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Everything posted by Ven

  1. as Nomura stated before Ven has connection with Sora and Roxas and since Xion was build from Sora leaked memories her appearance depending on who is viewing her Xigbar as his somebody Braig had meet Ven so i think that's why he see Xion as Ven Yeah, I know, but this still seems to simple to me.. Nomura has something more profound in mind! @ Heartless 666, it's isn't clear what they are, yet. But they MUST have some kind of connection to nowadays KH (COM/KH2) and BBS. Why else would Xemnas refer to Aqua's armor (which lies in the Chamber of Repose) as a friend? http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Chambers_of_Repose_and_Waking That's all that's known.
  2. That's what I thought first, too, but I've changed my mind. Nomura stated that this is only some kind of character leveling system, similar to the sphere grid in FFX. He said when he had been a child he totally was into board games, that's why he did this. Though I have only a little proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDo3ynxdSYE This video shows a free world map, doesn't it? So I think it's going to be like this and the PS2 titles respectively. I mean, c'mon, even Days featured a (nearly) completely free world map.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blo7f5cKU9o DISCUSS PLZZ.
  4. why, to get the game halfway spoiled by seeing the scenes but not understanding what they say? no thanks, i'm gonna wait for a us release
  5. woahhh i think it's the keyblade master exam they are in, maybe that's why they fight i have no words to describe my astonishment
  6. Hmmm, let me share my thoughts with you guys. Remember the conversation between Xemnas and Roxas in Kingdom Hearts II? Let's just assume for a moment that 'him' he had been to isn't Sora but Ven, sleeping in the Chamber of Waking. I cannot explain it exactly, but I think the connection between them lies there. If you look at this conversation by considering BBS it appears to make a very other sense. These however are plain assumptions which I've no essential proofs for.
  7. that in fact would be neat; i want to beat them with reflega combos, but they don't seem to give a poop and attack me anyways
  8. Xemnas p1: beaten, not that hard Xemnas p2: i wasn't even able to reach him, so.. KINDA HARD HUH Xigbar: nearly beat him!! not super hard Xaldin: i had no chance Vexen: same as xaldin Lexaeus: umm let's say i beat half of his hp and so is the difficulty Zexion: i plainly hate this battle you know.. so no, not beaten him yet Saix: never actually tried hard Axel: due to the floor's infireness.. hard, never beat him Demyx: same as vexxen Luxord: see zexion Marluxia: the one i get along with best! still not beaten him yet Larxene: woah.. see demyx Roxas: though you could also see larxene, I've fought this battle tons of times, because i'm so in love with the music.. but it's insanely hard so i've beaten none lol (on normal by the way.. never been a good player)
  9. .. And I was all like "?????wat".
  10. Oh, my mistake. Probably Neverland as Hook's ship is visible on the scan. ;D
  11. I could be mistaken, but isn't it the Olympus Coliseum? and to your second post, I so agree with you too Midgar would be awesome, Lunatic Pandora, Terra (From FF9), Narshe (FF6), God, pleaaase SE =(
  12. late summer till early autumn in my opinion
  13. I hope S-E including them on the "next generation" KH, and having disney just in cameos (like if the roles are switched) mhh then on the other hand I'd be missing the disney characters they should find some right balance.. another point is that the ff characters get too much disneyed, sorta hope they change this in the next kh
  14. AWESOME :D:D: But it doesn't look like there'll be a very own FF world (which is something what I've hoped for since KHI ).. Why don't they include Midgar or some other world?
  15. shitty rapidshare hmm does this link work? http://ul.to/q5bfm9
  16. first ahead: this is no video, audio only good evening guys (sorry but currently i'm being too lazy to look up the american time ;p) since i've watched the new Kingdom Hearts' trailer, i'm totally into the song that plays in the trailer so in the last days i've tried to arrange a little part of the song; but i'm not satisfied with what it sounds like, some notes seem wrong to me and finale notepad sounds kinda bad overall. do you guys know some better tools to arrange songs with? i've asked and looked everywhere, but noone could ever recommend me a good tool =/ anyway, here's what i got, go ahead and tell me what you think.. if it sounds right or wrong, and if you actually think that finale notepad sounds allright.. any criticism is appreciated =) Downloooad greetings
  17. what a fast and yet warming greeting nice to meet you guys, thank you
  18. ..I knew I had an account here ;D So hello folks, as you can see by my name and the fact I registered here quite a month ago, you could assumably guess that I'm totally crazy about Kingdom Hearts. But there's a further reason for me being here: Improving on my english by communicating in a english forum which features one of the most adorable things probably existing, Kingdom Hearts =D umm I'm 18 years old, live in Kassel/Hesse/Germany/Europe/Planet Earth/Milky Way and I'm Spanish by my father's and Turkish by my mother's side. I'm currently doing my A-Levels and i tinker about the idea to become a teacher later, though I can't say for sure which subjects I would teach. Hobbies.. yes, guess I there are some.. I love to play the piano (though I absolutely suck at it because I'm self-taught and I only have a sh*tty electrical piano), mostly Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy/Nintendo and Classical (Beethoven, Chopin, and so on) Music, I like exploring foreign countries and their cultures, I also try to educate myself by reading some books once in a while (though I should be reading more), art, Japan, playing video games.. things like these. Some people say it's possible to have 'exalted' dialogues with me, while on the other hand some say that I was still a child, not being capable of taking anything serious.. I dunno, tried to include everything but not too much, guess the best thing would be if you judged yourselves whether I'm a good guy or a bad guy greetings again, Sergio
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