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Everything posted by hawk222

  1. Well, the previous update had only talked about a Japanese update, so I'm wondering where that is. The connecting factor being "updates". Also, I figured more people would be talking about this update, therefore I'd be more likely to get some kind of response than by trying to find an older post to ask about the Japanese update.
  2. What was the news about Japan's updates, though? Weren't they supposed to be getting a new Keyblade, a new medal, new missions, etc.?
  3. I forgot to ask for more jewels. I asked for more hairstyles (including options for females since they don't get things like Sora hair), gender-neutral costumes, more face types to choose from, Brooms medals, TWEWY character medals, Tangled character medals, Big Hero 6 character medals, more beginner-friendly events like the 1 AP event, fewer 50 AP missions, Brooms medals, and I made note of the fact that older phones don't run the game as well (though it seems there's not much they can do about that). And maybe some other things, but I already submitted it and can't quite remember everything I put.
  4. Is this medal even worth it, though? I mean, you're trading in 3 medals for one, so... Not to mention that you're losing your Speed and Magic-attributed medals.
  5. My issue is not being able to turn off caps lock. I don't want to shout into the group chat, you know.
  6. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-82E6iBwap2o/UPKe4qpv5NI/AAAAAAAAF9A/cyY3w3CAGOI/w1200-h630-p-nu/darth-vader-no.jpg
  7. Things I'd like to see from the remasters: Just take Crash out of Skylanders. Please, please don't subject him to that. I mean, look what happened to Spyro! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!
  8. See, I originally thought they were saying that all EU players would get the medal, and I was feeling left out. Then I read it again and realized my mistake. I'm really grateful, because I was legitimately jealous of the Japanese players getting that beautiful medal!
  9. Ok, now I'm jealous. That thing looks beautiful, and Japanese players get it just for logging in? Man, that must be nice...
  10. Seriously? Man, feels like we don't have anything here yet. (In comparison to the Japanese version, anyway.)
  11. Can't you also use the Brooms medal to add orbs/Guilt? Even though they're usually harder to come by (I think?).
  12. I know it's always a matter of Japan being the country of origin and all that, but it'd be nice if we got some more medal bonuses like this in the US (and presumably Europe, too).
  13. How long does it take for AP to refill? Like, an individual AP point ("ability point point"). And does the wait time increase as you get more AP, or is it consistent throughout the game?
  14. 27. When you swear you swiped but your character does a single attack on a random target instead 28. When the app crashes after you try to start a level/level up medals/check the avatar boards because your phone is too old and apprently susceptible to that kind of thing (thanks a lot, Square/Samsung) 29. When you have to wait to spend avatar coins on costume pieces because you need to focus on getting the AP and cost bonuses first
  15. This lovely young lady: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/watamote/images/a/a6/Tomoko_cute.png/revision/latest?cb=20130814094020
  16. This just goes to show that Raine is better than you.
  17. I thought it might be Zolomon's father, but there's at least two things wrong with my theory. First of all, why would he react to the name "Jay Garrick"? Second, why would Zoom say "you wouldn't believe me if I told you" if it was just his father? Like, how is that not believable?
  18. Guh, I don't think I have enough room for Miitomo, Pokemon GO, and this...
  19. Huh, I thought he was gonna kiss her at the end.
  20. Well, since mine was taken, maybe Tokyo Ghoul (uncensored version)? Or that Shimoneta one where the girl is wearing panties on her head?
  21. I used to cosplay as Luxord, but I've put that cosplay on hiatus for a few cons. It was fun at first, but it eventually got a little boring, partially because everyone probably saw me as some random guy who wanted to wear an Org. XIII coat (since my hair is blonde, I just have to get it cut the right way to look like him). Probably would have helped if I'd had some cards. Maybe he'll get a new look in the future and I'll give that outfit a shot.
  22. Yuri Lowell. Seems like no one ever talks about that guy or even shows him any love. It's a real shame, guys.
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