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Everything posted by Ven

  1. i've actually thought of it once too haha he should show us how he puts his mask/helmet on
  2. ventus for having wingblade which always reminds me of roxas =D
  3. Ven


    It's too late for that.
  4. so funny that dickhead deserved to die anyways hahaha
  5. Ven


    There already is a thread to this but I support spamming so I'll tell you I'm 20. hahaha
  6. twtnw, twilight town, hollow bastion...yes, in that order
  7. "Marluxia (Kingdom Hearts ReCom)" - That's a joke, isn't it? He's one of the easiest bosses over all. Especially if you only mean the first 'mode', but the music on the other hand....Oh well, never mind. I've chosen Terra's lingering sentiment. I won't take Vanitas's sentiment into consideration before I've fought him; how stupid can people be, judging a boss only by seeing a video??
  8. Ven

    My photoshops

    don't just select "outer glow" only because it seems to be good-looking watch some font-tutorials do NOT use that stupid logo for signatures- official logos never look good on art
  9. http://myanimelist.net/animelist/P4ine needs to get updated though
  10. 1. Put only japanese voice cast into the game, they're MUCH better and they'd spare EU/US fans much time of waiting 2. A Final Fantasy world. ONE AT LEAST FOR GOD'S SAKE. The rest is perfect and should stay the way it is.
  11. Doesn't it make you feel kinda awkward to tell others it's your birthday? It's all like "LOOK AT ME EVERYONE, I WAS BORN TODAY A FEW YEARS AGO", so...overly self-oriented. Congratulations anyway.
  12. Don't if the comeout is the same or similar at least.
  13. lightning and aqua but especially lightning
  14. Why would you do this? It's not even a good video, or to state it precisely: It's boring. KHII FM's secret ending on the other hand...
  15. How dare you to say something against One-winged Angel?
  16. The idea is great, also does the b/w motif fit very well to the signature's conception. Only thing I'd change is the speed, kinda fast for my likes.
  17. .. Just thought I'd tell you as there are so many "I'm going to leave for a day so please everyone give me some attention"-threads which -in my opinion, that is- are as important as this thread is.
  18. Why look what's -or rather who's- broken the into the news again. I'm seriously starting to hate Nintendo.
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