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About Krizkee
- Birthday 07/22/1995
This Thanksgiving I will be stuffing my face until only a bottle of Pepto Bismol will be able to bring me back into the world of the living 8D. Hoo-rah! Also, my cousins will probably be coming over to join in the festivities and steal my freakin' food I MEAN-- Yeah, steal my food 8( 3 THE WAR OVER WHO GETS THE LAST BISCUIT IS ONNNN D8<< Happy ALMOST YOU GUYS OMG COUNTDOWN Thankgiving y'all!
Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early lighhhhht-- /shot. I was always under the impression that everyone hated Americans 'cause we're fat and lazy and we stick our noses were they're not welcomed lol. We always try to be the peace makers, but it's hypocritical of us because we're quick to load our guns at the first sign of a threat. America has it's faults, I just think we don't hide them as well as other countries, or at least, we don't want/try to. But yeah, I agree that about 99.9% of Americans are ... poor at prioritizing, I guess? We're oblivious to what's happening elsewhere in the world. And we jump too quickly into things we don't fully understand. I remember me and Jen once had a substitute from Britain and he... was so offending, lol . He kept going on about how our illusion of living and achieving the 'American Dream' was all utter crap yadayadayada. Still, I'm very grateful to live here, even if the majority of us are idiots. It IS the land of the free, and all that jazz. C'mon, can't blame me for having a smidgen of patriotism . I'm still tailing it out of here when I turn eighteen, though. United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland here I come, baby 8D !!!
Aww, thank you so much ;w; <33 You guys are so kind to me, i don't deserve it lolollo OTL. Yes, Nirvana ftw, haha >8D ! And I admit, a short-haired Namine would be too cute! Thank you again <33!!
To each his own, I suppose ( :
AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. Woooo, that simultaneously made my day while taking about 3 years off my life. Kudos, man.
Nopenope, not embarrassed one bit. I'm actually blown away by the amount of people that know what kh is at my school and LIKE it. It's a small world, go figure C:
Duuuuude, if Sora died, I'd buy myself an array of pickaxes or something, go down to Squeenix, and bust a cap in someone's ass. ...... Okay, now a teensy wheensey piece of me wants him to die just so I can buy a pickaxe
Woahhh, congrats! That's more than I'll ever have, haha ( :
UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-- BUT IT WASN'T DONE YET WAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :'''''''''''''''''''''''V I'm just happy you like it durrr v''''': <3 /head swells to twice its normal size waaaaat :''''v now everyone can go read your amazing fanfic and you can become a famous writer and i can bum off you and live on your couch woot :v !! <3
D'AW SHUCKS I KNOW BUT I STILL LOVE HEARING IT AHAHAHA. NOW STOP IT 'CAUSE YOUR GONNA MAKE MY HEAD BIG. Yey ;u; ? Good thing I didn't go to church with you eh v': eh :'v /mourns the loss of homework time :'v Lol duh i'm gonna spoil you SO GET USED TO IT--- what the. Is that a foaming pikachu in your sig. What is this i don't even--
Wahhhh, thank you ;u; <3 Haha, I draw/color with OpenCanvas, but it's so outdated (version 1.1 fail 8'D). But still I'm very happy you liked it ;u; <3
http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/254/namixas33.png lol i wonder why that shameless link is there durrrrrr :'v CLICKEET Anyways, I tried a little more with this one hee. They're like tweens in this picture and Roxas is trying to taint Namine's pure soul with his COOTIESSSSS AND NAMINE'S LIKE "LOLWUT" AND--- I'm gonna stop now v:> I hope you like it jen derp :'v
Awwwww, thanks you guys so muchhhhhh I'm just happy you all like it <3333
To be honest, I don't like relationships in KH that much, either... But I support every pairing out there, 'cause who am I to tell you that you shouldn't like them? Pairings I like, but don't really go out of my way to support are Sora&Namine and Roxas&Xion. I really, really, really like them C: Ooh, also Riku&Kairi. Axel is my favorite character, but I can't really see him in a relationship LOL. I see Namine and Roxas as friends, but not couple-wise. I can see them better as siblings DONT KILLLL MEEEEEEEEE.