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Everything posted by Krizkee

  1. lol chinese food. I tasted their rice before. Nasty. I'm glad you're getting better : )
  2. Kso, there are 40 kids in your glass? Gee-willykers. Anywhoo, I'm assuming groups of 13-14? And the girls had to basically split in half? And you and your friend already had the group set up how you wanted, but the group of girls from the other group came up and "stole" some of your team/class mates? Because she hated your friend. That's bitchy. Well, why don't you try "stealing" them back? That's the most sensitive option. You could punch her in the face, but i'm only saying that 'cause i'm not in your shoes. You could tell the teacher, but that'd be tattling. .... Or you could ignore her and move on with your life, pity the group of girls for being shallow and shrivel-hearted and look forward to the day you'll see them rot away in boxes on the back of Walmart or something. And maybe my math is a little rusty, but wouldn't that make your teams uneven, compared to the other? Thus some classmates would be forced to join your group again? /confused /ishorribleathelping
  5. .............. FFFFFFFGHAHAHAGHAHAHAGAHAHAA. KAY SO, YOU WIN THE UNIVERSE. *files for chicken insurance*
  6. GAHAHAGAHAGHAGAAHAHAHA, You made my day, sir. *tips hat*
  7. BECAUSE IT WANTED TO GET TO THE OTHER SID- Oh, wrong question. Um, the egg came first because.... i'm hungry and I want an egg and that's what came first into mind
  9. I'm not fangirl nor fanboy. I'm just a fan BD
  10. i lost you after "parents REALLY love DeathNote." Does not compute
  11. I have Obsessive Compulsive Axel Disorder :^D AND IM LOVING EVERY SECOND BBY
  12. I own only one volume of the KH manga, lol sob. But from scans and stuff, he makes SO many more funny expressions in the manga, so, I think he's more serious in the game 8D Which is kinda a shame, he's just too adorable in the manga
  13. I think, for this particular pic, it's just a symbolic thing 8) When you see the Org. members, you can usually see below their necks, and their always wearing tight leather pants 8D So, you know they're not wearing anything underneath. It's be difficult to wear so much clothes, anyways. but that's such a cool thing to think of 8D *spends next 30 seconds imagining clothes for Org. members*
  14. WOOOOOOO BD /feels cool. i shoulder raped you today, lolololololol.
  15. the heck R1 and X WHAT IS THAT e_______e I thought it was WOooRLLD GeOOOgRAPPHYY. I don't know why I just did that BD O LOL ALL I HEARD WAS AXEL. I HATE U<3
  16. LOLOLOL SHAT THA FAK UP. It's not my fault I have bad eye to thumb to T.V. to Sora coordination. I BLAME YOOOURRR CUUTTEE DOOGS FOR DISTRACTING ME. I don't get how you can memorize all those dang colorful buttons. Then there's shapes. I'm failing geometry too wtf is a circle D8< HEY I DIED 50,000,000,001 TIMES BUB. BELIEVE IT. AND ANOTHER THI- Did you say Axel 8D ?
  17. Ma KH experience 8D Jeni: Heyalexhaveyouheardaboutthisreallycoolgamecalledkingdomheartsomgyoushouldtotallyplayitlikerightnowokaygotomyhousetomorrowandi'llshowyouwhati'mtalkingaboutyou'llloveitokaythxbye. *bell rings* Alex: Wha.... Jeni's House: "WRONG WRONG WRONG WHY ARE YOU BACKWARDS NO YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO RECOVER AGH. HERE LET ME DO IT." .... And that's my KH experience. The End 8D
  18. lol, I haven't played KH nearly long enough to memorize the combos and sort :'^D The few times I have, though...... I press all the buttons simultaneously while my thought process is somewhere along the lines of 'oshitoshitoshitoshit.' Jen is usually somewhere is the backround offering soothing instructions. "PRESS TRIANGLE YOU EFFIN' MORON!!" :'^D
  19. Sora, my friends, is a hero :^D And everyone knows hero's = good guys. Good guys x bad guys = Video game. Video game = Adventure. Adventure + Time = Level ups. Level ups + Good guy = Sora. Sora x Bad guys = conlcusion. conclusion = happy ending. ..... wtf did I just do. Okay, what I meant to say is I don't think Sora's like the Incredible Hulk or Jesus, or anything. He's the protagonist and thus entitled to be like a-frikin-mazing :^D
  20. Last Movie....... Angels and Demons. It was off the chizzain :^D
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