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  1. Nobody wants the obvious. (That Roxas left because got pissed for the Organization not answering his questions) And in the end, all characters are plot devices (To some degree)
  2. Liked the game. Didn't find it tedious or repetitive because I don't play for very long, just one or two missions before turning it off.
  3. Because it would be weird to mention someone he doesn't even know about? Roxas sure acted this way when he learned of Sora.
  4. I don't think Roxas did get Ventus' heart. It was damaged badly and HAD to merge with another heart. Rather, Ventus' heart affected Roxas' appearance and he taps in into Ventus heart for emotion and memories.(Which was why Vexen mentioned Sora of his "Other side of his heart" in CoM)
  5. Random Person stabbing kid: SHOCK! HORROR! Xehanort stabbing kid: Expected of him. He still a bloody bastard though.
  6. None of the games are filler games. Hell, even days is becoming more important with KG3D
  7. Namine broke of Sora's body when Kairi's heart left Sora's body as he was turning into a heartless. Xion is a replica of Roxas given Sora's memories. The most prominent ones being of Kairi, she assumed a female appearance
  8. Oh god... Okay, one becomes a keyblade wielder when... A.Touches a keyblade B. Fuffills the requirement of a keyblade master (eg.Strong heart) Sora obtained the Kingdom Key because he was the second strongest heart present when his world was swallowed by darkness. It was originally meant to go to Riku, but his heart was clouded by the darkness. Nothing to do with Ven's heart
  9. I never said the MF is Xemnas. What I am saying is that MF is that "other voice" and is helping Xehanort.
  10. [image: 60px-Ruination.PNG] Looks nothing like MF's weapons. They look like Clock Hands instead. Particularly the bottom one.Anyway, I have an idea who this guy is. Here below is scene in KH2FM about Xigbar and Zexion discussing the Chamber of Repose: Xigbar mentions that he heard another voice besides Xemnas' in the Chamber of Repose. It can't be Master Xehanort as his heart was expelled when he turned into a heartless. It has to be someone else. Also, the KH re:Coded secret ending: Yen Sid expresses the concern that Xehanort is not alone. Now, the "other voice" has some significance in relation to MF. How the hell did Xemnas know about the Chamber of Waking and that Ventus was inside? Its possible that this "other voice" has told Xemnas about it. Also, it just so happens that the Mysterious Figure appears in the Land of Departure, which eventually becomes Castle Oblivion, where the Chamber of Waking is...
  11. [image: 60px-Ruination.PNG] Looks nothing like MF's weapons. They look like Clock Hands instead. Particularly the bottom one.Anyway, I have an idea who this guy is. Here below is scene in KH2FM about Xigbar and Zexion discussing the Chamber of Repose: Xigbar mentions that he heard another voice besides Xemnas' in the Chamber of Repose. It can't be Master Xehanort as his heart was expelled when he turned into a heartless. It has to be someone else. Also, the KH re:Coded secret ending: Yen Sid expresses the concern that Xehanort is not alone. Now, the "other voice" has some significance in relation to MF. How the hell did Xemnas know about the Chamber of Waking and that Ventus was inside? Its possible that this "other voice" has told Xemnas about it. Also, it just so happens that the Mysterious Figure appears in the Land of Departure, which eventually becomes Castle Oblivion, where the Chamber of Waking is...
  12. Probably, Roxas stores and access' his memories from a part of Sora's heart which Sora cannot access.
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