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Everything posted by trixie

  1. ohh lmao(: i aint that girly myself..
  2. lmao you put yor pic "not a guy" >.< the only reason i thought you where a guy was cuz the pic?
  3. Lol i thought Chronic Tumor was a woman too and also thouth oblivion was a man.. i didnt know till SoraKing3 said it
  4. you know youve thouht some members were the sex they werent. i thought [ventus] was a guy. sora96 a girl. cellar door a guy. lmao what about yu?? no offense to anyone! (: totally not edited by your big sis Ohh no it was justin bieber
  5. 1)May 28 2)Riku & Sora. loll they aint gay 3)Kairi & Sora. 4)music from pooh place 5)kh 2 intro song.
  6. JUSTIN 8DDDD I like it His hair is like... perfect o.o lmao he looks like a hillbilly with the bg oll chin
  7. loll nobody said i couldnt draw justin bieber
  8. i was gonna post mine but i saw Hinako_U she out beat mine
  9. freakin hater!! haha doritos still taste good
  10. Yepp agreed nacho cheese FTW.
  11. nacho cheese ones best oness 8D
  12. who agrees with me that Doritos are effin amazing Disscus!
  13. hey hope you have a great time her hehe
  14. i like the 3rd one and the 5th one ;D
  15. Why that is hot. 8D Mine is some random background Chronic Tumor gave me. lol thats hott too(;
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