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Shadow The Keyblade Master

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Everything posted by Shadow The Keyblade Master

  1. I got the game on launch day...even though I pre-ordered the Mark of Mastery Collection(along with my day) for now I have to settle for the regular edition. I finished the game today August 6th on Proud Mode, a whole week of beating the game. I really enjoyed The World Ends With You cast in this game and would like to see a world for them in future games, I like and hate the Dream Eaters. While their a fun mechanic,we should have had the Birth By Sleep Command/Ability System. I enjoyed the twists in this game all except Yen Sid only declaring Riku Keyblade Master when he promised both our Heroes that title especially him admitting his mistake falling into Xehanort's trap and what he tells not only Sora and Riku but to Donald, Goofy and Mickey throughout the story. This is a very challenging game in the entire Kingdom Hearts game even if it is slightly unbalanced. Sorry for a quick edit in my () section I meant "along with my dad" not day..I can't edit my comment on the wall here I got the game on launch day...even though I pre-ordered the Mark of Mastery Collection(along with my dad) for now I have to settle for the regular edition. I finished the game today August 6th on Proud Mode, a whole week of beating the game. I really enjoyed The World Ends With You cast in this game and would like to see a world for them in future games, I like and hate the Dream Eaters. While their a fun mechanic,we should have had the Birth By Sleep Command/Ability System. I enjoyed the twists in this game all except Yen Sid only declaring Riku Keyblade Master when he promised both our Heroes that title especially him admitting his mistake falling into Xehanort's trap and what he tells not only Sora and Riku but to Donald, Goofy and Mickey throughout the story. This is a very challenging game in the entire Kingdom Hearts game even if it is slightly unbalanced.
  2. Who here wants to punch Yen Sid in the Face or out right Kill the Guy? He Promised to Both Sora and Riku if they passed their assignment(WHICH THEY DID) Both Sora and Riku become Keyblade Masters...The Liar only gave Riku the Title and made Sora suffer Terra's fate because of Xehanort's presence... HELLO YEN SID Riku was outright being manipulated and controlled by Xehanort(Ansem Seeker of Darkness) FROM THE BEGINING OF THE FIRST GAME! You mean to tell me his small redemption's of doing the right thing to regain the use of the Keyblade,saving the World ONCE(twice counting this game) only so he could get rid of the darkness within him. BULL CRAP! Sure Sora got a little cocky during the test, HE DESERVED TO BE COCKY HECK HE'S A TEENAGER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD and not disciplined like Terra,Aqua and Ven were. , Sora saved the world FOUR FREAKING TIMES...FOUR! And just because of One screw up that was NOT EVEN HIS FAULT You say only Riku is a Keyblade Master? Well Screw You Yen Sid, I hope Xehanort kills you... Sorry...Angry Rant Over I just call Bull Crap on that.
  3. It might be real....but something looks pretty off but I can't place what exactly. Atleast Selphie looks like Selphie in KH,if this is Lightning it barely looks like her
  4. In a Weekly Famitsu Magazine Nomura has given a possibility a huge spoiler, The Box Art Theme which he states is "Darkness becomes Light, as Light falls into Darkness" hinting the possibility Sora becomes Evil http://kotaku.com/5893491/final-fantasy-versus-xiii-oh-sorry-heres-kingdom-hearts-3d
  5. I'll skip on this and just get the game itself, this is really not cool Square but I guess we should have expected this...it could be worse I suppose.
  6. Their all ready working on English LocalizationO_O....that was faster then I expected
  7. I can still see the Trailer,either theirs some weird Copyright Glitch or Square is attacking themselves???? But who the hell am I kidding,THAT WAS BEYOND EPIC!
  8. Well Holy Crap, My mind has been FREAKING BLOWN! AXEL IS BACK,Vanitas Namine! JUST WOW
  9. I find it odd their's all ready another possible 3DS Model in the works,for god sakes it took a couple of months and or years for nintendo to make the "Light model"DS and a pretty short time for the XL Models as well..I find it pretty insane their making so many 3DS Models in a year, the initial black and blue 3DS,the red the purple and then the recently announced Ice White and now possibly a Leaf Green(which does use the title name of Pokemon Leaf Green)..ok I've ranted on that long enough I can see this to be true, Square did release alot of the games in the summer whether it's Japan or America so I can see this legit.
  10. I'm satisfied for now,but the one thing that did kill my mood was a FFX HD remake but other then that...I'm fine
  11. I know I don't post here a lot(I'm pretty busy) but I'd like to say that these are good theories. You also got to take into consideration the battle Sora had with Terra in Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix,depending when Sora fought him(canonically) Sora could have released Terra's heart before the fight with Xemnas,this would also explain why Terra knew Sora's name when he met Ven again at the restored Land of Departure.
  12. -sighs- That is why I even brought that up in my first post to keep it simple you need to really pay attention to the various trailers, the Secret Ending Trailer to Birth By Sleep in KH2FM and a lot of the dialog in 358/2 Days heck did you even read my topic at all and just post what you said. The Dots were made for us to connect them with the various hints in KH2FM the BBS trailers and 358/2 Days, I assume the Entire Organization Somebodies will be in this game due to "3" Members revealed. Face the facts their in front of us unlike the Riku=Axel theories Terra=Xemnas is true due to Master Xehanort and his apprentice of the Riku lookalike in Armor,Apprentice Vanitus...my goodness people really need to read then to just say what they will to these types of threads.
  13. After the possible millions of theories of Terra being Xemnas and that it is indeed true thanks to the latest Tokyo Game Show Trailer for the game of Vanitas speaking to Ven about Terra's exsistince is dissapering I have to say this, I did not become a fan of the theory until 358/2 Days how Xemnas was so secretive about why he wanted Kingdom Hearts and that many members questioned it it had got me thinking I had begun connecting the dots my own ...in truth I believe Master Xehanort helped create the first Nobodies. With the replication program which is revealed in the secret diary in 358/2 days Vexen tells us a little more along Xemnas in story, I believe Xemnas wanted Kingdom Hearts to restore his best friend Ventus this is why he wanted to befriend Sora and try to destroy Roxas. He made Xion so she can absorb Roxas to become Ventus,why I say this is how it was revealed to each person she looks differently to others which was why Ventus made his second cameo appearance the way he did..Plus for some odd reason thaks to roxas memories as we saw Xion began doing attacks Ventus used which that even delves into more questions for another time. If you think about the sora timeline Xemnas had plotted to recreate history,He used the same fate he had with darkness and used it with Riku however Riku escaped his fate with help of Ansem The Wise while Terra well we will learn how he submits to darkness. My final thoughts are while alot of people how I saw made fun of Terra=Xemnas like how people did theories Axel=Riku it makes it funny how the fans who make theories can be right while the deniers are left to "Oh my god how was I wrong" type feel or thinking, The creator had hinted who Xemnas was at the very begining of KH2FM many were too blind to see it,perhaps when Sora fought Terra maybe Xemnas became Terra again, it makes obvious sense if you put it that way so if that were true the Organization members well obviously except Xion and Roxas are all alive again as their Somebodies. Anyway I'm ending my post now so I don't get into ranting too much.
  14. -_- Weird I can't even delete my own post so I have to edit, I thought it was the Riku Replica in the Journal but after seeing an admin post fully I'm like me and my crazy ideas-_- I wonder how the Journal itself take the form of Riku like that.
  15. Too Be honest my first thought on Kingdom Hearts was stupid Final Fantasy Characters paired with Disney Characters I thought it was The...wait scratch that its a World in the first game-sigh- anyway I couldn't fully play th Kingom Hearts games till I was out of high school in 2007 I got my PS2 as a Grad gift and lol I'm very bad at keeping money and save it I always spend it I woulda had a PS2 at the year 2003 lol. Anyway here are my experience thus far. Chain of Memories(Original) I wanted to get this when I was slowly becoming a fan of the series and got this in 2004 Christmas Day I was really good in the Card System and understood it immediately and I became a fan of the series sense then, Funny Becoming a fan of the series in the middle of the Sora/Roxas Time Line. Kingdom Hearts 2 I got this near the ending of Summer of 2007 I beat it in two weaks or so the only thing that bugs me with this title was their was so much freakin cutscenes and less gameplay I rarely play this game only if I decide to do a KH Marathon. Yea I don't like KH2 THAT MUCH Kingdom Hearts 1 Again I got to play this during near the end of the summer or during the middle I can't remember which was which lol, I first played this at a friends house nearby mine, we play the Yu-Gi-Oh card game and my mentor in Guitar Hero. -_-It probably took me 2 or 3 hours to get those god forsaken fish at Destiny Islands, but after that I had gotten the game myself on the weakend of that same weak I enjoy it but-_-I so hate the Riku/Xehanorts Heartless Battle the Solo One that takes me forever sometimes. Re Chain of Memories This is the game I have been dying to get one of the Final Mix games finnaly other then Japan Exclusive I got this the weekend it came out on Gamestop I even got the Pre Order Items without even pre ordering it-_- Unless My dad had pre ordered it but I did enjoy it in the end even better then the original game and much easier to play then the GBA. 358/2 Days This game will hold a special place in my heart and memories. I got this on my 21 Birthday on October 7th I swear-_-Just like Zack's Death and Aerith's Death the whole thing with Xion and Roxas without giving out too much spoils even after watching the cutscenes thanks to DChiuch with the walkthroughs-_-When they were on youtube I swear even watching them I still started to burst a tear when I was playin it myself oh the irony. oh well I am sure we will I will like Birth By Sleep but I like Days better then them all so far its one of the games that has most of the gameplay and you learn a lot of the organization members personalities a lot more,
  16. Despite her Coldness I really like Larxene of the Organization she's just so awesome. but sense their is only four to chose-_- I have to say in this thread Namine over her use of Sora's memories she could hae made him a complete master of the Keyblade in KH2
  17. I joined the site awhile ago and made two comments about the Youtube Channel of this site getting Suspended but anywho I'm making my introduction here and thought to say hi.
  18. Copyright my-sighs before swearing- The Copyright talk with playing a game is bull and you know it, when playing a game and capturing it while showing cutscenes IS NOT COPYRIGHT why else would Square Enix even put a Cutscene Theater in the game after completing it, the same with the Battle Recorder In Dissidia Final Fantasy yet on youtube scenes with the game are getting pulled and those accounts with even just one Copyright Strike is "Suspended-_-I can't believe a User here would even partially agree with a suspension for copyright
  19. I registered to announce this as well but this thread was beat me-_- I am really hating youtube its like one copyright strike now and you get suspended and this looks like a deliberate attack but I hope you guys will announce your new channel I want to know where it is on youtube if it is their, yesterday(October 15th 2009) was my first visit here, god youtube is really getting on my nerves I hope youtube gets some kind of disciplinary action against them.
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