge is, well, a time trial challenge. Annoying for the most part, but shouldn't be too challenging overall. (I haven't had the chance to check out the later quests, though.) As for the banners, they're all passes. Kairi and Xion are being reprinted in an attempt to get players to spend their jewels, but the popular theory is that we'll be getting their replacements soon. If you have literally no buffer medals (which shouldn't be possible at this point in the game), it wouldn't hurt to go for one or the other. Pirate Sora, on the other hand, is a mixed bag. On the one hand, it's a return to the 3-in-1 mercy banners that everyone loves loathes with VIP players getting a cheaper mercy. The medal itself, though... That's where things get interesting. This thing is practically the definition of a glass cannon. You'll get pretty much one use out of it which will completely debuff your defense and drain most if not all of your gauges. But that one hit that you get is going to be among the most powerful in the game, especially when it has the June booster backing it up. If you ever plan to use it, you'll have to have some way of restoring your gauges (and your defense, assuming you're fighting non-player enemies). Pretty much the only slot it works on is the pet slot (or your friend medal if friend medals are allowed). Overall, while this medal has great potential, I recommend skipping this banner. It'll be added to the pool of medals after the banner ends, so not getting it now isn't a terrible thing.
  9. Wow, 3000 apology jewels! I'm impressed. I had to check to make sure it wasn't a typo and supposed to be 300. Anyway, the new banners. Key Art 20 shouldn't be needed as much anymore, despite still being a solid medal. This banner seems like a skip, what with it only being active for a few days. Demyx is the real standout medal here. He's our third Supernova copy medal, his banner is falling price, and it comes with a 5-pull mercy. However, there should be at least one other new medal coming soon, and this banner may be meant to get players to spend all their jewels before then (so that they're forced to buy jewels if they want to pull). My advice is to wait to see what the next medal looks like. If it's worth your jewels, take a pass on Demyx's banner. If it's not great, Demyx wouldn't be a bad medal to have.
  10. Two banners and both of them are kind of iffy. Saix is powerful, but he also has the downside of eating all your remaining gauges when you use him. No need for an SP skill, but he definitely requires some careful planning. The other thing to note is that the 250%/300% guilt bonus from his supernova only applies to 2 attacks, the first of which is the supernova itself (don't ask me why it works like that). The banner may be a falling price deal and a guaranteed mercy, but even so, I plan to pass on this one. As for the Axel/Lea banner, it's not a bad deal. Copy medals have a lot of staying power, and we currently only have 2 that can be upgraded to Supernova+. That being said, this is not a falling price banner which means you'll be spending at most 15,000 jewels to get an Axel. Be cautious of whether you have the means to drop that kind of money on this medal. The upright/reverse challenge basically means you'll have to equip all upright or all reverse medals (depending on the quest). This is a must since the objectives are the "complete all at once" type. The difficulty of this challenge depends on whether you have the right amount of upright or reverse medals to kill the enemies. As the prizes are just the usual Chip/Dale/event coin rewards, not completing this event shouldn't be too bad. Finally, the high score challenge. Once again, we're playing for gems, with Chips, Dales, skills, and event coins being the extra rewards. It's a great way to get some gems, but there will always be gems available which means getting a lower ranking isn't too big of a blow. The skills are nothing to write home about either, especially since they cap at Atk Boost 4 Max. Honestly, whatever happened to getting special medals from these events? They feel lacking these days.
  11. The new keyblade challenge is set up better than others. The "easy" quests give you event coins while the "hard" quests give you gems. While I do appreciate that the rewards are not "you'll never be able to get this again" rewards, it does make me feel bad if I can't complete them (considering I've been playing since launch). The new chasm challenge can apparently be turtled, though it sounds like you have to have the right amount of defense buffs, HP, and you need to be able to deal enough damage to beat out the enemy's healing each turn. We're now starting to see a bit of a difference in quality between the enhancement boards. Board A is definitely the standout this time around as it has higher-level attack skills. While AB7 and AB8 skills aren't bad, more power seems to be the name of the game these days. Still, don't buy the skill boards unless you actually need a skill from one of them. Ill. Terra is yet another defense break medal which makes him good for PVP, but his multiplier is a bit lower than the others due to being an AOE medal. If you have enough Terras to evolve him from T4 to T9 then you definitely should, but I'd caution anyone wanting to get the board. It's a little pricey. It may come with 12 trait medals and cost less than a falling-price mercy, but there's no guarantee that you'll get good traits from those trait medals. Finally, story quests! If I'm remembering correctly, this starts the beginning of 1000 jewel rewards for completing story quests. Previously it would be 250 jewels every few quests, then it changed to being 750 jewels per set of 5 quests (for the more recently released quests). I appreciate more jewels, but I'd really like to catch up on the story a bit faster than we are.
  12. Another VIP week. Ill. Ventus is an alright medal, but it's up to you whether you want to drop some cash just to get one for yourself. Yet another raid week in which they still won't tell us what the item does until we get it the following week. Remind us why we're trying so hard to rank high, ok? If you've been playing long enough to remember the Organization B medals, Xigbar should look familiar as his ability is nearly the same. Unfortunately, "always does super-effective damage" doesn't really help much for PVP. This banner seems like one that should be skipped since he'll be added to the pool. And of course, paid boosters. As if that went well the last time they tried to pull this nonsense. ? Regardless of whether you think this'll give you an advantage that you desperately need, remember that these only last for the remainder of the month. Better to spend your jewels on something that'll stick around and retain its usefulness after the month ends.
  13. This banner is a bit iffy. On the one hand, there's no real need to pull on it. On the other hand, it has a better deal than the F2P Roxas banner, so keep that in mind if you were waffling between the two. Nice aspects: falling price, 3-pull mercy, guaranteed T9 medal, good rates for 7* medals. Also, as a nice bonus, the mercy counter doesn't reset if you pull a T9 medal early (if you get KH3 Vanitas on your 2nd pull, for example, the counter will still say "mercy in 1 pull"). Not-so-nice aspects: still not a guaranteed specific medal (so your mercy may be a medal you already have), falling price deals can lead to unintentional spending. If you have the 7000 jewels need for a mercy and really want to pull, this one shouldn't leave you with too much in the way of buyer's remorse. The one-turn challenge is so easy, I won't bother saying anything else about it. The Donald event is ok. It's a short series of time attack quests with the final quest giving one 7* KH3 Donald medal. These can't be farmed, so don't waste your AP after finishing the quests. The medal itself is sort of meh at this point, but it's free regardless. Finally, I'll repeat my usual advice regarding reprint boards: don't buy them. That's all.
  14. Please. Just... a little bit of Animal Crossing news. Please? It's been so long...
  15. The Ill. Aqua A that comes in this week's VIP already comes at Supernova+, so you don't need to worry about having enough materials for her. A little different, but not unwelcome for those buying VIP this week. The KH3 Roxas deal is... weird. The VIP banner is obviously the one to go for, as the developers have made it very clear that you will suffer otherwise. This time they really drive it home, though: the VIP banner guarantees Roxas in 10 pulls (not 5 like other VIP banners) but the regular banner only guarantees a Supernova+ medal at 10 pulls (think things like Monster Sora, Marluxia, Sephiroth, etc.). This seems like a nasty thing to do if you ask me. For that reason, I recommend not pulling on this banner if you don't buy VIP. It'll more than likely be a waste of your jewels. If you do get VIP, though, Roxas is a pretty good medal. He doesn't give much in the way of buffs or debuffs, but he does give you the power reflect status and he can break through Def Boost skills. Definitely a nice medal to have. Don't get VIP just for the second free pull. Please, not just for that. The Ribbitoad event is relatively easy while the Eliminator event is challenging. Either way, your potential rewards aren't anything to stress over, so just do what you can and quit when you hit a wall. Sora+Stitch is the newest addition to the monthly event coin medals, and as such it'll basically be useless once June is over (since the booster will disappear). Still, the prospect of 2000 free jewels is appealing. Remember: put on as many Rare Enemy perk clothes as you can and just spam the 5 AP quest. You'll be able to run through it a lot and increase your chances of finding a Gift Shadow, hopefully netting you around 2000 coins! It's become clear now that gem boards are going to be a consistent thing, so I really do recommend passing on these unless you're in dire need of them (though why you would be is beyond me). The skill boards are alright, but nothing to really chase. And like the gem boards, these are looking pretty consistent. You might consider waiting to see what skills come next. Finally, the real attraction: the trait boards. These things are lifesavers, but remember to buy them in moderation. Remember that you only need traits for certain medals (the ones you know you'll use) and you don't need all the trait medals available to buy (since you can buy up to 5 of each trait board). In the end, it's chasing traits, which isn't advised, so keep your wits about you and keep an eye on your jewel count.
  16. Once again, we get the bare minimum for story quests. Meanwhile, Japan is having their first round of PVP using the new Keyblade while we get Fenrir again. Interestingly enough, evolving this Aqua adds a def break ability to the medal, though this one has the lowest chance of that happening at 10% (compared to 30% for Monster Sora and Zeus). Worth the VIP next week? Hmm, I'm not sure. My instinct is to say no, but I'm also an F2P player who wouldn't be buying anyway.
  17. Smart move. The VIP this week is more of the same old, same old. Ill. Goofy isn't exactly a bad medal, though it's probably not worth it if it's the only thing you're getting VIP for. Atk Boost 8 Max + Paralysis is a bit of a niche skill. It's mainly meant for PVP, and it's only really worthwhile if you want to go for a status strategy. Like Goofy, not advisable if it's the only thing you want from this. As for the banner, I recommend skipping this one. Most people only want Monster Sora anyway, and these 3-in-1 "mercies" aren't worth chasing. You're better off spending jewels on something like the Angelic Amber banner (and even then, you might wanna wait on that one).
  18. To be fair, STR traits are still worthwhile, but only the +1000 and +2000 traits. Anything lower than that (which comes from pet training) is worthless. It's a good idea to mix the ground/aerial def traits with STR traits, as well as Extra Attack traits (and raid traits if you plan to use the medal for raiding). DEF traits are the least useful, with HP traits being a close second.
  19. I'm a bit late, but what's new? VIP is VIP and raiding is raiding, nothing new there. Should be noted, however, that the raid boss lasts from 5/20 through 5/31, not 5/26. (I just noticed this myself.) Oh, and Union Cross is Union Cross. 1 week only this time. Regardless of your situation, I advise against pulling on the Meow Wow banner. While you'll get a T9 Meow Wow and all 7-star medals, the overall value isn't worth it. You'll probably get a bunch of T3 7-star medals instead of the T9 medals you actually want, and you can get T9 Meow Wows pretty easily via weekly platinum tickets. Last but not least, don't get the avatar boards. They look pretty, but they're worthless at this point.
  20. Well, the events right now have prizes that aren't extremely necessary, so don't beat yourself up too much if you can't complete them. The expert level stuff usually requires extremely good medals with very specific traits. If you don't have ground def -60, for example, you won't do much against a lv. 5000 enemy. The reason for that is because your strength has to overpower their defense, and the only ways to do that are to have a high strength stat (primarily from your supernova medals), use all available buffs/debuffs (atk up for you, def down for them), and have either ground/air def -60 (depending on which type you're facing). If you're able to hit all of those points, it's hard to say why you wouldn't be completing the events. As for setup advice, you'll usually want to use Starlight, Stroke of Midnight, or Fairy Stars (make sure they're at or around lv. 35). Your buffer goes in the first slot, preferably something like SN KH3 Kairi or SN Xion. After that you'll want to follow up with damage-dealing medals that make up for any buffs/debuffs you haven't already covered (for example, the 2 I mentioned only do +12 PSM atk). You don't have to match your buffer medal to the slot multiplier (you don't have to put a power medal in a power slot, in other words), but you want to try and make sure all of your damage-dealing medals do match the keyblade slots. Your most powerful medal should go in your pet slot as that is the highest multiplier on any keyblade you use. Oh, and make sure you have a high subslot value (using those 7-star medals you mentioned).
  21. A decathlon sounds interesting, but it remains to be seen how well it's handled. Why they couldn't give both VIP and F2P a free pull on this banner is a mystery. Regardless, this medal looks alright. It's basically like a speed version of Key Art #20, but with hits that don't affect counters and a "next medal is speed" ability. That being said, I don't know if this one is one to chase after. For one, there are other medals in the game that do the same thing, so it's not exactly unique in that regard (unlike Monster Sora or Anti-Aqua). The other thing is that we've returned to non-falling price deals but are still doing these 1-of-3 "mercies". The trait medal boards are a gamble. Sure, they're cheap-ish and come with Chip+Dales and a skill, but it's an AB7 skill, and you could just as easily end up with 3 HP traits. Think about whether you want to take that risk. The Scrooge boards are basically the same as last time, so go for what you need if you need it. Don't buy the Meow Wow board. They can't keep selling these to us for this many jewels thinking it's an ok thing to do.
  22. It's raid week again. Joy... The weekly goal of 555 raid bosses should be easy since it's a raid week and the boss summon quest costs 5 AP (0 AP during bonus hours). VIP is kind of meh this week, though Cloud is pretty good once you get him evolved to tier 9. Even so, he's in the medal pool, so it's not necessary to get him here. The attribute challenge is definitely not meant for most players. I recommend beating the lv. 3000 enemies (if you can) and just skipping the other enemies. When even players who pay for the game are having trouble beating an event, you know the developers have messed up. The high score challenge now splits into 2 paths: one for ground enemies and one for air enemies. Great for if you've got more air than ground (or vice versa). The rewards are gems, with higher-ranking players getting more (even though they really don't need it what with how much they spend...). Your best bet is to try to get as far as you can with what you have and not worry too much about the rankings. The Sulley and Boo boards are cute, though they're more aimed at raiding and probably don't appeal as much to people who don't raid. Still, the skills they offer aren't bad and would be worthwhile if you decide to buy them. Side note: don't get the reprint boards. They're bad (I honestly don't even remember when we got them the first time). Last part is the new banners. If you already have a few 7-star Soras or Rikus, then you might consider getting the remaining medals via pulls. However, the two medals aren't 100% necessary, and you should really only go for them if you need an AOE upright power or speed medal. Other things to keep in mind are that these banners aren't falling price (like the Youth in White/Youth in Black banner) and a better banner could be announced in a few days. You might want to wait until the banners are on their way out to see what else is available before pulling.
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